Taoist world

Chapter 5470 Visiting the Jiang Family in person

Master Du'e is a believer of Shura, and he is naturally very aware of Shura's current situation in the Temple of Suffering.

Although Du'e wanted to help Shura, he had a low status and weak strength in the Ku Temple and could not speak at all.

But Ku Chen is different. He is one of Ku Lao's three disciples. He is regarded as the Buddha and has a high and powerful position.

Now, although Ku Lao was demoted to the Jiyu Formation because he offended Ku Lao for something, he must have had his own followers and influence in Ku Temple for so many years.

If Kuchen and Shura can be connected, it will naturally be of great help to Shura's situation in Ku Temple.

And after hearing Master Du'e's words, how could Ku Chen not understand what he meant.

After pondering for a moment, Ku Chen nodded happily and said, "Okay, I've been busy with my affairs recently, and it's true that I haven't gone to see Tathagata for a while."

"Besides, I am going to the Gathering Formation this time, and I don't know when I will be back. Let's say goodbye to Tathagata here!"

Although Ku Chen did return to the Ku Temple and pretended to accept the fact that he was cast into the Ancient Thought, in his heart, of course, it was impossible to really pretend that this incident had never happened.

He is still looking for the right opportunity to take revenge on his master and brother.

And Jiang Yun was dead, so Ku Chen's original idea of ​​using Jiang Yun and Jiang Gongwang to deal with Ku Lao came to nothing.

Especially now, Ku Lao is clearly still suspicious of Ku Chen and deliberately sent him to the Jiyu Formation to guard him and keep him away.

Ku Chen must find another way out for himself.

Tathagata naturally became his best choice.

Although the current Shura refuses to admit it, Ku Chen knows very well that Shura is the first reincarnation.

If Shura one day determines his identity and regains his strength, even if he is not Master's opponent, he will at least become another existence that can threaten Master.

Therefore, the suffering world is willing to have a closer relationship with the Tathagata.

Seeing Ku Chen's agreement, Master Du'e hurriedly took out the jade slip, contacted Shura, and vaguely told Ku Chen that he was about to go to the Gathering Formation.

Who is Shura! As soon as he heard it, he understood what Master Du'e meant and understood that Ku Chen was being squeezed out by Ku Lao.

As for Shura, he is now looking for someone to help inform Jiang Gongwang so that Jiang Gongwang can be careful.

The appearance of this bitter dust can help a little bit.

Of course, it was impossible for Shura to let Ku Chen go directly to the Baizu Alliance Realm to find Jiang Gongwang.

As Shura and Kuchen started chatting, after a while, Kuchen suddenly looked up at Du'e and said with a smile: "Tathagata said you have some personal matters that need to be dealt with."

"I'm not in a hurry to go to Jiyu anyway. Why don't I just guard here for you for a while, and you can go about your business!"

Master Due's mission is to stay in the prison world and it is impossible to leave.

But now that Kuchen was suddenly willing to sit in for him, he naturally understood that this was an arrangement between Shura and Kuchen.

Master Du'e suddenly became happy, and after thanking Ku Chen repeatedly, he immediately turned around and left, heading to the Hundred Clans Alliance Realm.

Three days later, Master Due arrived at the Hundred Clans Alliance Realm.

He was shocked to see that all the Jiang clan members were wearing plain clothes.

Because Master Du'e had a close relationship with Jiang Yun's grandfather and had been helping the Jiang family all these years, Jiang Qiuchen, who was responsible for receiving him, did not hide it and told him the news of Jiang Yun's death.

This news was a big blow to Master Du'e, and he did not dare to delay. He hurriedly met Jiang Gongwang and told Shura's reminder.

After sending Master Du'e away, Jiang Gongwang fell into deep thought.

In fact, Jiang Gongwang was not surprised that Ku Lao wanted to deal with him.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch? Although he had intimidated Ku Lao by relying on the black energy of the unknown space, it was impossible for Ku Lao, who was always in a transcendent position in the realm of suffering, to really be willing to sit on an equal footing with Jiang and divide the two realms of suffering.

