Taoist world

Chapter 83: Four years of dormancy

Seeing Zangfeng, everyone naturally understood who Bao Yuanqiang was talking about—Jiang Yun!

The battle between Jiang Yun and Zheng Yuan that day shocked everyone who witnessed it. Tongmai fought against Blessed Land, and in the end almost killed Blessed Land. With such strength, if you come to Wufeng, it is indeed very exciting. .

"It's just that after that battle, until now, Jiang Yun has not shown up for more than half a year. He must be attacking the blessed land realm. I'm afraid he won't leave seclusion at this time to conquer the five peaks, right?"

"What's more, since he became famous in one battle, he should have been accepted as a disciple by some peak master, elder, or even the sect master. Why would he need to go to the five peaks?"

Everyone was talking, but Bao Yuanqiang's face became even more disdainful, and he curled his lips and said: "Oh, you are said to be ignorant and ignorant, but you still don't want to admit it! Who told you that he is already at the ninth level of Tongmai? Who told you that he was attacking the blessed land realm?"

"He said it himself! Moreover, he defeated Senior Brother Zheng Yuan. Even if he wasn't at the ninth level of Tongmai, he wouldn't be able to do it!"

Bao Yuanqiang stretched out his hand and pointed at the people who spoke one by one and said: "You know what everyone else says! Do you believe what I say from my own mouth? Then I also said that my blessed land is in the ninth level, do you believe it or not? What evidence has he produced? As for defeating Senior Brother Zheng Yuan, hum, there is also an inside story in this."

Everyone's curiosity was immediately aroused, and they all asked: "What's the inside story?"

Bao Yuanqiang deliberately lowered his voice and said: "According to Master Xiao, Jiang Yun must have swallowed some extremely powerful elixir that day, which put the spiritual energy in his body in a terrifying state, so he was able to He exerted his divine power, but it also caused great damage to his body. The reason why he didn't appear for so long is most likely because he was recovering from his injuries."

Upon hearing the three words "Master Xiao", all the disciples immediately stood in awe, because Master Xiao is the only second-grade alchemist in Taoist Sect!

Naturally, this also increased the credibility of the inside story revealed by Bao Yuanqiang. Although they dared to doubt Bao Yuanqiang, they absolutely did not dare to question Master Xiao.

"I see. How could someone go from being a mortal to the ninth level of Tongmai in just ten months? It turns out they took pills!"

"I also heard from a senior brother that Jiang Yun was in a bit strange condition that day. So that's what happened!"

"I still regard him as a role model, but I didn't expect him to be a big liar!"

"Hmph, then I'm really looking forward to him coming to the Five Peaks. Let's take a good look at his true strength!"

For a moment, these disciples all turned their attention to Zangfeng, with disdain on their faces.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Bao Yuanqiang couldn't help but sympathize with Jiang Yun a little in his heart, and said to himself: "Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, don't blame me. Fang Ruolin asked me to say these words. Who asked you to provoke her?" Woolen cloth!"

It turns out that after the battle between Jiang Yun and Zheng Yun, Jiang Yun's fame skyrocketed, and he even had the tendency to become as famous as Fang Yuxuan.

Fang Yuxuan was still in the Sword Cave, so naturally he wouldn't know about these things, but his sister Fang Ruolin couldn't sit still. No matter what, she couldn't tolerate a boy who had humiliated her before becoming so powerful, so she made up this Some words were spread through Bao Yuanqiang's mouth so that everyone could continue to suppress and exclude Jiang Yun.

Obviously, it is not difficult to see from the reactions of these disciples that her goal was achieved!

And looking at Zangfeng at this moment, in addition to these disciples, there is also Dao Tianyou!

No one knows that the reason why the Five Summits were opened in advance this time is actually because Dao Tianyou could wait for Jiang Yun to come out of seclusion and open it again for him!

"I don't know what Jiang Yun's situation is now, but at least there should be no accident! What the hell is Gu Bu Lao's plan? He actually restricted me outside the Hidden Peak! You wait, this time I I will do what I say, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely ask for a new protector!"

Just as Dao Tianyou complained, a sword light suddenly shot up from the Sword Dao Peak and appeared in the air, revealing two figures.

One of them is Wei Zhengyang, and the other is a young man with an arrogant look.

