Taoist world

Chapter 4026 Suspicious identity

Although this is Jiang Yuerou's first visit to Yulong City, as the future spiritual master of the Mirage Clan, all ethnic groups in Mengming Province naturally know her existence and have heard of her name.

In addition, the token in Jiang Yuerou's hand was said to be made for her by Jiang Wanli himself, which represented her identity. Therefore, after the two city guarding monks looked at the token, their expressions suddenly changed and they hurriedly bowed to Jiang Yuerou. He saluted and said, "People from the Yulong tribe have seen the spirit girl!"

Spirit Girl is the honorific title given to Jiang Yuerou by the Mirage Clan! Jiang Yuerou raised her chin at Jiang Yun with a hint of pride, her eyes showing off.

Although Jiang Yun wanted to laugh in his heart, he had to admit that Jiang Yuerou's rare serious look did have the aura of a spiritual girl.

"Free gift for both of you!"

Jiang Yuerou waved her hands at the two monks and said: "I have something important to do and need to use the Fish Dragon City to return to Mirage City, so I ask you to take me to see the noble clan leader quickly!"

The two monks nodded and said, "Yes, please wait a moment, Lady Spirit!"

A monk immediately straightened up, blew a whistle, and saw three monster beasts that looked like horses and were covered in scales running from a distance and appeared in front of Jiang Yun and Jiang Yuerou.

The monk explained: "In recent years, because our fish dragon tribe has become much more guarded than before, flying is not allowed in the city, so we can only use scale beasts instead. Please forgive me."

Jiang Yun and Jiang Yuerou both knew this. Naturally, because Jiang Wanli entered the imperial mausoleum, the Mirage Clan had to ask all the affiliated tribes to increase their defense.

Looking at this scaly beast, Jiang Yun couldn't help but recall the five-legged beast that he had given to Jiang Lei back then. With a smile on his face, he jumped onto the back of a scaly beast first.

Jiang Yuerou also rode on a scaled beast and followed the fish-dragon monk into the city gate.

The Ichthyosaur Clan, as a highly regarded ethnic group by the Mirage Clan, makes the Ichthyosaurus City that is divided into their clan territory also very large in area.

Although the buildings in the city are quite simple and crude, with a monotonous style, there are indeed a lot of monks walking around on the streets.

Jiang Yun looked around and saw that the monks here were all from different demon clans.

Some have transformed into human forms, some have maintained their demonic form, and some have been half-human and half-demon.

The most interesting thing is that some monster monks not only maintain their true appearance, but also ride monster beasts underneath them, which really looks quite different.

In short, it’s all kinds of weird! Fortunately, Jiang Yun has also seen some things in the world, and he is a demon refiner himself, so he is not surprised by this kind of scene.

On the contrary, Jiang Yuerou looked a little dissatisfied and sent a message to Jiang Yun: "There are many demon monks who are unwilling to turn into human form."

Jiang Yuerou has been able to transform into human form since she was a child, and her clan members all appear in human form, so she is somewhat intolerant of the various forms of the demon clan.

Jiang Yun smiled and nodded without speaking.

The arrival of Jiang Yun and his party, especially when they saw the monks guarding the city respectfully leading the way, naturally aroused the curiosity of many monks, and they all focused their attention on Jiang Yun and Jiang Yuerou.

Jiang Yun and Jiang Yuerou naturally ignored them, and the three of them galloped around the city like wild beasts.

It has to be said that the area of ​​this Fish Dragon City is really too big.

The scale beast was already extremely fast, almost running through the air, but even so, after nearly an hour passed, the three finally arrived at the city lord's mansion.

Seeing this city lord's mansion, Jiang Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because this mansion was built on a boundless lake covering an area of ​​at least ten thousand hectares.

The buildings in the mansion are much more magnificent and beautiful than those in the city, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Such a huge building complex is already the size of a city and can house hundreds of thousands of creatures.

Of course, this does not include the area of ​​​​the lake.

At this moment, the door of the City Lord's Mansion has been opened to both sides, with more than twenty figures standing at the door.

The leader was a middle-aged couple. The man looked majestic, with a beard all over his face, and he was extremely powerful.

And the beautiful woman next to him also has the strength of the reincarnation realm.

Obviously, the two of them should be the city lords of this Fish Dragon City. They have received a message from the monks guarding the city in advance and are waiting for Jiang Yuerou here.