Therefore, Ku Lao will definitely think of all ways to deal with it, even kill himself.

Especially now that Jiang Yun has died, if something happens to him again, Kumiao will have no scruples.

"I just don't know what kind of method Ku Lao has to deal with me?"

After Jiang Gongwang pondered for a long time, he couldn't figure out the reason. He suddenly found Wanglao with his spiritual consciousness and sent a message: "Does Wanglao have time?"

Jiang Gongwang naturally already knew that Wang Lao was Jiang Yun's master, and he also knew that Wang Lao had a big secret.

Not to mention anything else, the blood coagulation that can increase blood concentration is extremely magical.

Therefore, Jiang Gongwang now wants to talk to Wang Lao and listen to his advice.

Wanglao was a little surprised when he heard Jiang Gongwang's message. He didn't know why Jiang Gongwang was looking for him at this time.

However, he naturally would not refuse.

The next moment, Jiang Gongwang appeared in front of Wanglao.

Jiang Gongwang first glanced at Ji Kongfan and others who were still soaked in blood and blood, and then glanced at the great demon Wenfeng not far away! Wenfeng, ever since he suddenly had an epiphany and unexpectedly found his true nature, he entered a state of trance and has not woken up until now.

And once he wakes up, he will have a great chance of becoming a half-step true level.

However, no one knows when he will wake up.

He might even remain in this state forever and never wake up.

After all, the true level is not so easy to enter.

After Jiang Gongwang looked around, he cupped his fist and saluted Wanglao.

Wanglao stretched out his hand and gently tapped the blood vessels, and saw the red liquid inside immediately rolling over, forming a huge barrier that enveloped Ji Kongfan and others.

After doing all this, Wanglao looked at Jiang Gongwang and said, "You have something to say, but it doesn't matter."

Jiang Gongwang did not hide anything, and bluntly stated Shura's reminder to him.

"It doesn't matter if I die, but after my death, everyone in the Jiang clan, including Jiang Yun's friends, and even you, Wang Lao, will probably be in danger for their lives."

"I also know that Wang Lao is well-informed, so I want to discuss it with Wang Lao to see if we can find a safe escape route for everyone."

After listening to Jiang Gongwang's words, Wanglao couldn't help but frown.

Indeed, the only reason why everyone related to Jiang Yun is safe now is because Jiang Gongwang is here.

As a being who can intimidate Ku Lao, as long as Jiang Gongwang is alive, all those who have a grudge against Jiang Yun will be afraid of him.

Wang Lao muttered: "Instead of thinking about an escape route, it is better to think about how to keep you!"

"If you die, do you think any of the four realms of Kuji Midao, or even the Huanzhen realm, can accommodate people like us?"

Jiang Gongwang smiled bitterly and nodded: "Of course I understand, but since Ku Lao dares to attack me, it means that he must be certain and will not let me have the possibility to compete."

Wanglao shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily true. You are a real half-step master, and you must have some other things to rely on."

"Ku Lao definitely has a chance of winning against you, but it's definitely not a complete certainty."

"You and I should think about it carefully and see if there is any way to deal with it."

Although Jiang Gongwang didn't know where Wang Lao got his confidence, for some reason, he had some inexplicable trust in Wang Lao.

Next, Jiang Gongwang stayed at Wanglao's place and discussed the plan.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. In the Ku Temple, Ku Lao finally walked out of his temple.

Although he has completely mastered the seal, even Yu Hanqing's master cannot be sure whether the seal is effective, so he cannot be absolutely sure.

Therefore, he quietly went to the Hundred Tribes Alliance without alerting anyone, not even Kuyin.

With Ku Lao's strength, he had arrived at the Hundred Clans Alliance Realm in just a moment.

After looking condescendingly at the 108 clans that formed the formation in the Hundred Clans Alliance, especially Liu Peng who was sitting there, Ku Lao stepped into it.

As for the formation of the Hundred Clans Alliance, to him, it was in vain! "coming!"

In the cave, Jiang Gongwang and Wang Lao looked at each other and noticed Ku Lao's arrival almost at the same time!

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