Taoist world

Chapter 4943 The Purpose of the Third Ancestor

The murderous intent in the Great Ancestor's eyes and these words made Jiang Yun stunned for a moment, but he soon understood.

Although he had good intentions and wanted to help the Jiang clan improve their bloodline concentration as soon as possible, it is still unknown how many people in the Jiang clan are pawns planted by other forces in the Jiang clan.

Therefore, the great ancestor obviously wanted to find out these people first, leaving only those tribesmen who could be trusted, and then let him help them increase their bloodline concentration.

The Great Ancestor remembered and said, "By the way, not only the Third Ancestor escaped, but the Seventh Ancestor also escaped from the Jiang family and took Jiang Tianyou with him."

"I know that Jiang Tianyou is not your brother, let alone Jiang Qiuyang's son."

"He has always had the support of the Third Ancestor behind him, so I have never touched him."

Jiang Yun looked at the great ancestor and revealed Dao Tianyou's true identity: "His name is Dao Tianyou. He is my uncle's child and he is very kind to me."

"I'm curious, why does the Third Patriarch support him?"

The Great Ancestor was silent for a moment and then said: "In the beginning, Jiang Jingxi's purpose of bringing him back to the Jiang family was indeed to let him assume your identity and become the eldest brother among the seventh generation of the Jiang family."

"With the support of the two of them, he is very likely to become a descendant of my Jiang clan, and even become the clan leader of the Jiang clan in the future."

"If he really becomes the clan leader, it seems that the direct lineage still dominates the Jiang family, but in fact, everything about him is controlled by the seventh ancestor and Jiang Jingxi."

"In this way, it is equivalent to the collateral line represented by the Seventh Ancestor and others becoming the ones who control the Jiang family."

"As long as they spend some more time, secretly and gradually suppress and eliminate the direct lineage members, over time, the collateral lineage will truly replace the direct lineage."

"It's just that if they want to support Dao Tianyou, the biggest difficulty is to shed blood to recognize their ancestors."

"So, they found the Third Ancestor."

Having said this, the Great Ancestor paused and said: "I don't want to speak for the Third Ancestor, but before Dao Tianyou came to the Jiang family, the Third Ancestor did not care about anything in the family at all, and was not concerned about the dispute between the collateral line and the direct line. , and I don’t have any interest.”

"It's just that he discovered a special cultivation method in Dao Tianyou."

"And through this method, it seems that his blood concentration can be increased again."

"This made him interested in Dao Tianyou, and he agreed to help Dao Tianyou hide it from the mirror. For him, this is really a very simple matter."

"After that, Dao Tianyou not only successfully recognized his ancestor with his blood, but also illuminated the sky for nine thousand feet, causing a sensation in the clan. He was unanimously recognized as the eldest brother of the seventh generation."

"The Third Ancestor and the others were worried that Dao Tianyou would reveal his secret. In addition, his strength was indeed too weak, so they made him retreat and provided him with unlimited training resources to improve his strength."

After listening to the Great Ancestor's explanation, Jiang Yun finally came to a realization.

He even understood that the so-called special cultivation method that Dao Tianyou was favored by the Third Ancestor should be the method of assimilation!

The method of assimilation can assimilate oneself with anything else, even people.

Then, blood can naturally be assimilated.

The Third Ancestor hopes to assimilate Dao Tianyou's bloodline into his own bloodline, and then use the bloodline technique he masters to fuse the two bloodlines, thereby increasing the concentration of the bloodline!

Although Jiang Yun didn't know whether the Third Ancestor's approach would really succeed, he had to say that his idea was really unbelievable.

However, this also means that once the Third Ancestor does this, Dao Tianyou will lose his own bloodline and even die!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun hurriedly asked: "Can we find Dao Tianyou?"

The Great Ancestor replied: "I have just sent an order to the entire Bitter Territory, announcing that these few people have betrayed our Jiang family, and issued a heavy reward to find their whereabouts."

"Once I have information about them, I will send people to capture them."

