Taoist world

Chapter 4025: City of Fish and Dragon

From Jiang Yuerou's words, Jiang Yun had a general understanding of the situation in Sijingzang.

In fact, the four realms are very similar to the realm of all heavens.

Although there are no Angel Patrollers or Nine Heavenly Lords here, there is the Tibetan Lao Guild, and each of the four major races has at least two extremely powerful ethnic groups.

For example, among the Monster Clan, there are three powerful tribes, and Jiang Yun had heard of them all when he was in the Four Chaos Realms, namely the Mirage Clan, the Zerg Clan and the Sea Clan.

Originally, the strength of these three demon clans was equal, but because Jiang Wanli of the Mirage clan became the Great Emperor, the distance between them and the other two clans was immediately widened.

Naturally, the two groups that want to annex the Mirage Clan the most are the two groups.

Among the human race, there are two powerful families, namely the Zhu family and the Luo family.

Among them, Zhu families are the families of Zhu Shaoshao, with the emperor sitting in charge.

The situation of the Demon Race and the Spirit Race is roughly the same. Each race has an emperor sitting in charge.

In short, there are only four great emperors in the Four Realms Zang, except for the Tibetan Laohui.

And as Jiang Wanli entered the imperial mausoleum, there were only three left.

As for the situation of the Tibetan Elders Association, that is beyond what Jiang Yuerou can understand.

Although the Four Realms Zang does not have clear geographical divisions like the Four Chaos Realms, within the sphere of influence of the major powerful clans, the people living there are basically the same ethnic groups.

Occasionally, there will be a small number of human monks who are in the demon race, or demon monks who are in the human race.

Monks like this are either scattered cultivators who have no one to rely on, or they have other tasks under the orders of their families.

The Four Realms Tibet is not like the Gathering Area of ​​the Heavens, which has countless worlds. It is just one world, so the tribes of ordinary ethnic groups are named after the city.

Only the clans of the strong clan were named after the state. The state was divided into cities, and there was the city lord's palace in the city.

For example, the Mirage Clan's clan is called Mengming Prefecture. Even Jiang Yuerou doesn't know how big it is.

I only know that there are at least more than a hundred cities in Mengming State, and the main city is called Mirage City.

Moreover, in order to protect themselves, the powerful clan would not be able to directly return to the main city unless they were led by a powerful quasi-emperor in the clan.

She has to go through at least one teleportation, that is, first arrive at a city connected to the main city by a teleportation array, and only after confirming her identity can she be teleported back to the main city!

The city Jiang Yuerou chose to go to this time was called Fish Dragon City.

It is the closest to Mirage City. Through the teleportation array, you can reach Mirage City in one day.

Jiang Yun naturally had no objection to this. He was really not familiar with this place, and everything was subject to Jiang Yuerou's arrangements.

The two of them did not dare to delay at all. Ever since they left Dongli City, they had been on the road all the time, sometimes through the teleportation array, sometimes by flying with their body skills. Anyway, they came as fast as they could.

Along the way, the two of them didn't feel bored because Jiang Yuerou kept pestering Jiang Yun and asked him to talk about his experiences over the years.

Naturally, Jiang Yun would not refuse this request.

Especially in his heart, Jiang Yuerou was really like his own sister, so he didn't hide anything at all and told everything about his experiences from leaving Jiang Village to meeting Jiang Yuerou.

This has been Jiang Yun's experience for hundreds of years. Now it is equivalent to saying it all over again, which naturally takes a lot of time.

Moreover, Jiang Yuerou would ask about some experiences several times.

For example, about Xue Qing, about Xiao He, about Yue Ruhuo and other female things...

Therefore, seeing that more than half a month had passed, and when he was about to arrive at Yulong City in three or two days, Jiang Yun had finally finished talking about all his experiences.

Just when Jiang Yun wanted to ask about Jiang Yuerou's experience over the years, Jiang Yuerou rushed to ask: "By the way, Brother Yun, tell me, what will I call you when we get to the Mirage Clan's territory?" Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this question, Jiang Yun looked at Jiang Yuerou, slowly suppressed the smile on his face, and said seriously: "Sister, in my heart, you will always be my sister!"

"So, when you get to the mirage clan's territory, you still have to call me brother!"

Jiang Yun is no longer the young boy from the mountains. He already has his own Taoist companion and has been in contact with many women, so how could he not see that Jiang Yuerou also has a little affection for him.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Yuerou keep asking about Xue Qing and others.

But as he said himself, he only has brother-sister love for Jiang Yuerou, and no love between a man and a woman.

Therefore, on this point, even if he continues to coddle Jiang Yuerou, he cannot make the slightest concession. He must make it clear to Jiang Yuerou directly and cut through the mess quickly to prevent her from having random thoughts.

Jiang Yun was right. In Jiang Yuerou's heart, he was not only his brother, but also the object of Jiang Yuerou's admiration.

Jiang Yuerou already had this kind of admiration when she was in Jiangcun.

She had even fantasized more than once that she could marry Jiang Yun, just like the aunts in the village, and give Jiang Yun a few more children.

And when she woke up from her lucid dream and learned the truth of the matter, instead of extinguishing this idea in her mind, it became even more powerful.

In fact, Jiang Mu, Jiang Lei, and even Jiang Wanli could all see her thoughts, and this was why Jiang Mu was very opposed to her caring about Jiang Yun or looking for Jiang Yun.

It's impossible for the two of them!

But Jiang Yuerou always believed that she would marry Jiang Yun, so facing the serious-looking Jiang Yun at this moment, she couldn't help showing a look of grievance on her face, curling her mouth, and she was about to cry.

I have been waiting for Brother Yun, and I don't hesitate to treat all the geniuses who want to pursue me.

After finally waiting, Brother Ke Yun not only got married secretly, but now he also wanted to completely give up his hope!

Seeing Jiang Yuerou's aggrieved look, Jiang Yun's expression softened a little, but he still insisted: "Sister, from now on, my name is Shan Mang. You can just call me brother. Don't let it slip."

Now Jiang Yun doesn't even dare to use his own name.

Jiang Yuerou also knew that Jiang Yun's identity must be kept strictly confidential, so even though she was unhappy, she could only nod her head.

In the next two days, Jiang Yuerou not only did not ask Jiang Yun any questions, but she also remained silent, her face always tense.

Jiang Yun naturally knew the reason, but he also did not speak. It was not until a magnificent city finally appeared in front of him that Jiang Yuerou said calmly: "Brother, this is the Fish Dragon City, controlled by the Fish Dragon Clan."

"And the teleportation array leading to Mirage City is hidden in the City Lord's Mansion of the Fish Dragon Clan."

"The Fish Dragon Clan is one of the first tribes to submit to our Mirage Clan. They have also contributed to our clan and are favored by the clan leader."

"However, this is also my first time coming to Fish Dragon City, and I am not familiar with this place or the Fish Dragon Clan, so you just have to look at my eyes and act accordingly!"

Jiang Yuerou has a special status as the future spiritual master of the Mirage Clan. In order to avoid suspicion, the Mirage Clan is generally unlikely to let her go to any ethnic group alone to avoid giving some misunderstandings to other ethnic groups.

In fact, she has never left or returned to Mirage City alone, and she will always be accompanied wherever she goes.

Jiang Yun smiled and nodded: "From now on, I will listen to you in everything!"

Jiang Yun's words made Jiang Yuerou's face, which had been tense for two days, finally loosen a little bit, but she let out a cold snort and suddenly sped up and rushed towards Yulong City.

Looking at Jiang Yuerou's back, