Taoist world

Chapter 5471 The Seal of Humanity

Except for Jiang Gongwang and Wanglao, no one else in the entire Hundred Clans Alliance knew about Ku Lao's arrival.

And Jiang Gongwang did not alert the others. After nodding to Wang Lao, he quietly turned around to his residence, and then sent a message to Ku Lao: "Ku Lao is here unexpectedly. Jiang is far away to welcome you, but you still hope." Forgive me!"

Although he said that he had not gone far to greet him, Jiang Gongwang had no intention of going out to greet him.

Ku Lao didn't take it seriously, smiled slightly, appeared in front of Jiang Gongwang, sat down, folded his hands and said: "Donor Jiang's words are serious."

"I heard that the noble family member passed away unfortunately, and I have always wanted to come to express my condolences, but there were too many mundane things to do, so I was never able to do so."

"I haven't finished my work until today, so I came here to express my condolences. It was so unexpected, so I would like to ask Donor Jiang to express my condolences!"

Hearing that Ku Lao mentioned Jiang Yun's death when he came up, Jiang Gongwang smiled lightly and said, "Ku Lao is interested."

"As a monk, you have to walk between life and death all year round, and there are many people who hate my Jiang family members. Now, although he was framed and died, he died a well-deserved death. Why should I mourn!"

Ku Lao nodded and said, "That's right. I've seen Mr. Jiang Xiaodon several times with my spiritual consciousness. He is indeed an amazingly talented and beautiful person."

"If he doesn't die, he will definitely be able to help me win the battle between the Kuyu Realm and the Huanzhen Realm this time."

"It's a pity that God is jealous of talents, alas!"

Ku Lao shook his head, with a look of regret on his face, and remained silent.

Jiang Gongwang sneered in his heart, but he still said calmly on his face: "Besides condolences, Mr. Ku must have other things to do, right?"

Ku Lao nodded and said: "There is indeed a little something."

Jiang Gongwang looked at Mr. Ku and said, "I'd like to hear the details!"

Ku Lao smiled slightly and said: "With all due respect, except for the clan members of the noble clan, there really are no outstanding people among the clan members today."

"Now that the Eye of Illusion is about to be opened, it is impossible for anyone from the noble family to get a quota."

"In the future, if something unexpected happens to Donor Jiang again, where will the noble clan members go?"

"Therefore, I have a suggestion. Donor Jiang, why not take the nobles and convert them to my Ku Temple."

"When the time comes, not only will I be able to give one to the nobles who have entered the Eye of Illusion, but also even if Donor Jiang encounters an accident, at least under the protection of the Ku Temple, the nobles can continue to exist."

This is not that Ku Lao is deceiving Jiang Gongwang, but the truth! Of course he was not interested in Jiang’s clan members, but Jiang Gongwang! If Jiang Gongwang can be converted to Kumiao and become his subordinate, Kumiao's strength will greatly increase.

Especially since Ku Temple is about to acquire a lost ancient world, with Jiang Gongwang around, Ku Temple will have more possibilities to compete with the Yuan family! One Jiang Gongwang is definitely worth hundreds of millions of monks lost in the ancient world.

Therefore, Ku Lao was really willing to give Jiang Gongwang a chance.

After Jiang Gongwang heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Thanks to Mr. Ku for thinking so highly of me."

"However, I, the descendant of the Jiang clan, once said to me that people with different paths should not work together!"

After the words fell, the smile on Jiang Gongwang's face suddenly faded and he said: "If Mr. Ku has nothing else to ask for, please forgive me for not sending it."

Regarding Jiang Gongwang's rejection, Ku Lao was also expecting it. His face showed regret again, he shook his head and said: "If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink as a penalty."

"Then don't blame me for being rude!"

While speaking, Ku Lao slowly raised his hands and placed them flatly on his chest in a virtual embrace.

But in the middle of his two palms, a layer of mist rose.