Seeing Jiang Yuerou's arrival, the middle-aged couple immediately walked forward quickly, bowed to Jiang Yuerou and said, "Yu Yuankui, the leader of the Yulong Clan, and Yu Zhilan and his wife, pay their respects to the spirit girl."

"I didn't know that the spirit girl was here, but I couldn't welcome her from afar. I hope the spirit girl won't blame her!"

Jiang Yuerou jumped off the scaled beast, clasped her fists and saluted the two of them, saying, "You two are serious, I'm here to visit, so I'm disturbing you!"

Jiang Yuerou then reached out and pointed at Jiang Yun beside her: "This is Shan Mang, my brother."

Jiang Yun also smiled and saluted Yu Yuankui and his wife, cupping his fists and saying, "I have met the patriarch and his wife."

However, upon hearing Jiang Yuerou's introduction, Yu Yuankui frowned and glanced at Jiang Yun.

Facing Jiang Yun's salute, he just nodded lightly, then withdrew his gaze and ignored Jiang Yun at all.

Yu Zhilan walked to Jiang Yuerou's side with a smile and said: "The spirit girl must be tired from running all the way. Please come with me to the house to rest."

After seeing Yu Yuankui's attitude towards Jiang Yun, the smile on Jiang Yuerou's face had faded.

In her heart, she would rather these people be indifferent to her, but she doesn't want to see anyone dare to despise Jiang Yun, so she is already a little dissatisfied.

It was Jiang Yun who secretly sent her a message: "The overall situation is the most important thing!"

Jiang Yun knew very well that he was an outsider to the entire Mirage clan, and his origins were unknown. It was normal for them not to welcome him.

Jiang Yuerou didn't want to enter the city lord's palace of the Yulong clan at all now. She just wanted to ask Yu Yuankui to activate the teleportation array and send the two of them away.

However, she also knew that she couldn't talk about these things standing at the gate. When she heard Jiang Yun's message again, she could only say with a straight face and reluctantly: "Then I'll bother you, Madam, to lead the way!"

Jiang Yuerou's sudden change of attitude made Yu Yuankui and his wife look at each other, but with smiles still on their faces, they led Jiang Yun and Jiang Yuerou into the mansion.

After passing through a nine-curved corridor floating on the lake, Jiang Yuerou came to a main hall. Jiang Yuerou stopped and said: "Clan Chief Yu, I have important matters and need to rush back to Mirage City, so I also asked the Patriarch to activate the teleportation array. , send my brother and sister away immediately."

Yu Yuankui nodded and said: "Of course we don't dare to delay the matter of the spirit girl."

"However, I recently heard something about the mirage clan, and I want to have a private chat with the spirit girl. So, could you please ask the spirit girl to move into the palace?"

While saying this, Yu Yuankui glanced at Jiang Yun intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Yun naturally knew well that it was inconvenient for people to talk about something in front of an outsider like him, so he took the initiative and said to Yu Yuankui: "I'm a newbie here and I see the beautiful scenery here. I wonder if the patriarch can let me take you on a tour. ?”

Yu Yuankui immediately said: "Come here, show him around!"

A middle-aged man immediately walked up to Jiang Yun and said: "Please!"

Jiang Yun nodded to Jiang Yuerou, then followed the man and left.

Although Jiang Yuerou didn't want to be separated from Jiang Yun, she couldn't say much because it concerned her mirage clan. She could only follow Yu Yuankui and his wife into the main hall.

Yu Yuankui waved his hand, and the others immediately bowed and left. Only he and his wife followed into the main hall.

Standing in the hall, Jiang Yuerou said impatiently: "Clan Chief Yu, you heard something, you can tell it now!"

Yu Yuankui smiled slightly and said: "Actually, it's nothing. Even the spirit master must know that in recent years, due to special circumstances, Chief Jiang has specially issued an order that we are not allowed to easily send people into Mirage City."

Jiang Yuerou frowned and said, "Clan Leader Yu, what do you mean?"

"I am a member of the Mirage Clan. Isn't it okay if I ask you to take me back to Mirage City?"

"No no no!"

Yu Yuankui waved his hands hurriedly and said: "Of course I didn't mean that. The spirit girl wants to return to Mirage City, which is a matter of course."

"However, I have some doubts about the identity of the spirit girl!"

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