Taoist world

Chapter 7061: God helps me

After Jiang Yun made as much preparation as possible in the Taoist world, he suddenly discovered that the group of outside monks were not in a hurry to go to the true domain immediately, but were still gathering in the same place.

This made Jiang Yun's heart move. He temporarily stopped the spread of Taoism and quietly stared at the monks outside the realm, wanting to see what they were doing.

Jiang Yun was able to discover these outsider monks, but the outsider monks did not notice Jiang Yun's existence.

Because this formation diagram originated from the Master of All Spirits is not a decoration, but it does have a certain power.

Relying on his mastery of the power of space, Ding Yi could create a passage connecting the Immortal Realm and the True Realm in the array, but he could not make the array useless.

Therefore, what the outside monks see at this moment is the power of various rules, ancient power, extra-legal divine patterns and other powers surrounding their bodies.

And it was basically the first time for them to truly enter Guantian Palace. Facing these powers originating from Daoxing Heaven and Earth, it can be said that they were extremely unfamiliar.

This makes it impossible for them to observe the entire array without being affected at all like Jiang Yun.

In fact, they must use their cultivation to counteract those forces.

However, even if they could discover Jiang Yun, they would not take Jiang Yun seriously.

Now, they are all extremely excited, wishing they could step into the True Realm immediately, quickly find the treasure, and realize the wish they and others have had for so many years.

Unfortunately, there is a heavy layer of pressure on them that prevents them from moving freely for the time being.

This layer of coercion naturally comes from Hongmeng’s deputy leader, Fengcan!

There was no expression on Fengcan's handsome face. He was looking at all the outside monks with his spiritual consciousness, checking their cultivation realm and general strength.

Soon, he had already made a judgment in his heart, and his eyes focused on the other three monks and paused for a moment.

"There are a hundred people in the Supreme Realm, and the rest are below the Supreme."

"As for the Origin Realm monks, there are only four of them. I, Yiyi, Qiao Laosan, and a demon monk who is ten days old."

"However, it just so happens that Hongmeng and Shitianqian have two people each."

"Yiyi is at the middle level of the origin, while Qiao Laosan and the demon monk are at the beginning level."

"The demon monks may be stronger."

"It's a bit interesting that this elementary-level person is not one of the ten heavenly stems."

"It seems that the purpose of the major forces sending people here this time is just to verify the alliance leader's words, and by the way, test the strength of Zhenyu again."

"They didn't have much hope of getting that treasure."

"There is also the Alliance Leader. Even if he doesn't come here, he should have some information about the True Domain that we don't know."

"The most likely possibility is that there are powerful people in the Origin Realm in the True Domain, which prevents him from taking risks himself."

The leader of the Hongmeng gave the reason why he did not personally lead the team to attack the true domain. Perhaps most monks from outside the domain would agree and believe it.

However, Fengcan, as the deputy leader, did not believe even a word of it!

Because Fengcan knew the true identity of the leader of Hongmeng, and he knew even more clearly that although the other party's divination ability was indeed unmatched, his strength was not that strong.

As for Fengcan, as a high-level powerhouse in the Origin Realm, even among all outside monks, he is still a ceiling-level existence.

He even didn't believe that there was anyone in the True Domain who could be stronger than himself.

Therefore, when the leader of the Hongmeng notified several deputy leaders at the same time, asking who would be willing to lead the members of the Hongmeng to attack the True Domain this time, Fengcan would take the initiative to volunteer.

"In this way, I am very hopeful that I will get that treasure this time!"

As this thought emerged, a smile appeared on Fengcan's face, and he finally said loudly: "Fellow Taoists, please be patient."

"I can understand your mood at the moment, but as the person leading the team this time, I still need to discuss some things with you."

Even though no one wanted to hear what Fengcan had to say, they had to listen patiently under the powerful pressure Fengcan released.

Fengcan continued: "We now have more than 20,000 monks. In my opinion, let alone attacking the True Domain, even if it flattens the True Domain, it is more than enough."

Fengcan's words immediately won the favor and approval of many monks from outside the region, who nodded in agreement.

Since they dared to come to Zhenyu, they naturally did not take Brother Daoxing seriously.

Fengcan continued: "However, we cannot be like stragglers. After rushing into the True Domain in a swarm, we will fight indiscriminately and fight on our own."

"As far as I know, the True Domain is very large and is divided into four areas, namely the Heavenly Domain, the Earthly Domain, the Human Domain and the Boundary Sea."

"Just in time, we have a total of four Origin Realm monks this time."

"Therefore, I suggest that we divide ourselves into four teams, each led by an Origin Realm leader, to attack an area of ​​the True Domain."

"As for where the treasure is, none of us know, so we just have to rely on luck."

"It's up to you to choose which team you want to join, okay?"

After finishing speaking, Fengcan looked at the other three Origin Realm monks, including Yiyi.

The three people looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Fengcan's proposal is quite reasonable.

Although Hongmeng and Shitianqian are now standing together, let alone truly working together, they are probably still on guard against each other.

If they are separated, at least the monks in the same team can take care of each other, which is relatively safer.

Yiyi asked: "Then how should the four of us decide which area to attack?"

Fengcan smiled and said: "We will discuss this issue after everyone has chosen who to follow."

Yiyi and the other two people clearly smelled a hint of conspiracy in Fengcan's words.

But Fengcan is the strongest, and they don't dare to confront Fengcan at this time, so they can only agree temporarily.

As a result, four Origin Realm experts stood up alone.

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As for the other outsider monks, they would stand behind whoever they wanted to follow.

This choice may seem difficult, but in fact it is very simple. You should choose according to the respective forces.

The monks from Shitiangan naturally joined Yiyi and another demon origin monk.

The Hongmeng monks still chose Fengcan and Qiao Laosan.

More than 20,000 foreign monks were quickly divided into four teams.

Fengcan also spoke again: "Now, let's divide which area of ​​the True Domain we each attack."

"I'm not talented, so I'll recommend myself first."

"Feng's strength should be slightly stronger than everyone else's, and the strongest monk in the True Domain is called Tianzun."

"Therefore, I will lead the team to the Tianzun Domain. Do you have any objections?"

This is Fengcan’s true purpose.

It is a fact that almost everyone knows that Tianzun is the strongest.

So, as a treasure, it is naturally most likely to be in the hands of Tianzun.

Attacking the Tianzun Domain is far more likely to obtain the treasure than attacking other areas.

The other three origins finally understood the real reason why Fengcan divided the four teams!

Although they wanted to object, looking at Fengcan's eyes with a hint of murderous intent, they could only agree obediently and each chose an area.

While others were choosing areas, Yi Yi sent a message to Ding Yi who was hiding in another team: "Ding Yi, after entering the true domain, your mission is not to find the treasure, but to open up a new area at all costs." A passage that can directly enter the True Realm from the Immortal Realm.”

Immediately afterwards, Yi Yi said to the demon origin: "Long You, your mission is to protect Ding Yi. Even if you die, he cannot die!"

Ding Yi and Long You both nodded silently.

"Okay!" Fengcan said loudly again: "Everyone, if you have nothing else to do, we will enter the true realm now!"

At the same time, looking at the foreign monks who were divided into four teams, Jiang Yun's eyes couldn't help but light up and said: "God is really helping me!"

After the words fell, the Dao world that had just stopped began to fill with madness.

And Jiang Yun's eyebrows also cracked, and three original Tao bodies stepped out!

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