Taoist world

Chapter 7062: Divide and attack

"Buzz buzz!"

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The monks outside the realm who were preparing to go to the True Domain suddenly felt strange vibrations coming from all directions.

Before they could understand what was going on, a group of light and shadow passed over their bodies, causing the scene in front of them to change.

Not only that, the other three teams beside them have disappeared, leaving only the members of their own team!

This sudden change was naturally beyond their expectations.

It was their first time to step into Guantian Palace, and except for Ding Yi, the others had never fought against Jiang Yun, so they did not know that Jiang Yun had a Taoist realm that could accommodate all things.

Therefore, when they thought about it, it was Brother Daoxing who was secretly ambushing the formation and activating the formation.

Under the operation of the formation, the four teams were brought into different areas of the formation.

Despite this, there was no trace of panic on their faces.

After all, their team alone has more than 5,000 people, and they are led by a strong man from the Origin Realm.

No matter whether they were confronting Brother Daoxing head-on, or whether Brother Daoxing wanted to secretly attack themselves and others, they were not afraid.

However, they did not act rashly in a hurry. Instead, they released their spiritual consciousness and first figured out the situation in the area they were in.

Fengcan's spiritual consciousness was the most powerful, but even he was not able to clearly see where he was in the area in a short period of time.

Because there was endless darkness in all directions, and not far in front of everyone, there were countless runes floating with extremely chaotic power.

As soon as his consciousness entered the area where the runes were floating, it was immediately torn into pieces by countless forces.

Looking at the runes in front of him with no end in sight, as if they had gathered into an ocean, Fengcan said to himself: "The power of these runes is extremely complicated, but it is a bit like... a place of chaos!"

"However, these runes are not avenues, but rules, and they belong to the rules of Daoxing heaven and earth."

"It seems like it is Brother Daoxing who has secretly ambushed the formation. Now he has trapped us separately through the power of the rules in the formation."

Thinking of this, Fengcan said loudly to the more than 5,000 foreign monks beside him: "Fellow Taoists, there is no need to panic."

"First of all, let's see if this sea of ​​runes is somewhat similar to the chaotic land in our respective realms."

Not only Fengcan, but also many of the knowledgeable monks who followed him have discovered this.

Therefore, as soon as Feng Can finished speaking, someone immediately echoed: "Senior Feng is right. We also feel that this area where runes gather is quite similar to the land of chaos."

Fengcan smiled slightly and said: "I didn't expect that Daoxing monk would imitate the chaotic land and lay out such an area."

"If everything goes as expected, if we want to get out of trouble, we have to go through this sea of ​​runes."

"Then let Feng give it a try first to see the power of this sea of ​​runes."

While speaking, Fengcan had already raised his hand and pointed towards the sea of ​​runes in front of him.

Although the sea of ​​runes is filled with countless floating runes, these runes seem to be limited to the same place and will not rush towards the outside monks independently.

And with Fengcan's pointing, hundreds of runes were immediately forcibly pulled out by him and sank directly into his palm.

As soon as Fengcan closed his palms, there was an explosive sound of "bang bang bang" in his palm.

As the voice disappeared, Fengcan's expression became a little solemn.

He opened his palms and found them empty.

Obviously, after the hundred runes fell into his palm, they all exploded and disappeared without a trace.

Fengcan also said in a deep voice: "Everyone, our guess is correct."

"These runes contain the power of all kinds of chaotic and disorderly rules."

"They appear to be stationary, but as soon as they touch our bodies, they burrow into our bodies."

"I originally thought that the power of these rules could not shake the power of the avenue in our bodies, but I didn't expect that they still have an effect."

"Once the power of the avenue in our body is interfered with, it is likely to cause our body to explode."

"With Feng's strength, he will naturally not be afraid of these rule runes."

"However, if it is you, letting these runes enter the body, I am afraid it will still be a bit dangerous."

"If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself."

"I'll go in the opposite direction to see if there are other roads."

After saying these words, Fengcan walked away in the opposite direction of the Sea of ​​Runes.

More than 5,000 outsider monks looked at each other in disbelief, and began to imitate Fengcan's method, absorbing some runes from the sea of ​​runes and integrating them into their own bodies.

After trying it, everyone's faces changed color.

As Fengcan said, these rule runes pose a great threat to them.

While these outsider monks were feeling the rule runes, Jiang Yun's figure quietly appeared above their heads.

He stared at these outsider monks coldly, and said secretly in his heart: "Thanks to me for incorporating the whirlpool space into the Taoist world, it is now put to use."

Naturally, these outsider monks have actually left the previous formation diagram and are now in the whirlpool space opened up by the Master of All Spirits!

And the place where runes gathered in front of them was the sea of ​​runes that Jiang Yun and the others encountered when they reached the ninth world in the whirlpool space!

Although the Master of All Spirits has been captured by Jiang Yun, the various methods he deployed in the whirlpool space still exist.

After Jiang Yun incorporated the whirlpool space into the Taoist world, although he could not directly use these methods, he could still do it by sending monks from outside the realm here.

In fact, these outsider monks are not in any danger.

They don't have to do anything, just wait here, the Sea of ​​Runes will not take the initiative to attack them at all.

In the end, Jiang Yun will also send them out of here.

But Jiang Yun believed that since they had determined that they were still in the formation, they would definitely find a way to break out of this sea of ​​runes.

In that case, just like Jiang Yunzhige and others, they would be actively attacked by the regular runes and might even die.

As for Fengcan, as he said himself, this sea of ​​runes poses no threat to him.

But it is not easy for him to destroy this sea of ​​runes.

Back then, Jiayi and Red Wolf were both high-level powerhouses in the Origin Realm. They also chose to break through the Sea of ​​Runes instead of destroying it.

In short, Jiang Yun sent Feng Can and his team here because Feng Can was too strong and Jiang Yun had no chance of defeating him.

Jiang Yun's real purpose was to trap them so that he would have enough time to deal with the other three teams!

Originally, Jiang Yun wanted to use his Taoist realm to cover all the outside monks, and then deal with them himself.

However, after seeing them divided into four teams, Jiang Yun immediately changed his mind.

Although he still brought all the outside monks into his Taoist realm, he divided the Taoist realm into four and trapped four teams respectively.

In this way, Jiang Yun can use his three original Tao bodies to defeat them one by one.

What appeared here in Fengcan at this moment was not Jiang Yun himself, but his water origin body.

As for Jiang Yun's true self, he was standing above a valley, watching the more than 5,000 monks in the valley, as well as the leader of the powerful Origin Realm Monster Clan!

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