Taoist world

Chapter 4944: Alliance of Hundreds of Clans

After Jiang Yun and Nan Fengchen left the Jiang clan, they rushed towards the Nan family's location under the leadership of Nan Fengchen.

Along the way, Nan Fengchen also told Jiang Yun the details of his Nan family.

The Nan family was indeed a reclusive family, and it can be said that the time it existed in the Suffering Realm was no shorter than that of the Jiang family.

The reason why the Nan family chooses to live in seclusion is because among the Nan family, there have always been more women than men, and the yin is strong and the yang is weak.

Although there are no distinctions between male and female cultivators, women are indeed inferior to men in terms of their congenital nature, blood, body, etc.

In addition, the bloodline technique mastered by the Nan family is unique in the entire Bitter Territory.

Moreover, this technique is extremely miraculous. Therefore, in order to avoid being coveted by others and avoid the danger of annihilation, the Nan family can only hide themselves from the world.

Originally, the Nan family's life was very peaceful, and the clan members had adapted to this kind of life without fighting against the world.

Although it is not classified as a first- or second-rate force, the overall strength of the Nan family is not weak.

But this peace was broken one day by the arrival of a guru.

The guru naturally comes from the Temple of Pain,

And the purpose of his coming to the Nan Family was to invite the head of the Nan Family at that time, Wang Lao, to go to Jiyu to find Emperor Nirvana!

When Emperor Annihilation goes to the Gathering Territory, he may awaken the Nightmare Beast and bring disaster to the Bitter Territory. He must be found.

As for why Wanglao was asked to search for it, the master also made it very clear.

Emperor Nirvana is good at hiding, especially when fighting with others. If he loses, he will perish.

But his death is not a real death, but is similar to reincarnation, either turning into another person, or hiding in the soul of another person.

This method of annihilation makes it almost impossible to find a trace.

Only the Nan family's bloodline technique can possibly find him!

After knowing the guru's intention, Wanglao was actually unwilling to go at all.

But he also knew that while his Nan family was in seclusion, Kumiao was not only able to know that his family was proficient in bloodline arts, but could also find the place where his family lived. This meant that everything about his Nan family was unknown. Under the supervision of Kumiao.

If he really doesn't go, Kumiao may not say anything on the surface, but as long as the situation of the Nan family is revealed, the Nan family will never have peace.

In desperation, Wanglao could only agree and go to find the Emperor of Annihilation himself.

After Wang Lao left, I don't know if it was because Kumiao secretly helped or for some other reason, but the Nan family went through a period of calm life, and no one bothered them anymore.

Everyone in the Nan family originally thought that this kind of peace would last until the day Wanglao came back.

However, unexpectedly, someone found the Nan family again!

This time it’s not just one person, but a group of people!

Although this group of people are not well-known in the Bitter Territory, they are not weak in strength, and like the Nan family, they all come from the hidden family!

However, they were unwilling to continue to live in seclusion. Under the initiative of a family called the Kun family, they decided to unite all the reclusive ethnic groups in the Bitter Territory to form an alliance of a hundred races!

I don’t know how they knew about the existence of the Nan family, so they came to ask the Nan family to join the Hundred Clans Alliance.

The Nan family naturally refused.

At that time, these people did not embarrass the Nan family and left calmly.

The Nan family thought that this matter was over, so they didn't pay too much attention to it.

Although the Nan family is said to be secluded, it is not really isolated from the world.

They also need a variety of cultivation resources and need to be aware of changes in the outside world, so they will send people out every once in a while.

Because the Nan family's bloodline technique allows them to change their bloodline and pretend to be disciples of other families or sects, they are never discovered.

However, after those people left, they would encounter some trouble every time they sent people out.

It can range from a few quarrels to a serious fight with someone and get injured.

Although no clan members died, over time, the Nan family finally understood that these troubles were actually caused by the Hundred Clans Alliance to force the Nan family to join.

There are no clan members dead now, which is a warning from the other party, but if the Nan family continues to refuse to join the Hundred Clans Alliance, not to mention the death of clan members, there may even be annihilation of the clan.

