Taoist world

Chapter 4112 Entering the Heaven and Beyond

As the teleportation light lit up, Jiang Yun not only passed through the entrance of Tianwaitian unimpeded, but also found himself in a huge manor! This is heaven and earth! For outsiders, they only know that there is another world outside the sky and a world of its own.

But in fact, Tianwaitian is far more complex and larger than outsiders imagine.

When Jiang Yun learned the true situation of Tianwaitian from Fan Xiao's memory, although it was not too shocking, it was still a bit unexpected.

The entire Tianwaitian is divided into nine major areas, also known as the Nine Heavens.

Each layer of the sky is equivalent to a world, and its area is extremely huge.

Naturally, all prisoners are also classified and imprisoned in specific worlds.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by this.

After all, when he was in the Shanhai Territory, he himself was treated as a prisoner and imprisoned in a Taoist prison.

Dao Prison does not only have one layer, but also has nine layers. The first layer is the real world.

However, in terms of strength and status, the prisoners held in Tianwai Tiannei far exceed those in Dao Prison.

What really surprised Jiang Yun was that the guards of Tianwaitian turned out to be like an army, with extremely clear and strict hierarchies from top to bottom.

The person in charge of the entire Tianwaitian is called Tianshuai, named Leng Yichen, a powerful quasi-emperor.

Under the Heavenly Commander, there are nine Heavenly Generals who are in charge of nine major regions.

Under the generals, there are lieutenants, commanders and centurions.

A centurion is in charge of a hundred people, a junior commander is in charge of five hundred people, a large commander is in charge of a thousand people, and a lieutenant is in charge of three thousand people.

Fan Xiao was the lowest-ranking soldier, and Liu Meng was actually a centurion in charge of a hundred guards.

In short, in Tianwaitian, the better the official rank, the greater the power, and the more things you know.

Therefore, what Jiang Yun learned about Tianwaitian from Fan Xiao's memory was really pitiful.

However, the official title of each Tianwaitian guard is naturally not static.

If you want to be promoted, you need military merit.

Just like in the ruins of the Imperial War in the Four Chaotic Realms, one needs to perform tasks to highlight one's performance.

Military merit, in the outer world, is equivalent to wealth and qualifications, and is of great use.

With military merit, you can exchange it for anything you want.

Emperor's Origin Stone, elixirs, techniques, spells, and weapons.

Even including women, official titles, etc.

In addition to these exchanges, there are also some special cultivation places in Tianwaitian.

For example, Jiang Yun is familiar with places where time passes faster, such as places that are completely filled with some kind of power.

Depending on your own cultivation methods, you can naturally get twice the result with half the effort by entering the corresponding cultivation place.

Naturally, if you want to enter these training places, you also need to exchange military merit for qualifications and time.

In short, military merit is in the sky, and it can be said that it is omnipotent.

There are many ways to obtain military merit. The simplest is to exchange it with things, or even buy it with heaven and earth stones.

However, the military merit you exchange or purchase with something is not equivalent to what you pay for.

Especially for purchasing military merit, after reaching a certain amount, if you want to buy it again, the amount of heaven and earth stones you need to pay will continue to double.

For example, purchasing one point of military merit costs 100 heaven and earth stones, but purchasing 100 points of military merit requires 50,000 heaven and earth stones.

Purchasing one thousand points of military merit requires one million heaven and earth stones.

A centurion requires 10,000 points of military merit and hundreds of millions of heaven and earth stones.

Therefore, even if you have a big business, you can only buy a Centurion at most.

Moreover, unless you become a centurion by spending heaven and earth stones, unless you are very strong and very sociable, your guards will not obey you at all.

In addition to purchasing, other ways to obtain military merit include improving your cultivation, competing in the military, and various tasks.

It is not difficult to see that Tianwaitian strongly encourages all guards to work hard to obtain military merit and compete with each other.

For this reason, Tianwaitian also specially created a military merit list, which lists the hundred monks who have obtained the most military merits.

It's a pity that Fan Xiao's military merit is too low, only a hundred points, which he obtained after he improved to a small level.

Therefore, let alone entering the military merit list, he is not even qualified to know who is on the military merit list.

However, even if there is not much military merit, even if a guard like Fan Xiao can only live at the bottom of Tianwaitian, at least he still has a place to live, which is the manor where Jiang Yun is now.

A manor has hundreds of houses, and hundreds of Tianwaitian guards live there.

The environment in the entire manor is extremely beautiful. Each house is also a separate courtyard with simple restrictions to prevent others from disturbing it.

Nowadays, the manor is quiet and not a single person can be seen.

Except for Fan Xiao going on missions and patrolling, once he comes back, the door will be closed, he will not leave the house, and he will have no contact with other people at all, so Jiang Yun doesn't know why there is no one here.

And he is not ready to consider this issue now.

According to Fan Xiao's memory, Jiang Yun arrived at his residence by a familiar route.

Jiang Yun stepped in, closed the courtyard door, and let out a long breath.

So far, everything has gone smoothly. At least no one in the world has seen through his identity, so he has passed the first level safely.

No one in the entire Four Realms Tibet would dare to pretend to be a guard from Tianwaitian.

Because once discovered, not only would he be a capital offender, but the entire family would also be implicated.

Regardless of looking for connections, you can enter Tianwaitian by spending some money. It seems that the management here is extremely lax.

But in fact, any guard who enters Tianwaitian, their family background, and all other circumstances will be clearly investigated.

What's more, the lives of the guards of Tianwaitian will also be in danger.

The danger does not come from being bullied like Fan Xiao, but from competitions in the military, catching prisoners, etc.

Throughout the ages, countless guards have died at the hands of prisoners and on the competition stage.

Therefore, under these circumstances, how could anyone be willing to pretend to be a guard of Tianwaitian and enter Tianwaitian.

Jiang Yun sat on the stone chair in the courtyard, looked at the winding river in front of him, and said to himself: "Now that I have successfully blended into Tianwaitian, I will work hard to gain military merit. Got it!"

There was no way, Fan Xiao knew so little about the outer world that he didn't even know which heaven he belonged to.

If Jiang Yun wants to know the whereabouts of his imprisoned parents and get close to them, the only way is to obtain military merit and improve his official rank.

Not to mention becoming a heavenly general, you must at least become a great commander. Only then would you be qualified to know the answers to these questions.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun is not Fan Xiao. Compared with Fan Xiao, who just wants to be a tortoise, Jiang Yun has many ways to obtain military honors.

The only thing he has to worry about is how he can avoid being suspected by others after he obtains military honors.

After all, his and Fan Xiao's personalities were too different, and it was impossible for him to continue to be a coward like Fan Xiao.

"If I want to buy it, I won't consider it for the time being. Fan Xiao is so poor that he can't find the heaven and earth stones to buy military merit."

"Then we can only go back and see if there are any tasks to take on."

Jiang Yun raised his head and looked at the blue sky above his head, his eyes finally showing a trace of longing that had been suppressed for a long time.

Jiang Yun murmured in his mouth: "Father, mother, now I am already in the sky, and I am really close to you."

"You must be good and wait for me!"

Just as Jiang Yun's voice fell, the longing in his eyes was instantly replaced by a cold light. He lowered his head and looked at the door of his courtyard.

Outside the door, stood two monks, two of the four guards who killed Fan Xiao today!

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