Taoist world

Chapter 5771 The Emperor of Death

Shi Wuhen is not the clone of Earth Lord, but the person of Earth Lord himself! Although he could understand the Earth Lord's clone's self-destruction and agreed to help the Earth Lord's clone take care of Jiang Youdao, this did not mean that he would betray the Earth Lord's original self.

He knew that Earth Zun had a fancy for the Four Realms Zang, and he also knew that Earth Zun and Human Zun were at odds with each other.

Since Ren Zun is coming to attack Mengyu and Shijingzang, he must stop Ren Zun.

Therefore, cooperating with Yu Wenji and others is exactly what he wants.

Now, the only thing he is worried about is Jiang Youdao's safety! If the Sijing Zang is really taken away and the Dream Realm is destroyed, then I don’t know if Jiang Youdao can continue to exist! "It should be possible. After all, he was not created by the Nightmare Beast, but by Jiang Yun."

"Moreover, he has walked out of Jiang Yun's dream and entered the nightmare beast's dream."

Just when Shi Wuhen's clone was murmuring, there was no other sound for a long time after his voice fell.

This made Yu Wenji frown secretly.

This was somewhat inconsistent with his expectations. At this time, shouldn't all the Nine Emperors and Nine Clan Chiefs take the initiative to seek cooperation and jointly fight against Ren Zun?

However, so far, in addition to the nine of them, plus Xue Wuchang and Shi Wuhen, there are seven people who are not abnormal.

Forget about the nine clans, they may have their own plans, but why are the two most powerful emperors among the nine emperors always quiet?

Do they also have other hidden purposes that they don't know about?

Even if there were, they couldn't have thought of the reason why the eggs would be intact when the nest was overturned.

In other words, those two are actually respectable people?

This thought made Yu Wenji's eyes flash with a cold light.

In Su Yu's opinion, there must be someone respected among the Nine Emperors or Nine Clans.

But Yu Wenji is very clear that there may be people among the nine tribes, but the Nine Emperors cannot be respected by anyone! Because, not all the Nine Emperors in troubled times were found by themselves, but recommended by a certain adult.

Even if I can't investigate the detailed origins of other people, doesn't that adult know?

Since that lord dared to let the Nine Emperors appear, he must have checked everyone in advance, and he would never allow anyone with high esteem to join him.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by Yu Wenji himself: "Isn't Wuhen a member of Di Zun at that time?"

"If he can hide it from that adult, it's certainly possible for others to do the same."

After waiting for a while and still no one spoke up, Yu Wenji finally couldn't help but said: "You are all silent. Are you really unwilling to cooperate with us?"

"In other words, you have other requirements. If you have any, you can tell us and we can discuss them."

At this moment, not only Yu Wenji, but also Su Yu, Demon Lord and others also had strange expressions on their faces. They didn't understand why the others were reluctant to change.

As Yu Wenji finished speaking, a hoarse voice finally spoke: "We two brothers can cooperate with you, but before the human being arrives, we need your help to devour the spiritual tree for us first. !”

This voice was not only hoarse, but when it fell into everyone's ears, it immediately made everyone shiver involuntarily, and a chill surged uncontrollably from the bottom of their hearts.

This chill comes from the fear of death! This voice clearly contains a strong desire to die! At the same time as the sound sounded, a big golden tree suddenly appeared in a world within the sky and the sky, shaking violently and shining with golden light.

A vague skull suddenly appeared on the surface of the golden tree! In addition to the golden tree, in another sky, groups of nine-colored rays of light soared into the sky, covering the entire world.

In the center of this light, there is also a skull emerging.

The other emperors and clan leaders could not see these scenes. Only Yu Wenji could see them clearly, and a hint of fear flashed across his face! In the troubled times of the Nine Emperors, the wisest emperor was Yu Wenji, but the most powerful emperors were two people.

To be precise, they are not humans, they are undead! Coming from the True Realm of Death, they can even be regarded as the two undead souls in charge of the True Realm of Death.

They are two brothers, and their names are very unique. The elder brother is called life, and the younger brother is called death.

Naturally, the two of them mastered the same power, the power of death, and they were called the Emperor of Death! The people responsible for suppressing the two brothers were one from the Samsara Clan and the other was the Spirit Duke of the Mirage Clan who was also the strongest among the nine tribes! At this moment, the person who spoke was his elder brother Sheng He Huan.

And when they heard their request, everyone knew it well.

The spirit tree is the tree of life. It is born with powerful power of life and can be said to be the nemesis of the power of death.

If the two brothers could swallow the spiritual tree, turn from death to life, and reverse life and death, it would be of great help to their practice.

However, just because the spirit tree restrained them, they were no match for the spirit tree and could not devour the spirit tree.

Now, they are taking this opportunity and using this as a condition, hoping that other great emperors can help them.

The other emperors remained silent regarding their requests.

Even in my heart, no one is willing to help.

There is no other reason. If there is a selfless spirit in this world, it is only the spirit tree! Not only does the spirit tree never have any grudges with others, but it actually gives birth to all spirits and benefits the world.

Anyone who harms such a kind of existence will be despised by everyone.

Yu Wenji also frowned slightly, feeling troubled by the demands of the two dead emperors.

He is also unwilling to help them, but these two are the strongest. With them joining, the hope of fighting Renzun will be greater. Moreover, these two have lawless tempers and are bully.

At first, they even proclaimed themselves Death Lords and wanted to be on an equal footing with the other three. One can imagine how arrogant they were.

If they don't agree, not only will they not help themselves and others, they may even help Renzun in turn! After pondering for a moment, Yu Wenji suddenly smiled slightly and said: "Of course we can agree to your request, but the spirit tree is also very strong, especially her recovery power, which is unparalleled."

"When we fight Ren Zun, if there is a spiritual tree on the side to heal us, it will also increase our chances of winning."

"Therefore, why don't we discuss it? The two of you will cooperate with us first. If we can defeat Ren Zun and get back the Xiu Xiu Monument, then we will help you two devour the spiritual tree!"

"What do you two think?"

Yu Wenji is using this as a delaying tactic. Anyway, no one knows who will win in the end after the war.

Perhaps, both brothers may die in the war, so it is better to agree now and bring them into camp first.

Sheng Hehuan was silent for a moment and said: "It's not enough for you to agree alone. Everyone must agree before our brothers will agree."

There was no need for Yu Wenji to explain. Others naturally understood what Yu Wenji meant, so everyone naturally agreed.

After getting everyone's guarantee, the two Death Emperors agreed to cooperate with everyone.

So far, all the Nine Emperors in the troubled times have agreed to cooperate.

Yu Wenji looked at the looming shell and said, "Senior Jiang, if you have any other requests, you might as well put them forward."

Because the spiritual master of the Mirage Clan has unlimited reincarnation ability, the cultivation strength of all reincarnations can be superimposed, so he is the highest among everyone in terms of strength and seniority, and everyone has to call him senior.

After the mirage clan's spiritual master was silent for a long time, a hoarse voice came out: "You first find Jiang Wanli, the second-generation mirage clan's spiritual master!"

The mirage clan has a cooperative relationship with Ren Zun! However, the first generation Linggong didn't know whether this cooperation had been established, so he needed to ask Jiang Wanli first before making a decision.

The request of the Mirage Clan Spiritual Duke made Yu Wenji roll his eyes and said: "Okay, please ask Senior Jiang to wait a moment, I will go find Jiang Wanli right now!"

Immediately afterwards, Yu Wenji sent a message to Su Yu: "I'm going to find Jiang Yun!"

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