Taoist world

Chapter 7294: Join forces to cooperate

As Jiang Yun's words fell, above the dark sky, behind the eyes of the rich man, the body of the rich man was revealed!

The wealthy elder walked out of the place where he had been secluded for many years, landed in front of Jiang Yun and said, "What I said, little friend, is the opposite."

"It's a life-and-death situation between me, the Black Soul Clan, Na Yebai, and the four major races, so I beg you, my friend, to help me, the Black Soul Clan!"

After finishing speaking, the wealthy elder actually clasped his fists with both hands, faced Jiang Yun, and bowed to the ground!

Du Wenhai, who was behind the rich man, looked at the scene in front of him with almost dull eyes.

Whether it was the conversation between the rich clan elder and Jiang Yun just now, or the rich clan elder's behavior at this moment, it was all beyond his expectation and beyond his imagination.

My own Black Soul Clan turned out to be just a gatekeeper to some place of origin.

But Ye Bai, who came from the place of origin, turned around and almost wiped out his own Black Soul clan.

Nowadays, the high-ranking elders of the wealthy family even saluted Jiang Yun and asked for help!

However, after being stunned, Du Wenhai quickly came back to his senses.

He looked at the back of the rich man, gritted his teeth, clasped his fists with both hands, and bowed to Jiang Yun to the ground!

Du Wenhai didn't know that it was because of his actions at this moment that the rich man finally made up his mind to let him take over his position.

Facing the Black Soul Clan's request, which was equivalent to two clan elders, Jiang Yun saw their sincerity.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun stood up. His eyes had returned to their original state. He reached out and gently held the arms of the wealthy elder and said, "You two don't have to be like this."

"Since Yebai and the four major races are our common enemies, then we should work together!"

To be honest, Jiang Yun still couldn't tell whether everything the rich man said about Ye Bai was true or false.

In fact, he still suspected that the rich man had known about Ye Bai's existence for a long time and deliberately didn't tell him because he wanted to see if he could come back alive after his trip to the Four Stars!

If he can come back alive, just like he is now, then the elders of the wealthy clan will recognize his strength and be willing to assume a humble posture and seek cooperation with him.

If he dies on the Quadruple Star, the elders of the big clan will continue to wait for the next person who is qualified to cooperate with them.

But regardless of whether it is true or not, Jiang Yun is certain of one thing. Under the current situation, if he wants to avenge Xie Daozi and kill Ye Bai and the four major races, he can only fight with the Black Soul Clan and the Rich people cooperate!

After all, Ye Bai and the four major races are too powerful.

And the rich clan is always the real peak powerhouse.

With his help, he can at least compete with one clan!

The elder of the wealthy clan straightened up and said, "With the help of my little friend, I, the Black Soul Clan, have hope for revenge."

"Young man, you can rest assured. I don't have much life left, so I will do my best. If necessary, I can sacrifice my old life at any time!"

These words of the rich clan elder once again touched Jiang Yun's heartstrings, causing him to hold the hands of the rich clan elder, trembled slightly, and retracted his hands.

Naturally, the rich man felt Jiang Yun's trembling keenly, and said sternly: "Little friend, during this trip to the Four Stars, did you have anyone close to you, and did you encounter any accidents?"

Jiang Yun obviously came to the Black Soul Clan with the attitude of raising an army to investigate the crime.

The rich man had no doubt that if he had said a wrong word just now, Jiang Yun would have taken action against him immediately.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's palms were trembling inexplicably again, so the rich man could basically guess the reason.

Jiang Yun did not try to hide it anymore, nodded and said: "My sworn brother, in order to save me, he would not hesitate to blow himself up."

"I must avenge this!"

The rich man's expression suddenly changed, he once again raised his fist towards Jiang Yun, and said solemnly: "I see, my dear, please forgive me, this revenge will definitely be avenged!"

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said: "Okay, big clan elders, let's get down to business. Are the four major races now the same as the five major races controlled by your Black Soul Clan back then?"

"Where did the minority race go?"

"Also, do the four major races have any weaknesses?"

