Taoist world

Chapter 803 Thunder Dao Zhengfa

Being able to become the master of a realm in the Taoist Realm is not unique among the thousands of Taoist realms, but it is definitely rare.

And the benefits that this identity can bring to Jiang Yun are even more unimaginable!

The world is the home of the world owner!

As long as you are in your own home, the Realm Master can naturally use all the resources and power in the home to exert a powerful strength that far exceeds his true cultivation level.

This is the real terror of the Realm Lord.

Although there is an upper limit to this kind of extraordinary performance, unless you really encounter a strong person who surpasses you too much, otherwise, the world master is almost invincible in your own world.

A single thought can control the life and death of countless creatures!

In fact, strictly speaking, Jiang Yun is not the real master of the blood world. After all, his master status was temporarily given to him by Xue Dongliu.

However, although Xue Dongliu is the Lord of the Blood Dao Realm, he was suppressed in prison by the Seven-Star Daofeng. He is unable to exert any power as a Realm Lord. This also makes his status as a Realm Lord exist in name only. , which is equivalent to the existence of no realm master.

But now that he has given this identity to Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun is free from any restrictions.

Therefore, once Jiang Yun leaves this prison-within-a-prison and returns to the Blood Realm, the Blood Realm will welcome his long-lost master.

Even if he is only a temporary master, the strength he can exert in the blood realm is terrifyingly powerful.

As long as he is willing, he can completely rely on the power of the entire blood world to suppress other people's cultivation, while he himself can perform exceptionally well.

The strength of both sides waxed and waned, making him far more powerful than before.

However, Jiang Yun did not care about the identity of the Lord of the Blood Realm he had obtained. Instead, he flipped his wrist and a golden thunder appeared in his hand!

This golden thunder was obtained by Jiang Yun's Thunder Dao Body from Lei Ling's Dao Spirit Clone.

In the past three years, Thunder Dao has also successfully swallowed and fused the two thunders in the Leiji Dzi Bead.


As Jiang Yun had speculated before, the level of cultivation of the Thunder Taoist body has surpassed that of the main body, reaching the peak of the Taoist realm.

As for the golden thunder he left behind on purpose, it was because Jiang Yun actually felt the aura of his senior brother Dongfang Bo inside it!

In other words, the spiritual consciousness of senior senior brother did not dissipate, but somehow it was integrated into the golden thunder and hid in Lei Ling's Taoist clone.

Originally, Dongfang Bo's consciousness should have remained awake, but when Lei Ling's Taoist clone wanted to escape, it finally came back on its own initiative by some strange combination of circumstances, precisely because of Dongfang Bo's secret help.

That kind of help exhausted the last bit of Dongfang Bo's spiritual consciousness, so he had to fall into a deep sleep.

In fact, even if this spiritual consciousness really disappears, it will have no impact on Dongfang Bo's true self. But since it is the senior brother's spiritual consciousness, Jiang Yun will certainly not devour it.

After carefully hiding the golden thunder in his body, Jiang Yun closed his eyes again.

Now he can be regarded as the master of this prison within a prison, so with a thought, he can clearly see the situation inside the entire prison within a prison.

Immediately afterwards, he saw countless rays of light flying towards him one after another.

These are the storage instruments that have been carried by all the creatures that have died here for countless years.

These magic weapons all became ownerless after the death of their owners. It would be a waste to leave them here, so of course Jiang Yun would not be polite.

Jiang Yun's consciousness scanned these storage rings and found a lot of good things in them. He didn't have time to check them one by one, so he collected them all first.

After doing this, Jiang Yun opened his eyes again and looked at the dead body of Lei Ling not far away.

Although three years have passed, Lei Lei, as a strong man in the late stage of Tao Xing Realm, has a very strong body, so there is no trace of decay.

Naturally, Jiang Yun followed suit and took off the storage magic weapon on his body.

Although killing Lei Ling made Jiang Yun provoke a powerful enemy, Lei Ji Tianzhu, after all, it was Lei Ling who wanted to kill him first, so Jiang Yun didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

And when Jiang Yun glanced at Lei Ling's storage magic weapon, even with his calmness, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because the collection in Lei Ling's storage magic weapon is so rich that even the contents of all the previous storage magic weapons cannot be compared together.

There are nearly a million pieces of spiritual stones alone, and the last one is a fourth-grade spiritual stone, and there is even one ninth-grade spiritual stone!

But this is normal. Lei Ling is not only the envoy of the Third Palace of Dao, but also a direct descendant of Lord Lei Ji.

The combination of these two identities makes his status extremely transcendent, even stronger than that of the Daozi of the Nine Dao Sect.

Although the contents of the storage artifact brought Jiang Yun great joy, what really excited Jiang Yun was that Lei Ling actually had a book called "Thunder Dao Zhengfa" on his body!

This set of exercises is naturally the property of Lei Jitian, and it records the method of thunder training and a large number of thunder spells!

Jiang Yun had already possessed the Thunder Dao Body and could release golden thunder, but he didn't know until now that the golden thunder he released was actually not a tribulation thunder, but a sky thunder, which was much less powerful.

If you want to convert the sky thunder into a calamity thunder, you need to use special seals to convert it.

As long as Jiang Yun learns this set of skills, from then on, just like Lei Ling and the others, he will have the ability to use thunder for the sky, giving him another powerful trump card.

After confirming that there was nothing worth leaving behind in Lei Ling's body, Jiang Yun appeared in his hand with a ball of flame, preparing to burn Lei Ling's body and destroy all traces of it.

But at this moment, his palm suddenly stopped in the air. With a turn of his eyes, the flames dissipated, and a flameless puppet lamp appeared in his palm.

"Su Yang!"

As Jiang Yun's voice sounded, Su Yang's body in the flameless puppet lamp suddenly shuddered uncontrollably, and whispered: "What does this little ancestor have to do with me? I have only just recovered a few years ago." God, damn, damn!”

In fact, the last time Su Yang helped Jiang Yun was to attack Yue Qing in the Mountain and Sea Realm. It has been more than seven years now, and his cultivation has long been fully restored.

Although Su Yang didn't want to talk to Jiang Yun at all, he didn't dare to ignore it, so he could only agree: "Master, this old slave is here!"

"Come out, I have a gift for you!


Su Yang was startled for a moment, but then a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, this little ancestor is testing me again, it's not over yet!"

Although he was filled with hatred in his heart, Su Yang spoke uprightly and said: "Master, I will not be rewarded for my merits. This old slave has been following my master for a long time and has not made any achievements. I have always felt guilty. How dare I ask for gifts from my master. "

Jiang Yundao: "Come out first and see if you are satisfied with this gift, and then you can consider whether you want it or not!"

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided, and it's impossible to hide from it. That's all. Let's see what tricks this little ancestor is playing!"

After repeated considerations, Su Yang finally appeared in front of Jiang Yun, but he did not squint, his eyes just stared at Jiang Yun, and said sincerely: "Master, the old slave said that if you can stay with the master, This is already a great blessing for this old slave!”

"Old slave really doesn't need any gifts!"

Jiang Yun looked at him with a half-smile but said, "Then, you don't want the body of a strong person in the late Taoist realm?"

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