Taoist world

Chapter 7234: Arrow of Dao Mark

Meng Rushan frowned, recalling what he had just experienced.

"Jiang Yun?"

After a long time, Jiang Yun's name came out of her mouth.

Although she was always in a state of despair, as a Supreme Realm person, she could still barely remember that she had just met a man named Jiang Yun.

However, although Jiang Yun did not erase her memory about her experience of being soul-searched by Jiang Yun, she could not remember it.

After standing there blankly for a moment, suddenly, a crisp sound of "pop" came from Meng Rushan's body.

Although the sound was not loud, it was like thunder to Meng Rushan, making her finally wake up from her sluggish state.

She turned her wrist, and a palm-sized stone appeared in her palm.

The stone was carved with ghost-like patterns that only she could understand.

At this moment, one of the lines cracked from the middle, which was obviously the source of the crisp sound.

Seeing this crack, Meng Rushan's expression suddenly changed. He held the stone tightly in his palms and immediately started running forward.

It is not difficult to see that she has used all her strength. When her feet land in the void, it will make the void tremble, and her speed is also extremely fast.

In an instant, her figure had gone far away and disappeared without a trace.

But at this time, near the gap where she was in a daze, a figure stepped out of the darkness.

It's Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun was worried that Meng Rushan would encounter something unexpected if he was in a daze here, so he always hid in the dark.

Now that I saw Meng Rushan finally leaving safely, I felt relieved.

However, Jiang Yun also knew that the reason why Meng Rushan was completely conscious was because of the cracks on the stone.

It was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess that the stone should be something similar to a life stone, which meant that her people were in danger, so she was asked to rush back.

Looking at the direction in which Meng Rushan disappeared, Jiang Yun shook his head, turned around and walked towards the direction of the Sihe Star again.

"Brother, what's going on?"

"Why did you search her soul just now? What do you want to ask her for?"

Xie Daozi's curious voice also sounded.

Naturally, he already understood that Jiang Yun was not interested in Meng Rushan, but wanted to verify something with Meng Rushan.

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked around, and after making sure there was no one else around, he stretched out his palm. Lines appeared quickly in his palm, and gradually condensed into an arrow!

This arrow is about three feet long. The tail and body of the arrow are both black, but the arrowhead is composed of several complex patterns.

Xie Daozi stared at the arrow and said, "Is this the arrow in the illusion just now?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun said in a deep voice, "Brother, pay attention to the lines on the arrows."

"That was what I finally copied based on what I saw and what Meng Rushan remembered."

"While it may not be entirely accurate, I didn't add an iota of my power to it."

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, Xie Daozi's voice said urgently: "Brother, let me out quickly."

Jiang Yun thought, and Xie Daozi had already appeared beside him.

Xie Daozi directly put his eyes on the arrow in Jiang Yun's hand, and after looking at it for a while, he said: "This is some kind of Dao pattern!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "The arrow in that space just now was completely condensed from some kind of Dao pattern!"

"At the beginning, I didn't see it either. It wasn't until the arrow was blocked by Meng Rushan's armor and paused for a moment that I saw the pattern on the arrow."

"But the speed of the arrow is too fast, and I can't be completely sure, so I need to confirm it again in Meng Rushan's memory."

"Although what I saw in Meng Rushan's eyes was a person attacking her, I can still see the arrow through her memory."

"It's a pity that her strength is a bit weak and she can't see too clearly."

"I can only roughly copy these Dao patterns to this extent."

Xie Daozi slowly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yundao: "A palm is used to recruit some kind of test arranged by the guest. Not only does it use illusions, but it also uses arrows condensed from Dao patterns!"

"However, when we stepped into the Chuanyuan Star Territory before, we felt the power of the Great Dao, which means that in one palm, there is at least one race that practices the power of the Great Dao."

"So, this arrow, as well as the entire test, may have been arranged by people of this race!"

Jiang Yun looked at Xie Daozi with burning eyes and said: "Then if I say that the Dao patterns condensed into this arrow, I feel like they come from the same domain as us!"

After this period of experience in the Chaos Realm, Jiang Yun already knew that apart from each time and space, there are actually different worlds.

The world here does not refer to one Tao realm, but to a larger world that includes many Tao realms.

Jiang Yun especially remembered that Ye Dong once said that he and he were from the same region.

At that time, Jiang Yun didn't know what a big domain was, but now he understands it.

The so-called big domain is a land that contains several Tao realms.

Jiang Yun, Ye Dong, and Xie Daozi, they came from a large area where they practiced the Great Dao.

Similarly, there are other great realms that are also great avenues for cultivation.

However, the avenues of practice are different between various major domains.

Xie Daozi pondered for a moment, then understood what Jiang Yun meant and said: "You mean, do you suspect that a certain race in this palm is our fellow countryman?"

Jiang Yun waved his hand to scatter the arrows in his palm and said, "Yes."

"If this is the case, then we may be able to clarify many issues through this race."

Xie Daozi nodded, gave Jiang Yun a thumbs up and said, "You, my brother, can see through all this."

If it can really be proven that this race of Yizhang comes from their large domain, then maybe they can be asked for help, such as finding the old man named Zhuang, or leaving the chaotic domain.

Jiang Yun took Xie Daozi back to the Dao Realm, and turned towards the direction where the Dao aura he sensed earlier came from.

For the time being, he was not planning to enter the Quadruple Star again to avoid being suspected, so he wanted to see if he could confirm the true origin of that Taoist race.

At the same time, Meng Rushan was running crazily in the gap between the boundaries.

Jiang Yun's guess was correct. The stone Meng Rushan took out was similar to the life stone, indicating that something was wrong in the clan.

The Shan Clan is a very ordinary ethnic group in the vast chaotic domain. Their overall strength is not strong and their number of members is small. They are always struggling to survive.

In the chaotic realm, such ethnic groups disappear almost every day, and new ethnic groups appear.

The Shan Clan was also at the end of its rope, so when Meng Rushan came to apply for the position of Dong Clan's Guest Minister, he simply brought all his clansmen to the Chuanyuan Star Territory, found a place to temporarily house them, and came to Sihe Star to join the Dong Clan. test.

If she succeeds, she can take her people to the Quad Star as soon as possible.

Moreover, the Chuanyuan Star Territory apparently belongs to the four major races and is somewhat safer than other places.

But she didn't expect that something would happen to her own people here.

After running in the gap for more than an hour, Meng Rushan finally saw the place where she placed her clansmen, a huge piece of gravel.

On top of the gravel, there were people fighting!


Meng Rushan didn't even see clearly who the person he was fighting was, so he roared, gathered all his strength, and ran over crazily.

As the distance got closer, Meng Rushan gradually saw clearly that the two people fighting were not his own tribe.

One is a young and beautiful woman, and the other is a middle-aged man.

As for his own tribe, they all gathered on the gravel and looked up at the fight between the man and the woman!

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