Although the members of the Nan family are not weak in strength, except for the ancestor who left, there is no great emperor in the Nan family.

Even if there were, it would not be a match for the Hundred Clans Alliance.

In desperation, the Nan family could only take the initiative to find the Hundred Clans Alliance and express their willingness to join.

After joining the Hundred Races Alliance, the Nan family was forced to move to a place uniformly arranged by the Hundred Races Alliance.

In the Hundred Races Alliance, it is said that all races are equal, but naturally their status is high or low based on their different strengths.

Its internal structure is no different from that of a sect family. Everything needed must be exchanged for contribution.

Since the Nan family has joined the Alliance of Hundreds of Clans, they cannot openly disobey their rules. They should do tasks and earn contribution points when they should.

But no matter what, the Nan family still adheres to the principle of keeping a low profile, especially prohibiting all clan members from using bloodline techniques.

Speaking of this, Nan Fengchen sighed and said: "If this can always be done, it would be good, but decades ago, a Tang family in the Hundred Races Alliance suddenly said that it wanted to marry us."

"In order to ensure that our bloodline skills are not spread, it is impossible for our Nan family to marry someone with a foreign surname, so naturally we refuse."

"But the Tang family is obsessed with us. Moreover, their strength far exceeds ours, and their status in the Hundred Tribes Alliance is even higher than ours."

"He started to suppress us through his power."

"The tasks our Nan family received were all extremely difficult. Many members of our clan even died during the tasks, making our situation even more difficult."

"We have no way to leave the Hundred Clans Alliance, nor can we marry with the Tang family."

"Once this precedent is set, other families will definitely come to us."

"The Nan family has more girls than boys. When the time comes, our Nan family will really be doomed, so in desperation, we thought of our ancestors."

"You will know what happens next!"

After listening to Nan Fengchen's narration, Jiang Yun nodded.

The troubles Shinan's family encounters are very common. It's just that a man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a treasure.

And throughout the ages, in any region, this kind of thing happens almost all the time.

Jiang Yun thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you go to the Ku Temple?"

"Master was sent on a mission by the master of Ku Temple, so Ku Temple should provide you with shelter, right?"

Nan Fengchen smiled bitterly and shook his head: "We all suspect that the reason why the Hundred Clans Alliance was able to find us was probably because the master leaked the location of our Nan family. How dare we go to find them."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "It's possible!"

The Nan family has been living in seclusion for so many years and has always been in peace and harmony.

However, Wang Lao was found by Ku Miao. After leaving the Ku Domain, the people from the Hundred Clans Alliance found the Nan family, which made people unable to help but doubt Ku Miao.

"Then how do you want me to help you?"

"I don't know!" Nan Fengchen shook his head and said, "Ancestor just told us to come to you, but he didn't say how you were going to help us!"


Nan Fengchen's answer made Jiang Yun laugh and cry. Master, must he be joking with himself?

No matter how powerful he is, he is just a monk in the Hanging Realm, and he comes from the All Heavens Gathering Realm.

Even the Nan family's native Kuyu family couldn't compete with the Tang family and the Hundred Clans Alliance. How could I help the Nan family?

Nan Fengchen naturally understood Jiang Yun's thoughts, and continued: "Our Nan family is actually isolated and helpless in the Bitter Territory. There is no other force to rely on and help at all, and the same is true for our ancestors."

"I think the ancestor may think that the only person our Nan family can trust in the Bitter Territory is you!"

These words made Jiang Yun's expression calm again!

Indeed, the master has been away from the realm of suffering for so many years. Even if he had friends before, he now does not dare to rush to ask for help.

It was only when he really had no one else to look for that Nan Fengchen found him.

His disciple is the only person he can trust now!

Jiang Yun looked at Nan Fengchen and said, "Miss Nan, don't worry, I will definitely help your Nan family solve this problem!"

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, both of them stopped.

Because in front of them, a black coffin appeared!

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