Taoist world

Chapter 82 The Five Peaks Open

Four months have passed since Jiang Yun disappeared, and on this day, the bell in the Taoist Sect rang again, summoning all the disciples of the sect. The sect leader Dao Tianyou appeared in person and announced an announcement that made everyone extremely excited. news.

Two months later, the journey to the Five Peaks begins!

Breaking into the Five Peaks is a shortcut for all the servants and outer disciples to become the inner disciples. However, as a magic weapon of each peak, even if it is used once by the peak master, it requires a large amount of spiritual energy, so it can only be activated once a year.


Calculating the time, it has been less than a year since the last time the expedition to the Five Peaks was launched, but now that it has been launched ahead of schedule, many disciples are naturally overjoyed.

You must know that although it is extremely difficult to conquer the Five Peaks, it is also an extremely rare opportunity for the disciples to gain experience. Because the five magic weapons each contain the skills that the Five Peaks are good at, so even if you fail, you can still learn more in the process. Or gain some spiritual insights.

Many disciples were able to improve their realm in a short period of time after returning from failure. Some even some ninth-level Tongmai disciples with high understanding were able to get a blessing in disguise and leap into the blessed realm!

In this way, naturally every disciple wants to conquer the five peaks. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the magic weapon is, there is an upper limit on the number of people it can accommodate. For this reason, the sect has set a rule that only disciples above the sixth level of Tongmai can participate.

This not only gives the handyman disciples a chance to participate, but also ensures that the number of people who enter the five peaks each time is roughly fixed at around a thousand. On average, each peak only has more than 200 people.

Although a thousand people sounds like a lot, compared to the tens of thousands of disciples in the entire Taoist sect, it is obviously too many monks and not enough. Therefore, in order to get the chance to conquer the Five Peaks, the disciples naturally need to practice hard. Reach the sixth level of Tongmai as soon as possible.

This can also be regarded as a way of motivating the disciples.

Therefore, after learning the news, almost all Taoist disciples put aside other trivial matters and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to cultivation. Especially those disciples at the fourth and fifth levels of Tongmai, they did so at all costs. , hoping to reach the sixth level in these two months, and thereby obtain the qualifications to enter the fifth peak.

Time passed, and two months passed quickly.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the Taoist Sect, the loud bell rang, and a large number of disciples began to rush towards the main peak, Sword Dao Peak.

Going to the Five Peaks does not mean that five peaks are opened at the same time, but one is opened a day for five days. Because the Taoist Sect recommends Kendo first, the first peak to be opened every time must be the main peak Kendo Peak.

When the bell stopped ringing, an extremely large number of disciples had gathered at the foot of Sword Dao Peak. It could be said that except for the disciples who had missions, everyone basically put down what they were doing and rushed over to witness this grand event.

The many disciples were clearly divided into two parts. Although the number of people standing in front was small, about two hundred, their eyes were burning, and they all exuded a strong aura. They were naturally the disciples who had entered the peak this time, and The large crowd behind them was just watching the fun.

Not all Chuangfeng disciples are outer disciples or handyman disciples of Sword Dao Peak. Many of them are from the other four peaks. The reason why they are here is naturally because they practice Sword Dao.

Even dozens of inner disciples from the Five Peaks have used their spiritual senses to see if there will be any amazing people in the Five Peaks this time.

Although it seems that the inner sect disciples have an outstanding status, in fact, some outer sect disciples have the strength to enter the blessed land realm, but they deliberately suppress their cultivation and wait for the opening of the Five Peaks.

The purpose is to make the sect famous when he breaks into the Five Peaks!

In addition, anyone who successfully passes through the five peaks may not only be directly accepted as a disciple by the peak masters, but also receive a large number of rewards.

It's a pity that although these people have good ideas, there are very few who can actually successfully break through the Five Peaks and become inner disciples.

Today, there are only five people in the Taoist Sect who became the inner sect through breaking into the Five Peaks, and they are now the disciples of the Master of the Five Peaks, including Fang Yuxuan.

After all, when he was accepted as a disciple by Wei Zhengyang, he was not yet in the blessed land realm, and he was still qualified to conquer the Five Peaks. It was precisely because of his amazing performance when he conquered the Sword Dao Peak that he truly established his status as the number one disciple in the inner sect. .

However, even if you have not passed through, as long as you perform outstandingly in the process, you will still receive extra attention from the peak masters and elders, which can be regarded as adding some help to your future growth.

At this moment, there is still some time before the opening of Sword Dao Peak. Many onlookers could not suppress their excitement and couldn't help but talk about who had the best chance of succeeding in reaching the peak this time.

"I don't know if others can succeed, but Wushang from Five Elements Peak can definitely succeed!"

"Senior Sister Lu Yourong, who has a dual-channel body, should also be able to do it. Her cultivation speed is so fast that she has already entered the eighth level of Tongmai, and it is said that she has also practiced a special technique."

"Shut up, everyone! After all you talk about, they are all new disciples! Let me tell you, the ones who are most likely to succeed are the two veteran outer disciples."

Just when everyone was talking lively, a lazy voice suddenly overpowered all the voices with a bit of disdain and caught everyone's attention.

The speaker was a short, fat man wearing a uniform. If Jiang Yun were here, he would recognize that this man was Bao Yuanqiang, whom he almost destroyed.

Bao Yuanqiang's reputation was obviously not small. He was also recognized immediately and said: "Bao Yuanqiang, have you found out any inside information again?"

Bao Yuanqiang curled his lips and said: "Tsk, this is a shocking inside story. How could I let you know so easily?"

"Okay, I know you are well-informed and are known as the number one source of information in our sect. Please stop showing off and tell us, who are the two outer disciples?"

"That's right, we'll treat you to a drink later!"

Amidst the bursts of compliments from the crowd, Bao Yuanqiang then said: "For the sake of you being so thirsty for knowledge, I will tell you that these two outer disciples, as early as the Fourth I have reached the ninth level of Tongmai Realm two years ago, and I was able to enter the Blessed Land Realm two years ago, but I have always suppressed my cultivation forcefully until now, and now I am only a hair away from the Blessed Land Realm!"

"Even originally they wouldn't have appeared this time when they entered the peak, but it was said that they had to come out because their internal cultivation couldn't be suppressed anymore."

Hearing this, everyone was startled. Everyone dreams of quickly entering the realm of blessed land. However, there are still people who can be promoted to the blessed land but deliberately do not advance?

Some people fell into deep thought, wondering if there were any outer disciples who fit the description.

"This is to lay the foundation!" Bao Yuanqiang said with a proud smile: "Although only the Blessed Land Realm can be called a monk, the Tongmai Realm is the foundation! The stronger the foundation is laid, the less difficult it will be to improve in the future!"

Naturally, everyone became more curious: "Who are these two people? They have such amazing perseverance and patience?"

Bao Yuanqiang chuckled and said: "I won't tell you first, but besides these two, don't you expect someone else?"

"Who are you expecting?"

Bao Yuanqiang did not speak, but his eyes were directed towards Zangfeng!

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