Inside, countless bright points of light can be vaguely seen, and each light point is like a living creature, constantly changing its position.

Every time these light spots change their position, they will create a clear trajectory in the fog, but they will disappear in an instant.

Just the scene in the mist made Jiang Gongwang feel dazzled after seeing it, and he wanted to look away and did not dare to look again.

But he knew even more clearly that if he didn't even dare to look, then once Ku Lao made a move, he might not even be able to parry.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

"Since he has such magical powers, why didn't he use them when he faced me last time? Did he just learn them?"

As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Jiang Gongwang also raised his hand.

Countless runes spread out extremely quickly, forming a door.

The nameless door! Facing Ku Lao, a magical power that he had never seen before, Jiang Gongwang showed his strongest attack without hesitation.

Moreover, this nameless door is different from the one he usually uses, or even the one given to Jiang Yun.

Above the closed door, there were several more black gases.

These gases also seemed to be alive, swimming back and forth on the surface of the door.

And because of the existence of these black gases, the aura emitted by this nameless door was extremely huge, causing Jiang Gongwang's retreat place to collapse instantly.

However, long before Ku Lao arrived, Jiang Gongwang considered that his fight with Ku Lao would inevitably cause great damage, so he had already hidden his retreat in an independent space.

Jiang Gongwang's eyes were fixed on the dense mist between Ku Lao's hands, and Ku Lao's eyes were also fixed on the black gas on the Nameless Door.

Both of them had solemn expressions on their faces.

At this moment, Wang Lao's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Gongwang's mind: "What he used seems to be the spiritual light seal of the human being!"

"I understand. It was Ren Zun who taught him a brand new seal, which contained his own spiritual light. It was specifically designed to deal with your black gas."

Because Ku Lao's strength was too strong, Wang Lao did not dare to directly spy on the fight between the two with his spiritual consciousness, so he simply took out a piece of spiritual consciousness in advance and hid it in Jiang Gongwang's body, so as to see if he could use Ku Lao's actions. Can you give Jiang Gongwang some guidance and help?

Wang Lao, whose real name is Nan Li, was once the number one bloodline master in the True Domain, and he was truly well-informed.

In order to better deal with Ku Lao, Jiang Gongwang also told him about the black gas he brought back from the mysterious space.

Although Wanglao didn't know what the black gas was, after seeing the dense mist between Kulao's hands, he immediately recognized it. It was one of the three gods with the same name as the Earth Lord, the spiritual light seal of the Human Lord! Jiang Gongwang didn't know who the human being was, but he just asked: "If he seals those black gases, I will lose all my reliance."

"Is there any way to break this spiritual light seal?"

Wang Lao sighed and said bitterly: "No!"

"The so-called spiritual light seal is a seal formed with the help of the fire of life of all spirits, or even the power of fate. It is a seal that is exclusive to human beings."

"When Humanity takes action, it can instantly draw on the fire of life and power of destiny of at least one-third of the living beings in the True Domain."

"Although Ku Lao certainly can't do it, the number of disciples in his Ku Temple is also extremely large. I'm afraid you won't be able to break through."

Even though Wang Lao Goodbye is more knowledgeable, compared with Renzun, the difference is really far.

Anyway, based on his experience, there is really no way to resist or break the spiritual light seal of the human being.

Of course, unless the Earth Lord takes action! But how could Di Zun take action to save Jiang Gongwang?

More importantly, since Renzun dared to blend the spiritual light seal into a brand new seal and teach it to Ku Lao, he must have also considered the possibility of Earth Zun taking action.

Therefore, Wang Lao is almost certain that Jiang Gongwang will be sealed! "Buzz!"

After the light spot in the dense mist in Ku Lao's hand reached its extreme, he suddenly took off his hand and threw it towards Jiang Gongwang.

Although Wang Lao thought Jiang Gongwang could not break the seal, Jiang Gongwang remained calm. The moment Ku Lao raised his hand, he pointed at the nameless door in front of him!

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