Taoist world

Chapter 7235 An Alternative

Hearing Meng Rushan's roar, many people on the boulder had already turned around and looked over.

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Meng Rushan, these people all breathed a sigh of relief.

And Meng Rushan had already crossed a long distance in one step and stood on the boulder. While scanning the surroundings again, he asked: "What happened?"

The area of ​​​​this boulder is not small, it is a hundred feet in diameter.

The entire Shan Clan now only has less than a hundred people left.

However, their clan is naturally tall, like a hill, so gathering on this boulder at this moment makes the place seem a bit crowded.

Meng Rushan also saw at a glance the center where the tribesmen were gathered. Lying there was an old man with his eyes closed and blood on his chest. He was no longer breathing.

"Uncle Clan!"

Although Meng Rushan already knew that his clan uncle must have encountered an accident, when he saw his clan uncle's body, he suddenly felt his heart beating wildly and hurriedly came to the body.

At this time, a young man slightly shorter than Meng Rushan, with red and swollen eyes, whispered: "Sister, that woman just appeared suddenly and attacked us without saying a word. We don't even know her identity." origin."

"In order to protect us, my uncle fought with her, but in the end he was no match..."

At this point, the man couldn't help crying.

An old man next to him followed his words and said: "Thanks to that friend who suddenly showed up, stopped the woman, and fought with her until now."

Listening to his tribe's narration, Meng Rushan already understood what happened.

This made her grit her teeth and raise her head to look at the two people who were still fighting.

Meng Rushan didn't know any of these two people, but he could tell that they were both much stronger than himself.

Meng Rushan suddenly swayed and appeared beside the woman. Without saying a word, he clenched his fist and hit the woman.

Naturally, the woman had seen Meng Rushan coming and was prepared for Meng Rushan to take action against her.

Therefore, she was not panicking at this moment.

When Meng Rushan's fist was about to hit her, her body suddenly became illusory, causing Meng Rushan's punch to pass directly through her body.

The woman also gave a sweet smile and said to the man in front of her who had already stopped her hand: "Friend, I remember you, I'll come back later!"

As soon as her voice fell, her illusory figure disappeared directly, as if she had disappeared into the darkness.

Meng Rushan's eyes and consciousness scanned the surroundings vigilantly, worried that the woman was hiding nearby.

But the man who had been fighting with the woman said: "Stop looking for her, she has indeed left."

Hearing the man's words, Meng Rushan turned around, suddenly knelt down towards the man and said: "Junior Mountain Clan Meng Rushan, thank you senior for your help!"

Meng Rushan's move was really beyond the man's expectation, causing him to wave his sleeves hurriedly, and a gentle force lifted the other person's body and said: "What are you doing, girl? I'm just passing by here, it's just a matter of a few hands. "

"Besides, after all, I showed up a step too late and couldn't keep the woman just now. You don't need to thank me."

Although the man forcibly lifted her body up and Meng Rushan could no longer kneel down, she still bent down and said respectfully: "Senior, please give me a good name."

The man hesitated and said, "My name is Gu Bo!"

Meng Rushan cupped his fist and said, "Thank you, Senior Gu!"

"Girl, that's all right. No need to thank you again." The man named Gu Bo waved his hand and said, "You'd better go see your tribe members quickly!"

Meng Rushan looked sad, shook his head and said: "I have already seen it, my clan uncle is dead."

"Alas!" Gu Bo sighed and said, "If only I could have come earlier, I might be able to save your clan uncle."

"It's a pity that I'm new to this place and I'm completely unfamiliar with it. I still sensed the woman's aura, so I found this place by mistake."

"Girl, please go and appease your tribe first. When you are not busy, I would like to ask you a few questions."

Gu Bo's words made Meng Rushan look at him with slightly surprised eyes.

Although the Shan Clan is in a state of poverty, they have lived in the Chaotic Domain for a long time.

The Shan Clan also has a detailed understanding of the situation in the Chaotic Domain.

Here, although it is not said that every monk is a bad person, unless they are of the same clan or in an alliance, everyone will go their own way and few will meddle in other people's business.

But this Gu Bo not only drew his sword to help when the road was rough, but now he was also able to think for others and let Meng Rushan deal with clan affairs first.

Such a person is simply an alternative in the Chaos Realm!

After thinking for a moment, Meng Rushan could roughly guess Gu Bo's origin.

She stretched out her hand and pointed at the boulder below and said, "Senior's lesson is that you should first offend me and go to my tribe to rest for a while."

Gu Bo was slightly startled, looked at the boulder and said, "Is this your clan's land?"

Meng Rushan showed a bitter smile and said: "All members of our Shan Clan are already here, so wherever we go, they are our clan's territory."

Gu Bo nodded silently and stepped onto the boulder.

Meng Rushan also shouted in a low voice: "Thank you, Senior Gu!"

The patriarch of the Shan Clan is dead, and the most powerful Meng Rushan is now equivalent to the patriarch.

All the Shan clan members naturally stood up immediately and bowed to Gu Bo, thanking him for his help.

Gu Bo waved his hands repeatedly and stood at the corner of the boulder, turning his back to everyone, looking at the darkness ahead and saying nothing.

Meng Rushan, on the other hand, led his clan members to briefly dispose of the clan uncle's body and put it away.

After a mountain tribe member dies, he or she must be buried in the mountains if conditions permit.

In short, after finishing everything in a hurry, Meng Rushan came back behind Gu Bo and said, "Senior Lao Gu has been waiting for a long time."

Gu Bo shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, please forgive me and accept the change!"

Meng Rushan's face showed a wry smile again: "It's nothing, we are all used to it."

Taking a deep breath, Meng Rushan's expression returned to normal and he said: "Senior Ancient, don't talk about our mountain clan, so as not to spoil your mood."

"You just said that if you have any questions to ask me, please feel free to ask. I will tell you everything I know."

Gu Bo was no longer polite and said: "Excuse me, girl, where is this place?"

After hearing this question, Meng Rushan was completely sure of the origin of this ancient book.

Meng Rushan said: "Senior, this is called the Chaos Domain, a place where time and space meet."

"If my guess is correct, senior should have suddenly arrived here from another time and space."

Then, Meng Rushan told everything he knew about the Chaos Domain without hiding anything.

After Gu Bo heard this, he was stunned and speechless for a long time.

Obviously, for a while, he simply couldn't accept the fact that he had come to the Chaos Realm.

And Meng Rushan didn't bother him, he just stood aside quietly with a respectful expression.

Because, in Meng Rushan's heart, he not only regards Gu Bo as his savior, but also hopes to follow him from now on.

Meng Rushan failed to pass the test of the Dong clan, and the entire Shan clan had no way out.

Unexpectedly, they suddenly met this Gu Bo from other time and space.

This Gu Bo was kind-hearted and powerful. He had just arrived in the Chaos Realm and had no foundation at all.

If the Shan Clan could follow him, at least he would have found a backer!

After a long time, Gu Bo finally came to his senses, and Meng Rushan noticed that there was suddenly a hint of hope in his eyes.

Gu Bo said: "Miss Meng, you said that this Chaotic Realm is a gathering of people from different time and space. So if people who have died in other time and space, is it possible that they can appear here?"

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