Taoist world

Chapter 7293: Raising troops to investigate crimes

The black cocoon cracked open, revealing Jiang Yun sitting cross-legged inside.

The cracked cocoon shell also turned into black lines again and submerged into Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, and his eyes were suddenly filled with darkness. He raised his head and looked into the eyes of the wealthy elder above.

Gaze has no color.

But at this moment, under the gaze of Jiang Yun's black eyes, the wealthy elder could clearly feel that Jiang Yun's eyes were actually black.

Because, in that gaze, there was also an evil intention released.

So much so that the rich man felt that the Jiang Yun in front of him was like a completely different person from the Jiang Yun he had met before.

After taking a deep look at Jiang Yun and the dark beast under him, the rich man met Jiang Yun's eyes again and said calmly: "Little friend, I don't know what you need me to explain to you! "

Jiang Yun continued without any haste: "I wonder if rich people are familiar with the name Ye Bai?"

"I don't know what Ye Bai is!" The rich man said after pondering, "Is he the old man named Zhuang?"

"My little friend, did you encounter anything during this trip to the Four Stars?"

How could a wealthy man fail to hear that Jiang Yun was clearly here to investigate and accuse!

Jiang Yun still looked at the rich man with his black eyes: "Don't you still know what I have experienced?"

Jiang Yun is indeed here to investigate!

Although what happened to him in Sihe Star was entirely because of Ye Bai, Jiang Yun believed that the wealthy elders should know the identity of the old man named Zhuang or Ye Bai.

But he deliberately concealed it from himself, which led to the death of Xie Daozi.

If the elder of the wealthy clan couldn't give him a satisfactory answer, then Jiang Yun didn't mind. He would first ask for some interest from the Black Soul Clan for Xie Daozi.

The elder of the wealthy clan said in a calm voice: "Both the Black Soul Clan and myself are already in a state of exhaustion and are struggling to survive."

"Young friend, in this situation, what benefits can I bring to me and my Black Soul Clan by lying to you or scheming against you?"

"To be honest, I would rather cooperate with you than deceive and scheme, so that at least I, the Black Soul Clan, can have one more friend in this chaotic realm full of enemies."

Jiang Yun's eyes were fixed on the eyes of the wealthy elder, as if he wanted to see through the other person's heart and see if what he said was true.

The wealthy elder looked at Jiang Yun calmly all the time, with no hint of dodge in his old and cloudy eyes.

After a moment, Jiang Yun continued to ask: "Behind the four major races, there is only one person from the Yinxiu tribe who represents a thumb, and that is Ye Bai, the old man named Zhuang!"

"Yebai is equivalent to the master of the four major races!"

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the elder of the wealthy clan and he said: "The defeat of our Black Soul Clan and the rise of the four major races back then, I guessed that there should be some expert guidance behind all of this."

"But I never found the evidence, and I didn't have time to look for it."

"Today, thanks to my little friend, I learned about such a person."

"If I remember correctly, I promised you that as long as you can investigate the identity of the old man surnamed Zhuang, I will tell you my clan's secret about the transcendent strong man."

"Now, it's my turn to fulfill my promise."

This was indeed what the elder of the clan had agreed with Jiang Yun before, and it was also the reason why Xie Daozi had always wanted Jiang Yun to go to Sihe Star.

However, Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "Old man from a wealthy family, please wait a moment."

"My problem is not over yet."

The rich man said: "If you have any questions, little friend, just ask."

"As long as I know, I will tell you the truth."

Jiang Yun's voice turned slightly cold again and said: "Actually, the earliest palm of this chaotic domain species was your Black Soul clan, right?"

After hearing Jiang Yun's words, Du Wenhai's expression changed drastically. He suddenly raised his head and looked into the eyes of the wealthy elder.

Apparently, even he didn't know about it.

After a moment of silence, the elder of the wealthy clan said: "I, the Black Soul Clan, are not Yi Zhang, but like that Ye Bai, I am also the person behind Yi Zhang!"

"Back then, there were five major races in Yi Zhang. They were all selected by me, the Black Soul Clan, from the various races that entered the Chaos Realm."

"After all, I, the Black Soul Clan, have a special status."

"There are some things that it is not convenient for us to come forward publicly, and we don't want to take the initiative to reveal our identity and arouse other people's suspicion."

"Having a palm to help us take care of everything makes it easier to hide our identity."

Jiang Yun said expressionlessly: "Then what?"

The big clan elder continued: "Although we control the five major races in one palm, we just treat them as ordinary subordinates."

"As long as they are obedient, not only will we not make things difficult for them, but we will also provide them with the necessary spiritual resources as much as possible to help them develop and grow."

"But it's a pity that one day, the five major races suddenly rebelled and united with other races to attack my Black Soul Clan's clan."

"Originally we were not afraid of them because we had dark beasts to control."

"But I didn't expect that they were not afraid of the dark beast. This made us retreat steadily, and finally we were completely defeated and became prisoners."

"The reason for this must be related to the Ye Bai that my friend just mentioned."

"The one who is truly not afraid of the dark beast is Ye Bai."

"Moreover, he also told the five races about this method, so that they will no longer be afraid of the dark beasts and can resist me, the Black Soul Race."

Du Wenhai was stunned by the answer of the wealthy man.

He really didn't expect that his Black Soul Clan would turn out to be the former Master of One Palm.

And the old man surnamed Zhuang, who had cooperated with him and agreed to help him kill the rich clan elder, was the instigator of his Black Soul Clan falling into a situation beyond redemption!

As for Jiang Yun, he was not surprised.

Because in the Ten Blood Lanterns, when Xiao Qingping told him that only the Black Soul Clan could make people leave the Chaotic Realm, he vaguely guessed that the Black Soul Clan was the real one.

After all, I can't remember the goodbyes well, I can only remember that with the palm command, I can send myself away with a palm.

Jiang Yun asked again: "You, the Black Soul Clan, actually come from the place of origin!"

"The place of origin!" After the elder of the wealthy clan repeated these four words, he sighed quietly: "It seems that my little friend really learned a lot about this trip to the Four Stars."

"However, you still think highly of us. We, the Black Soul Clan, are not from the Land of Origin. We are just guarding the portal for the Land of Origin."

Guard the door!

The words of the wealthy elder finally matched those of Dao Rang.

Dao Rang said that Yizhang seemed to be just the gatekeeper of his family.

Now the big clan elder personally admits that the Black Soul Clan who controls Yi Zhang are the gatekeepers.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and said, "Then do you know where the place of origin is?"

"I don't know!" The elder of the clan said without even thinking about it: "The place of origin is like a holy land to me, the Black Soul Clan, and is extremely sacred."

"Holy land?" Jiang Yun said with a cold smile: "A holy land that requires monks to be sacrificed as sacrifices before it can be opened?"

"Sacrifice? Sacrifice?" The elder of the wealthy family said with a confused look in his eyes: "We have never opened the Origin, and the Origin can only be exited but not entered."

"Where did you hear this talk about sacrifices and sacrifices?"

"Ye Bai?"

"Ah!" The wealthy elder suddenly exclaimed: "I understand, that Yebai comes from the place of origin!"

"He wants to go back to the place of origin, but he can't find a way. He thinks that the Black Soul Clan knows about it, so he needs to get the secrets of the Black Soul Clan."

Jiang Yun opened his eyes again. He did not look at the wealthy elder, but looked straight ahead and said, "I don't want to know these things anymore."

"Now, Ye Bai, I, and the four major races are fighting to the death."

"But I am no match for them on my own, so I need a helper. I wonder if a rich man would be willing to help me!"

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