Seeing the young man, many old disciples immediately exclaimed: "It's actually Senior Brother Wang Jian, he, he is still in the sect!"

Bao Yuanqiang smiled as he expected: "Wang Jian is one of the two veteran outer disciples I mentioned. He has been dormant for four years and is going to make a big splash today!"

At this time, no one doubted Bao Yuanqiang's words.

Wang Jian's name is not unfamiliar to them, and the reason why he is famous is because as early as four years ago, he was spotted by Wei Zhengyang and wanted to accept him as a disciple and become Fang Yuxuan's junior brother. However, But he rejected it personally.

The reason is that like Fang Yuxuan, he wants to become Wei Zhengyang's disciple after breaking through Sword Dao Peak!

But since then, Wang Jian has disappeared, and he has not even appeared in the four consecutive peaks. Everyone thought that he was either sent out by the sect to perform tasks, or that he had left the sect, but they never expected that , four years later, he would appear again with Wei Zhengyang!

Dao Tianyou also moved his eyes from Zangfeng to Wang Jian, frowned slightly, shook his head gently and said, "Wei Zhengyang, how many disciples are you going to harm?"

Above the sky, Wei Zhengyang nodded to Wang Jian with a smile on his face and said: "After today, you should be my disciple, go!"

Wang Jian bowed to Wei Zhengyang, and before he could straighten up, a blue thunder sword energy suddenly flew out of his body, condensed into a sword shining with thunder, and carried him down from the air, landing on the ground. At the forefront of all the disciples under the Sword Dao Peak who are preparing to conquer the peak.

"Oh my god, I actually cultivated Thunder Sword Qi!"

"Thunder Sword Qi is extremely difficult to cultivate, but once you succeed, its power is far beyond that of the same level."

Whether it was Wei Zhengyang's attitude towards Wang Jian or the thunderbolt that Wang Jian had just revealed, it immediately ignited everyone's emotions, and Wei Zhengyang also suppressed the smile on his face and said loudly: "Please, the Sky-Destroying Sword! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Zhengyang stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air towards the Sword Dao Peak.


The peak-to-top Kendo Peak actually trembled under Wei Zhengyang's grasp, making a huge roaring sound, and then, a hundred-foot-long illusory golden sword shadow slowly emerged from the belly of the Kendo Peak. It rose up and suspended in the air.

This sword, like the soul of Sword Dao Peak, was captured by Wei Zhengyang.

Although there was no sword light or sword energy surrounding it, or even just a shadow of a sword, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath when looking at it.

Especially the many disciples who practiced swordsmanship, their faces and eyes showed even more fanatical expressions.

This sword is called Zhantian!

It got its name because it really cut the sky.

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Just think about it, holding such a sword and cutting the sky with one sword, how domineering and majestic it must be!


Wei Zhengyang roared again, and the hundred-foot-long sky-cutting sword shadow immediately fell from the sky, and during the process of falling, its size increased crazily, until it changed from a hundred feet to ten thousand feet, and it was inserted diagonally on the sword peak. Down.

With the hilt down, the sword body is like a golden avenue, piercing the sky diagonally. No matter how hard you look, you can't see the tip of the sword.

Strictly speaking, the length of this sword is nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet!

The first nine thousand feet, each thousand feet is 10% of the sword body, and the last 999 feet is the last 10% of the sword body.

After walking through all the sword blades, you have successfully passed through the Kendo Peak.

"All Chuangfeng disciples step on the hilt of the sword immediately!"

Following Wei Zhengyang's order, Wang Jian was the first to step onto the hilt of the sword, and nearly two hundred other disciples followed hurriedly.

As all the disciples stepped on the hilt of the sword, Wei Zhengyang smiled slightly and said: "I don't need to explain the rules. Within three hours, no matter what method you use, try your best to pass through the sword of the Sky-Destroying Sword. If you can complete the journey, I will accept him as a disciple. Now, the journey to the peak begins!"


A crisp sword cry sounded, and all the disciples on the sword hilt immediately burst out with their own strength and ran towards the sword body of the Tianzhan Sword.

At the same time, a loud noise suddenly came from the waterfall in Zangfeng, but it was not the sound of swords, but thunder!

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