Taoist world

Chapter 4111 You can rest in peace

"It's too late!"

Just as Jiang Yun's consciousness entered Fan Xiao's eyebrows, he withdrew again and frowned.

Jiang Yun wanted to see Fan Xiao's memory, but because Fan Xiao was dead and his soul disappeared, he couldn't see anything at all.

"I don't know if the technique of immortality can be effective!"

Although the art of immortality can turn back time, Jiang Yun has never tried to use it to search for souls.

However, now he has no other choice but to give it a try.

The next moment, turbid yellow spring surged out from behind Jiang Yun's eyebrows, submerged into Fan Xiao's eyebrows, and began to circle rapidly in his body.

And under this kind of circling, time in Fan Xiao's body actually started to flow backwards, so that it was vaguely visible that wisps of souls kept returning from the void.

Even his body, which had been stiff for a long time, was trembling slightly, as if he was coming back to life.

This scene made the middle-aged man who was still following Jiang Yun turn the kind smile on his face into a look of surprise and said: "Time flows backwards!"

"What is the origin of this kid?"

"Not only does he possess the two artistic conceptions of wood and fire at the same time, but he can also master the art of time."

But immediately, his smile returned and he said: "No matter what his origins are, the stronger he is, the more beneficial he is to me, so I must protect him and never let him have any accidents!"

Seeing the return of Fan Xiao's soul, Jiang Yun also looked happy, his consciousness rushed into his soul again, and he began to look through his memories carefully.

Jiang Yun's purpose of turning back time was not to save Fan Xiao, but just to preserve his memory.

Although the memory in Fan Xiao's soul was still somewhat incomplete, it gave Jiang Yun a general understanding of Fan Xiao's life.

Speaking of which, Fan Xiao's fate was actually quite pitiful.

He was an ordinary monk, with nothing special about his qualifications, cultivation, or background.

Even before his family was destroyed, he was inconspicuous in the family and was not taken seriously by anyone at all.

However, his parents wanted their son to succeed and were unwilling to let their son live a mediocre life like this.

Therefore, the two parents spent a lot of money, it can be said that they went bankrupt and found various connections, and finally sent Fan Xiao to the outer world! Originally, they thought that as long as Fan Xiao entered Tianwaitian, it would be equivalent to joining the Tibetan Elders Association. From then on, he would be superior to others and would definitely soar into the sky.

Unfortunately, they never thought that entering Tianwaitian was a shortcut to reach the sky, but this shortcut needed to be paved with wealth.

In short, entering the outer world is just the beginning.

If you want to gain a foothold in the outer world, if you want to live well, if you want to set foot in the sky, you still need a steady stream of wealth to clear the way.

Fan Xiao's parents no longer have such financial resources. Therefore, Fan Xiao was destined to be inferior to others from the moment he entered Tianwaitian.

In the family, although Fan Xiao is not taken seriously, at least no one bullies him, but in Tianwaitian, everyone can bully him.

Especially after the collapse of the Fan family, losing the support of the family power made him feel like he was in hell and lived a nightmare life.

Every day he lives is a huge torment for him.

For this reason, he thought about committing suicide, but he did not dare to die easily. He could only live like a zombie, living with difficulty day after day.

Until today, his salary was once again eaten and drank by Liu Meng and others, who continued to humiliate him along the way. He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and all the resentment accumulated in his heart over the years burst out.

After leaving the restaurant and Tianlin City, he actually took the opportunity to sneak attack Liu Meng, hoping to die together with Liu Meng.

It's a pity that his strength is not as good as Liu Meng, and there are four of them, so instead of being able to kill Liu Meng, he himself was killed.

This is Fan Xiao's life! Poor, sad! Jiang Yun withdrew his consciousness, and Fan Xiao's soul had dissipated again.

Looking at Fan Xiao's body, countless bloodshot eyes appeared in Jiang Yun's eyes. His appearance and body shape began to slowly change, until he gradually transformed into Fan Xiao's appearance.

"Fan Xiao, you and I are strangers to each other, but from today on, I want to borrow your identity."

"In order to keep it secret, I can only burn your body and erase all traces of you."

"However, in return, I will avenge you and kill the four Liu Meng!"

"You can rest in peace!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, Fan Xiao seemed to have heard these words, and her wide eyes actually slowly closed.

Even his tightly clenched fists were relaxed.

After taking out Fan Xiao's clothes and stored magic weapons, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves, and a ball of flames enveloped Fan Xiao's body, instantly turning it into ashes without leaving any trace.

The inside of Fan Xiao's storage magic weapon was really pitifully clean. Except for a token belonging to Tianwaitian, there were only some fragmentary and worthless sundries.

Jiang Yun just took out the token, destroyed the storage magic weapon, and put on Fan Xiao's clothes.

After doing all this, Jiang Yun looked in the direction of Tianwaitian and said to himself: "From now on, I am Fan Xiao!"

Bribing the guards of Tianwaitian and letting them take you into Tianwaitian is feasible, but it still involves some risks.

But now that Jiang Yun has transformed into Fan Xiao, it is more appropriate to enter Tianwaitian as a guard of Tianwaitian.

Moreover, Fan Xiao's life experience is also the best choice.

Even his family has been destroyed, he has no relatives, and he has no friends in the outer world.

This is why Jiang Yun did not hesitate to use the magic of immortality to look through Fan Xiao's memories.

The purpose is to master all the situations of Fan Xiao so that when pretending to be Fan Xiao, he will not reveal any flaws as much as possible.

Jiang Yun stood there, closed his eyes, and quietly recalled Fan Xiao's memory in his mind.

Especially after all the information about Tianwaitian, Jiang Yun rose into the sky and rushed towards Tianwaitian.

Just after Jiang Yun left, the middle-aged man with a kind smile walked out of nothingness again, stood on the spot where Jiang Yun had stood, looked at the empty ground, smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Courage He is not young, and his thoughts are delicate enough, and he dares to pretend to be a guard of Tianwaitian."

"I just don't know, did you enter Tianwaitian to save people, or did you have other purposes?"

"Now, I am becoming more and more curious and interested in you!"

"The current Tianshuai of Tianwaitian, let me think about it, should be Leng Yichen. Do you want to say hello to him?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it for now!"

This middle-aged man is naturally Emperor Xuan! Just as Jiang Yun guessed, Emperor Xuan knew that Jiang Yun had two artistic conceptions: fire and wood, so he went to the spiritual tree in person to meet Jiang Yun.

Regarding Jiang Yun's attack, Emperor Xuan also wanted to see if Jiang Yun had other artistic conceptions.

Although Jiang Yun finally saw through it and did not fight, even the two artistic conceptions were enough to seduce Emperor Xuan.

Therefore, Emperor Xuan would let go of the Mu family and Jiang Yun, in order to give Jiang Yun enough room to grow, and then devour him after his artistic conception becomes purer and his strength improves.

Now, Emperor Xuan is staring at Jiang Yun all the way from the Mu family to Tianlin City, and then to this Tianwaitian! ——At this moment, Jiang Yun was already standing at the entrance of Tianwaitian. Although there was no expression on Fan Xiao's face, he still felt a little uneasy in his heart.

However, his footsteps did not stop at all.

Because he didn't know if there would be powerful people from the outside world monitoring him. If they saw his hesitation, they might have doubts about him.

Now that he is really going deep into the tiger's den, he must be cautious enough.

Just like that, Jiang Yun finally stepped into the entrance of Tianwaitian!

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