Taoist world

Chapter 802 The Lord of Tao Realm

Everyone in the Liu family knows very well that even the criminal guards still don't know that Liu Peng is Jiang Yun's disciple, and they don't know the relationship between the Liu family and Jiang Yun.

However, if all the three powerful God-blessed men in Taoyuan City were captured, then the entire Taoyuan City would definitely be a place of strict investigation by the criminal guards.

C√《正;6th edition first release}j

It won't take long for the criminal guards to track down their Liu family and even find Liu Peng.

And when that time comes, what awaits the Liu family will be a result even more terrifying than the genocide.

Originally, they thought that their Liu family had climbed the towering tree of Jiang Yun, and that they would be able to sit back and relax in this blood world from now on. But who would have thought that now they would bring huge disaster to their family.

At this time, Liu Siyuan, the ancestor of the Liu family, reacted the fastest. While the criminal guards in the sky were rushing in all directions, they had already secretly issued an order.

"Send away immediately all the children in the clan who have not had their blood taken!"

For every living being in each world of Dao Prison, whether it is the prisoner who was sent there, or the descendant of the prisoner, or even the demons born in the world such as Firebird and Fusozi, Dao San Palace will take a drop of their blood. .

As long as this drop of blood is dripped into a special magic weapon, it is equivalent to leaving a mark on the owner of the blood.

This allows people in the Third Palace of Dao to be able to track the blood master's traces and movements anytime and anywhere.

Once someone breaks into certain forbidden areas or disappears inexplicably, they will immediately know about it. .

The mirror that Ma Jun and his junior sister used when they performed their mission was a magic weapon that was blended with the blood of the creatures in the blood realm.

However, in every world, a large number of new lives are born almost all the time.

Except for prisoners like Jiang Yun who were sent to Dao Prison, it was impossible for Dao San Palace to take the blood of these new lives in the first time.

In addition, as long as they are in Dao Prison, no living being can escape, so the Third Palace of Dao basically only collects blood every few years.

In the Blood Dao world, eight years have passed since the last time Dao San Palace collected blood!

Therefore, in the past eight years, many newborn children in the Liu family have not had their blood taken away by Dao Sangong, which means that as long as they can escape from the Liu family and find a place to hide, they may be able to escape!

In this way, it can at least ensure that the Liu family's incense will continue.

Upon hearing Liu Siyuan's order, the entire Liu family immediately took action.

In just a few breaths of time, someone had quietly left the Liu family with a dozen children no more than eight years old.

And at this time, the Liu family is really grateful to the Qiao family who built this manor.

Because the Qiao family had secretly dug a secret underground passage leading outside the valley.

This also allowed them to avoid the guards at the entrance to the valley without being noticed by anyone.

I have to say that the decision Liu Siyuan made was extremely timely and wise!

Because not long after these children left, a group of criminal guards appeared in the sky above the Liu family.

Apparently, someone had reported the relationship between the Liu family and Jiang Yun to Xing Wei in order to receive credit.

As for small characters like the Liu family, they will naturally not be sent to the torture demons, and these criminal guards will be responsible for handling them.

"Liu family, do you know your guilt?"

Amidst the sharp shouts from the leading criminal guard, all members of the Liu family fell to their knees silently.

Liu Siyuan lowered his head to the ground, his old face full of bitterness, and said softly: "We are guilty!"

Behind him, all the Liu family members said in unison: "We plead guilty!"

In fact, they were not guilty of any crime, and they even had no idea what Jiang Yun had done or where he was.

But this is a prison, and no one dares to resist the criminal guards. If they say you are guilty, you must plead guilty!

Only Liu Peng, although he was forced to kneel on the ground by his father, his hands were clenched into fists, and the face on the ground showed not fear, but anger!

The leading criminal guard smiled coldly and said: "Since you have confessed, you should be punished first and then be questioned!"

"Execution! Everyone, just take a breath!"

With his order, the Liu family immediately turned into a execution ground.

The screams and howls continued to echo in the sky above the Liu family...

In short, from this moment on, the entire blood world is completely shrouded in the terrifying shadow brought by the criminal guards.

Everyone is on tenterhooks, living in trepidation, waiting for the criminal guard who may appear in front of them at any time.

Of course, Jiang Yun would not know about all the things that happened in the blood realm. He was still immersed in his seclusion.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed!

Three years, for the blood world, is as long as three hundred years, but for Jiang Yun, it passes very quickly.

In the prison that had been sealed again to prevent any living being from entering, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes!

As the two flashes of blood disappeared in his eyes, he let out a long breath.

If it were just to conceive the Blood Dao Spirit, he certainly wouldn't need three years.

He spent more of his time practicing the Blood Dao techniques that Xue Dongliu taught him, and integrating some of the memories and introductions to the world of cultivation that Xue Dongliu deliberately let him know.

He already knew that the existence of Xue Dongliu was extremely long, at least tens of thousands of years.

And back then, the blood flowed eastwards, as rumored by the outside world, had reached the peak of the Taoist realm, and even most of the feet had entered the realm of humane isomorphism.

As long as he is given a little more time, he can definitely reach the next level and become a Taoist demon.

At that time, he already had his own Taoist world and was a powerful master of the Taoist world!

The World Lord is the Lord of one world!

Jiang Yun has long known that the entire world is divided into the desolate realm at the bottom, the Tao realm above the desolate realm, and the Dao heaven above the Tao realm.

However, through the memory of blood flowing to the East, he came to know better----

It turns out that the Dao Realm is actually divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower, namely the Upper Dao Realm, the Middle Dao Realm and the Lower Dao Realm.

The level of the Tao Realm is closely related to the cultivation realm of the Realm Master!

Although after cultivating to the Heavenly Blessing Realm and receiving God's protection, one can leave the world they belong to and go to other worlds, one cannot become a World Master in the Heavenly Blessing Realm.

Only by cultivating to the realm of Tao nature can the heaven of the world you belong to obey the orders instead of protecting you. Only then can the world give birth to your own "Tao" and step into the ranks of the Tao world.

The Dao Realm at this time is the lowest level of the Lower Dao Realm.

Naturally, the monk who allows the "Tao" to be born in the world he belongs to will become the master of this world, that is, the master of the lower world.

And when the Realm Master's strength reaches the Dao Stage Realm, then the Lower Dao Realm can be promoted to the Middle Dao Realm;

When the realm master's strength reaches the late stage of the Dao Stage, then the Middle Dao Realm will become the Upper Dao Realm.

If you can reach the realm of human Dao isomorphism, you can become the master of multiple Dao realms at the same time, and thus have your own piece of Dao heaven!

At that time, the former Realm Lord will become the Lord of Daotian, for example, this is the case with Lord Lei Jitian!

Although Jiang Yun still didn't know why Xue Dongliu was captured by the people from the Taoist Temple, the Taoist Temple captured not only Xue Dongliu, but also the world he owned and the countless creatures in it. They were all sent to prison!

That is the world of blood!

And now Jiang Yun, in addition to the improvement of his cultivation, he also has an identity that no one knows, which is another great gift given to him by Xue Dongliu!

The Lord of the Blood Realm!

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