Taoist world

Chapter 825 Snow falling all over the sky

The sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. On a vast plain covered with thick white snow, there was a huge mountain with no top, standing between the sky and the earth, as if it were holding up the sky.

Although the mountain is covered by thick clouds and mist from halfway up, on the half of the mountain that is not covered by clouds and mist, you can clearly see countless buildings dotted here and there.

You can even vaguely see the flickering figures of people.

This mountain is called Tianluo Mountain!

Because it is said that this place originally had no mountains, just a plain, but suddenly one day, the mountain fell from the sky and landed on the plain. From then on, the mountain was named Tianluo.

No one knows how high Tianluo Mountain is, but even from a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, you can clearly see this mountain!

About tens of thousands of miles away from Tianluo Mountain, there is a continuous jungle, and there is a small village near the jungle.

The village is not big, with only a few hundred people in it. Our ancestors have lived here for generations and make a living by farming and hunting.

At this moment, sitting at the entrance of the village, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties was sitting lazily basking in the sun while looking at the sunset in the distance.

This young man is Jiang Yun!

A month ago, when he woke up, he was already in this village.

It is said that he was unconscious in the jungle and was rescued by a hunter in the village.

, first release

At that time, there was almost no intact part of his body, as if he had been hit by a huge mountain.

Everyone thought that he was bound to die, but no one thought that not only did he survive, but his injuries gradually healed on their own, and he even woke up.

However, the recovery from the injury did not bring Jiang Yun the slightest excitement.

Because apart from his injuries, all of his cultivation was impressively sealed!

This seal is a finger, a finger condensed by Dao patterns, which is like a mountain, suppressing his body.

The Blessed Land Cave that suppressed him, his six Taoist spirits that suppressed him, and his three Taoist bodies that suppressed him.

Even Su Yang in the dark cloud cover and Huo Duming in the flameless puppet lamp cannot be summoned, and he cannot even take out the stored magic weapon, thus turning him into a complete mortal.

He had no idea what happened when he was unconscious.

He didn't know that after he fell into coma, a huge eye appeared in the heaven and earth, nor did he know that he was swallowed by an open crack.

He only knew that he was hit by that finger and came into this world.

From the villagers' mouths, he knew that this village was called Gudang Village.

Although he didn't know where Gudang Village was located, looking at the white snow around him and feeling the chill around him, he once thought that he had arrived in the Golden Dao Realm.

He even happened to arrive at the place where Xue Mucheng was.

However, it was not until his injuries gradually improved and he walked out of the house that he realized that this world was definitely not the Golden Dao World, nor any of the seven levels of Dao Prison.

He even suspected that this world was not in a prison.

Because there is only one sun in the sky, and there is no poisonous gas in the air.

This place reminded him involuntarily of the world of mountains and seas, and of Shiwanmang Mountain.

The villagers in Gudang Village are all mortals, there are no monks, but all of them are kind and honest.

They had always taken good care of Jiang Yun when he lived here, and all he could do was use his medical skills to help them alleviate some of their illnesses.

In the past few days, he began to go out to plow and hunt with them, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Jiang Yun has not experienced such a comfortable life for too long. Although he has no cultivation, he still wants to stay here and live out his life.

Unfortunately, he knew that this could only be an unrealistic extravagance for him.

Because I still have too many things to do, and there are too many people to find!

And to do all this, he must restore his cultivation and destroy the finger in his body.

But without cultivation, he couldn't even use his spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy. Although his physical body was still strong, the fingers were illusory. Even if he tore his body apart, he couldn't destroy the fingers.

Looking at the mountain that towered over the sky, Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "The only way to destroy this finger is to go to Tianluo Mountain!"

Tianluo Mountain is not just a mountain. According to the villagers of Gudang Village, it is a place where immortals gather.

Jiang Yun knew very well that what mortals call immortals are monks!

There is a monastic sect on Tianluo Mountain, and if you want to destroy the fingers in your body, you can only find other monks to help, or use the power of pills to help!

Of course, asking a strong person to take action is the easiest and fastest way.

But in Jiang Yun's opinion, that finger was most likely from a master in the Taoist realm.

Although the power within it has been depleted, if you want to ask someone to destroy it, you must at least ask a strong person in the Taoist realm.

Jiang Yun didn't even know if there would be a strong Taoist realm in this strange world, let alone asking the other party to take action, so the other way he could think of was pills.

He can still absorb spiritual energy, but the amount absorbed is limited. However, if he swallows a large amount of pills and attracts a large amount of spiritual energy, he can still destroy this finger over time.

In addition, Jiang Yun also had a strange feeling about the sunset that day. There seemed to be something that he was extremely interested in!

In short, no matter what, the only way to regain your cultivation is to go to Tianluo Mountain!

However, Gudang Village is one hundred thousand miles away from Tianluo Mountain. If he could walk there with only two legs, Jiang Yun would have no idea how long he would have to walk!

Of course, this could not stop him from going to Tianluo Mountain.

Once he has fully recovered from his injuries, he will set off, and fortunately, this day is not far away!

After standing up and stretching, Jiang Yun slowly turned around and walked into the village, continuing to enjoy this comfortable and rare life!

In this way, time flies, and another two months have passed. The weather is getting colder and colder, and the snow is getting heavier.

Although Jiang Yun's injuries have not fully recovered, he is ready to leave.

That night, Jiang Yun quietly opened the door of the small house where he had lived for half a year, and wanted to leave under the cover of night.

This scene also reminded Jiang Yun of the night he left Mangshan!

Although nearly thirty years have passed and he has grown into a powerful monk, he is still not used to separation.

Gently closing the door, Jiang Yun looked at the feathery white snow falling from the sky and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He likes snow.

Because the snowy weather reminds him of a woman named Xue Qing!

Stepping on the thick snow, Jiang Yun walked step by step to the entrance of the village and stood there.

Looking back at the snow-covered Gudang Village behind him, Jiang Yun said softly: "Thank you all for taking care of me these days. If Jiang Yun survives the disaster, he will definitely come back one day to repay you for your life-saving grace!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun turned around and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Because he saw under the flying snowflakes in the sky, there was a big sword about ten feet long, flying towards the village from far to near.

On the sword stood a rather young-looking strong man with an arrogant look on his face.

Although the snow falling all over the sky was huge, not a single snowflake could fall on him.

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