Taoist world

Chapter 5770 Welcome to join

Su Yu could understand that Yu Wenji wanted to go to Gu Bulao and Dongfang Bo for help.

These two people, like himself and others, have the strength of a true emperor.

Dongfang Bo is the weapon spirit of the Four Realms. If he is willing to cooperate, he can completely release the Nine Emperors and Nine Clan.

There is also that ancient man with mysterious origins. Even Yu Wenji still doesn’t know who he is.

If these two are willing to join forces to fight Renzun, it will definitely be a great help.

However, Su Yu was very confused when he heard that Yu Wenji was still looking for Jiang Yun.

It is true that Jiang Yun attracted the people who were looking for the monument. At present, it seems that he is most likely the person Di Zun is looking for. His qualifications and abilities in all aspects are also good.

But the training time is too short and the strength is too low. He is not even an emperor, but a monk in the Hanging Realm. Telling Jiang Yun about Renzun's coming is of no use at all.

Regarding Su Yu's doubts, Yu Wenji smiled slightly and said: "Jiang Yun's own strength is indeed very poor, but he is the most critical person for us to successfully fight Ren Zun this time!"

"First of all, don't forget that he is the master of your nine tribes, and he has the sacred objects of the nine tribes on his body!"

"If he agrees to join forces and return the sacred objects of the Nine Clans to you, it will be the greatest help to you."

"Our current strength is much weaker than when we were at our peak, but if you can get back the holy objects, you can make up for it somewhat."

Su Yu smiled coldly and said, "I don't admit that a young boy is the master of our sacrificial clan."

"As for the sacred object, the power inside it has been exhausted over the years and has never been restored. Even if it is given to us, it will not be of much help to us."

Yu Wenji ignored Su Yu and continued: "Secondly, since he is the person Earth Lord is looking for, he may still have the power left by Earth Lord."

"What's more, don't underestimate Jiang Yun. I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know how many secrets Jiang Yun has."

"In fact, Jiang Yun's attitude is more important than Dongfang Bo and Gu Bu Lao."

"As long as he agrees to join forces with us, Dongfang Bo and Gu Bu Lao will naturally join in without us having to ask."

Although Su Yu looked down on Jiang Yun, he had to admit this.

Yu Wenji stopped explaining. He stood up and said loudly: "Great emperors and clan leaders, I am Yu Wenji."

"Having lived here with you for so many years, I think many of you already know that a few of us have already secretly formed an alliance and made some plans to help us get out of trouble and fight for us. Lots of benefits.”

"Just now, we snatched away the Eye of Illusion from the Human Being and forced the clone left in the Dream Realm to self-destruct!"

As Yu Wenji's words fell, all the worlds in the world trembled slightly again! As Yu Wenji said, except for the eight people they cooperated with this time and Sikongzi, everyone else knew more or less about their plan.

For example, Xue Wuchang knew clearly that Yu Wenji had successfully taken the Eye of Fantasy as his own, and also knew that they were going to kill Earth Lord's clone.

However, everyone, including Xue Wuchang, believed that the difficulty of killing Earth Lord's clone was too low and it was almost impossible to succeed.

But unexpectedly, Yu Wenji now said that they had succeeded and the Earth Lord's clone had self-destructed.

Although they do not have the power of space like Yu Wenji and have no idea what is happening outside, they also know that it is impossible for Yu Wenji to lie to themselves about such a major event as the death of the Earth Master.

In other words, the Earth Lord clone is really dead! This really shocked all of them! Naturally, they also understood that the death of the Earth Lord clone and the Eye of Huan Zhen were controlled by Yu Wenji, which meant that the passage between the Real Realm, the Dream Realm, and the Huan Zhen Realm had been firmly controlled by Yu Wenji and the others.

Yu Wenji deliberately gave everyone some time to digest what he and others had done.

After everyone calmed down, he continued: "It's just that when the Earth Lord's clone died, an accident occurred."

Next, Yu Wenji told the story of the mysterious man who had sent a message for the Earth Master, how the monument he was looking for was snatched away by the Earth Master, and his own analysis and speculation on the matter, without any concealment.

"Everyone, if my conjecture is correct and Renzun is here in his avatar, then we can only be his opponent if we join forces."

"Therefore, I hereby ask you all, no matter what grudges or prejudices we have in the past, please put them aside for the time being."

“It’s not too late to talk about other things after we deal with the threat to human dignity.”

"Of course, I also know that some of you must complain about us, thinking that we should not have caused so many troubles, and now we are dragging you into the water, but I want to say something, even if we did nothing wrong, then our results , there are only two kinds.”

"Either we will continue to be imprisoned in the Four Realms Tibet until the moment our lifespan runs out."

"Either, we are waiting for Earth Lord's clone to kill us all one by one."

"And what we're doing is just making these two outcomes come earlier."

"And compared to us passively waiting for the results, at least we are taking the initiative now, and it is not without a little hope."

"No matter how powerful the clone of Renzun is, it is nothing more than a fake one. At most, with the addition of his three slaves, eight aristocratic families and ten concubines, we still have the power to fight."

At this moment, the Demon Lord suddenly said coldly: "Yu Wenji, is it true that only people with respect for human beings are here?"

"The clone of the Earth Lord exploded and died, but these four realms are owned by the Earth Lord. Wouldn't the Earth Lord's original self come?"

Not to mention Yu Wenji, even Su Yu, Hun Kunwu and others knew the question raised by the Demon Lord. This was the last question asked by the Earth Lord's clone before he blew himself up! Yuwenji should know the answer to this question, but he never said it, so the Demon Lord took this opportunity to ask Yuwenji.

Yu Wenji smiled slightly and said: "The Demon Lord has his heart. I can tell the Demon Lord for sure that the Earth Lord will not come, but I cannot reveal the reason!"

The demon opened his mouth. Although he wanted to continue asking, he also knew that since Yu Wenji refused to say anything, he really didn't know how to say it.

Yu Wenji said again: "Okay, everyone, I have said everything I can say. Next, please express your position!"

"However, I would also like to remind you that if you are not willing to cooperate, we will not force you."

"But if you agree to cooperate now, you must keep your word and make an oath."

"If anyone goes back on his word, then we will kill you first if we try to be killed by others!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Wenji stopped talking and waited patiently for everyone's reply, but there was a calm look on his face.

Because he knew very well that at this time, absolutely no one would refuse his proposal.

We are all in the same boat, and whoever refuses to cooperate will be completely isolated.

Sure enough, after about a quarter of an hour of silence, someone already sighed leisurely and said, "I cooperate!"

The one who spoke was Xue Wuchang! He didn't want to cooperate.

After all, Yu Wenji had invited him several times before, but he rejected them all.

However, he took away a drop of Renzun's life blood. No one Renzun let go would be able to let him go, so he had to cooperate.

Yu Wenji immediately said with a smile on his face: "Welcome Brother Xue to join us!"

And after the blood is impermanent, another person said: "I will join too!"

Hearing this person's voice, a cold light flashed across the eyes of eight great emperors including Yu Wenji and Su Yu.

Because the person who spoke was surprisingly Shi Wuhen! They had all suspected that the person who was delivering the message for Earth Lord was Shi Wuhen's clone.

However, of course they would not speak out about this suspicion at this moment.

Especially if Shi Wuhen is really from Earth Zun, then he is even more willing to fight against Ren Zun with everyone.

Shi Wuhen's clone was still in that unknown world, with a calm look on his face.

He had already thought of this outcome, and dealing with Ren Zun was something he was happy to do.

There is no harmony between the three deities!

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