Jiang Yun suddenly cupped his fists and saluted the Great Ancestor: "Dao Tianyou is just a chess piece and has not done anything to regret the Jiang family, so I hope that if the Jiang family can find Dao Tianyou, no matter what, don't hurt him!"

Since Jiang Yun returned to the Jiang family, this is the first time Jiang Yun has saluted the great ancestor, but it is not for himself or out of respect for the great ancestor, but for God's blessing.

Regarding this, the Great Ancestor was naturally quite moved in his heart, but he did not show it. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't hurt him."

"In addition, I have asked people to temporarily imprison the Third Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor and Jiang Jingxi's clan members. How to deal with them is all up to you."

Jiang Yun thought for a while, stretched out his hand, and took Jiang Jingxi, Jiang Lie, and Jiang Yuan and Jiang Kai out of his body and said: "I will hand these four to the Great Ancestor now."

"Jiang Jingxi's soul should have memories of his collusion with the Third Ancestor, etc. I hope the Great Ancestor can find something useful."

"After you find it, you will imprison Jiang Jingxi and wait for my return."

"As for the others, let them go!"

Jiang Yun never killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Although there must be many people in the Jiang family who want to kill him, except for Jiang Jingxi and the escaped seventh and third ancestors, no one else has the chance to do it.

Naturally, Jiang Yun would not really kill all their people.

Jiang Jingxi and Jiang Yun were not willing to hand it over to the Great Ancestor, but there was a restriction in Jiang Jingxi's soul that could not be broken with Jiang Yun's strength, so it was better to leave it to the Great Ancestor and let the Great Ancestor search for his soul.

And this is yet another test of the great ancestor by Jiang Yun!

If the Great Ancestor still wants to let Jiang Jingxi go after he leaves the Jiang Family, then from now on, no matter what the Great Ancestor and the Jiang Family say, he will definitely draw a clear line with the Jiang Family.

How could the Great Ancestor not understand what Jiang Yun was thinking? He nodded to Jiang Yun and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Jiang Yun turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly he opened his palms, and there was a storage magic weapon in his palms. He handed it to the great ancestor and said: "I got this from Taishi Changyuan after I killed him. It contains many soul skills and soul cultivation techniques of the Taishi family."

"It's useless if I stay here. Please give him to Jiang Shenyin, Grand Ancestor. It might be helpful to him."

The Great Ancestor did not reach out to pick it up: "I suggest you give it to him personally!"

"No!" Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "Great Ancestor, I'm staying here just to make a deal with you."

"My ambition is not in the Jiang family, not even in this realm of suffering."

"It's impossible to be the clan leader of the Jiang family, let alone win over anyone to help me."

Jiang Yun naturally understood what the Great Ancestor meant, which was to win over Jiang Shenyin, thereby gradually establishing his status and popularity in the Jiang family.

The Great Ancestor did not continue to insist, took the storage magic weapon and said: "Then I wish you a safe journey!"

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yun then turned around, took a step forward, left this world, went to the mountain and sea world, and found Nan Fengchen: "Miss Nan, we can go!"

The two did not use the teleportation array, but left directly through the boundary gap.

In the Jiang clan, the Great Ancestor stood there quietly, watching the two figures disappear, and then suddenly bowed to him and said, "Uncle, please take the trouble!"

Elder Ge walked out of the darkness, looked at the Great Ancestor, and asked in a deep voice: "Have you really decided?"

"Yes!" The Great Ancestor nodded and said: "When the burial ground is opened, my Jiang family will be turned upside down, so I must retain some strength."

"And now that Jiang Yun has left the clan, there must be countless powerful people waiting for him in the outside world, and he cannot be allowed to fall under any circumstances."

"So, I can only ask Mr. Ge to secretly protect Jiang Yun, and let Kuyu know that although my Jiang family lineage has weakened, no one can bully me!"

After looking at the Great Ancestor for a long time, Mr. Ge smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then I'll take a trip!"

As Elder Ge's figure also disappeared, the Great Ancestor's eyes revealed a complex look. He exhaled a long breath and murmured: "I hope my guess is wrong!"

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