For the Black Soul Clan, what they really fear is Ye Bai.

Because Ye Bai is not afraid of the dark beast.

But for Jiang Yun, what he was really afraid of were the four major races controlled by Ye Bai.

If the four major races can be wiped out first, or the four peak origins can be killed, then Ye Bai will have almost no threat to Jiang Yun.

Even if Ye Bai is at the peak of his origin, Jiang Yun is completely confident that he can kill him with his many trump cards.

Therefore, Jiang Yun cooperated with the big clan elders to use the power of the Black Soul Clan to deal with the four major races.

The rich man did not rush to answer, but pointed to his residence and said: "My dear friend, please come in, and we will talk in detail."

"Don't worry, since you and I are cooperating, we should be open and honest."

"I will tell you everything I know."

"Including the secrets of my Black Soul Clan!"

Jiang Yun nodded, took back Beiming, and walked towards the underground cave like a cemetery.

The rich man turned to Du Wenhai and said, "Wenhai, come in too!"

"Yes!" Du Wenhai agreed.

Jiang Yun knew very well that the wealthy man not only wanted to tell him everything he knew, but also wanted to take this opportunity to tell Du Wenhai.

It can also be seen from this point that the elder of the rich clan is truly prepared to die in battle, so now it is necessary for him to let Du Wenhai, the next elder of the rich clan, know some secrets that could not be told in the past.

After the three of them sat down, the rich man was silent for a moment before he started to talk leisurely.

Regarding the origins of the Chaos Domain and the Black Soul Clan, the elders of the big clan no longer know, but it must be related to the place of origin.

From the day they became sensible, the elders of the wealthy clan knew that the mission of their clan was to guard the Chaos Realm and guard the portal for the Origin.

The ability to control dark beasts possessed by one's own tribe also comes from the place of origin.

The chaotic domain seems stable, but due to the intersection of time and space, space-time cracks will occur.

Once there are too many space-time cracks, it will cause instability and risk the complete collapse of the Chaos Domain.

As for the collapse of the Chaos Realm, I don’t know whether it will have an impact on other time and space, but it will definitely have an impact on the place of origin.

Therefore, the Black Soul Clan needs to ensure that the Chaos Realm does not collapse.

Even, they can use the dark beast to repair some time and space cracks.

At the beginning, there were not many creatures from various time and space entering the Chaotic Realm, and the Black Soul Clan was able to maintain stability.

However, the phenomenon of the intersection of time and space is gradually increasing, more and more creatures have entered the Chaos Realm, and the number of time and space cracks has also skyrocketed, making the Black Soul Clan somewhat overwhelmed by the strength of their clan.

In desperation, they began to look for a suitable race to share the tasks for them.

This is how Yi Zhang was born.

The five races in one palm are the four major races today, plus the Yinxiu tribe.

After seeing the appearance of Ye Bai who was condensed by Jiang Yun's power of the Great Dao, the elder of the wealthy clan felt vaguely that he really seemed to be a member of the Yinxiu clan.

In this regard, Jiang Yun gave a more reasonable explanation.

Although Ye Bai came from the place of origin, it was probably just a soul that escaped, or even just a wisp of soul.

Then, when he met the Yinxiu tribesmen, he took possession of their bodies by seizing their bodies.

In addition, Ye Bai can absorb the vitality and power of others to strengthen himself.

It is very likely that the entire Yinxiu clan has become Ye Bai's nourishment.

"In short, I suspect that Ye Bai knew from the beginning that the place of origin could be opened through the method of sacrifice."

"But that method was too troublesome, and he thought that we, the Black Soul Clan, knew how to enter the Origin, so he took action against us."

"As a result, since we couldn't know the way to enter the Origin, he had to use the so-called sacrifice to open the Origin."

After listening to the rich clan elder's story, many doubts in Jiang Yun's heart gradually became clear.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun asked again: "Is it true that you can only leave the Chaos Realm by entering the place of origin?" The big clan did not answer directly: "This is related to the secrets of the Black Soul Clan. I hope you will listen. After it’s over, don’t spread the word!”

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