Taoist world

Chapter 826: Blessing or Disaster

Although Jiang Yun's cultivation level has been sealed and his spiritual consciousness cannot be used, he is still a monk in the sixth level of Taoism, and he has fought against Tianyou and Taoism.

Therefore, at this moment, he could tell at a glance that although the strong man standing on the giant sword looked heroic, in fact, he was only at the Blessed Land realm!

If Jiang Yun's cultivation level was still there, it would be no exaggeration to say that he could be easily killed in one breath.

However, even if his cultivation level was banned, Jiang Yun did not have any fear of this strong man.

Because he still has physical power to use!

Over the years, the large amount of medicinal properties hidden in his body have been constantly tempering his body.

Coupled with the existence of the physical body, he now dares to fight against monks of the same level even if he only has the power of the physical body.

Therefore, Jiang Yun stood there, staring intently at the strong man who was getting closer and closer to him.

He didn't know why, in this snowy night, this monk from the Blessed Realm came towards this village where only mortals existed.

If the other party has any evil intentions, Jiang Yun will kill him without hesitation!

Jiang Yun saw the strong man, and the strong man naturally saw Jiang Yun, with a strange look in his eyes.

He couldn't feel the slightest breath fluctuation on Jiang Yun's body.

In his opinion, Jiang Yun must be a mortal.

But as a mortal, it is also very strange to stay up at the entrance of the village instead of sleeping in the middle of the night.

Finally, Feijian stopped a few feet away from Jiang Yun. After sizing up Jiang Yun, the strong man's eyes suddenly lit up and said, "Boy, are you interested in following me on the path of cultivation?" , will you become an immortal like me in the future?"

Jiang Yun was slightly startled when he heard what the other party said. He obviously didn't expect that the other party would say such words, which made him laugh and cry.

A monk in the Blessed Realm asked if he wanted to follow him in cultivation...

Jiang Yun said with a half-smile, "You want to accept me as your disciple?"

"No no no!"

The strong man shook his head and said: "Although I am also an immortal, it is still too early to accept a disciple."

"I came out this time under the orders of my master sect to find qualified mortals and lead them on the road to becoming immortals. Your qualifications are very good!"

Looking at this strong man, Jiang Yun couldn't help but frown slightly and asked directly, "Can you tell that I have good qualifications?"

Although monks in the Blessed Land Realm are indeed much stronger than mortals, they are not strong enough to be able to tell the quality of mortals' qualifications.

The strong man obviously didn't notice Jiang Yun's tone and attitude. He didn't look like a mortal at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "I can't see it, but there is something about me that can be seen."

While speaking, a piece of jade appeared in the strong man's hand, which was constantly flashing light, and Jiang Yun's sharp eyes saw a strange rune on it.

Shaking the jade in his hand at Jiang Yun, the strong man said proudly: "This is an immortal stone. As long as it meets a mortal with good qualifications, it will automatically flash!"

Jiang Yun secretly wrote down the rune, but continued to ask with a calm face: "Then where is your master?"

The strong man turned around and pointed at the Tianluo Mountain in the distance: "Tianluo Sect!"

These three words suddenly flashed a cold light in Jiang Yun's eyes, and the strong man continued: "Boy, if you are interested, I will take you back to Tianluo Sect right now!"

Jiang Yun did not speak, but thought rapidly in his mind.

The appearance of this strong man was such a coincidence!

I once specifically asked the villagers in Gudang Village whether any immortals had been to their village, and even the oldest elder in the village gave an affirmative answer - no!

And it had only been a few months since he came here, and he happened to want to go to Tianluo Mountain. By coincidence, there was this strong man in front of him, specially coming on a snowy night to take him into Tianluo Sect.

Although Jiang Yun was suspicious, he had seen countless people, and looking at the look of this strong man, he knew that he was not lying.

But Jiang Yun absolutely didn't believe it, this was really just a coincidence!

"Could it be that someone in the Luo Sect knew about my arrival that day and was very interested in me, so in the name of accepting a disciple, he asked the disciples to take the stone and look around for the person who could make the stone shine? !”

"But, what do the runes on the stone mean? Why do they sparkle when they meet me? After all, I don't have the slightest level of cultivation to be perceived!"

Jiang Yun had already made his own conjecture in a flash of thought.

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Although there were still things that he couldn't figure out, and he understood that going to Tianluo Sect might be risky, but if he wanted to restore his cultivation, he had to take this risk.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I will go to Tianluo Sect with you!"

When the strong man heard this, his face also showed joy, and he waved to Jiang Yun and said: "Come on, put on the sword!"

Jiang Yun stepped on the sword, and the sword immediately turned around and flew towards Tianluoshan.

Standing on the sword, Jiang Yun did not look ahead, but turned around and watched Gudang Village getting smaller and smaller in his sight, until it completely disappeared, and then he reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

Only then did he notice that the strong man used his spiritual energy to cover the entire sword, thus preventing him from being attacked by the wind and snow.

And such an approach is extremely difficult for him who only has the cultivation base of Blessed Land.

Obviously, this strong man had a good heart, and Jiang Yun had some good impressions of him. He smiled slightly and said: "All the disciples you accept from Tianluo Sect are like you, casually breaking into various villages in the middle of the night. Who do you fancy?" Just take it away directly?”

The strong man said without looking back: "Of course not! Our Tianluo Sect is very particular about accepting disciples, and we will not accept them lightly."

"Just a few months ago, the elders suddenly issued an order for us to go to various places to find disciples with good qualifications and bring them back to the sect."

"My classmates all found something, but I didn't find any. I just happened to remember that there is a village here, so I came over to try my luck. Originally, I wanted to wait until dawn before entering the village, but I didn't expect it now. Met you."

"Hehe, my luck is pretty good!"

months ago!

At this time, Jiang Yun became more certain about his speculation.

Someone in the Tianluo Sect knew of his arrival, but he was afraid that because he had no cultivation, the other party did not know where he was, so he used this method to find himself.

"Then, what if I don't agree?"

Jiang Yun knew nothing about this Tianluo Sect.

He didn't know whether the other party was a righteous sect like the Taoist Sect or an evil sect like the Reincarnation Sect, so he could only try his best to come up with some words from this strong man who had no defense against him.

The strong man said: "If you don't agree, that won't work! The elders have specifically stated that even if they are robbed, they will all be taken back!"

It is really unreasonable to force people into the sect regardless of whether they are willing or not.

So far, Jiang Yun is at least 70-80% sure that his speculation is correct.

Jiang Yun wanted to continue to get some words from the other party, but the strong man had already said before him: "Okay, don't ask any more questions. I want to concentrate on flying and try to get back to the sect as soon as possible!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and indeed closed his mouth.

With the cultivation level of a strong man, it is indeed quite difficult to fly with a sword, protect yourself, and be distracted from answering at the same time.

Although he hasn't arrived at Tianluo Sect yet, looking at Tianluo Mountain getting closer and closer, Jiang Yun is already extremely curious!

"Who is looking for me and why? For me, is this a blessing or a curse?"

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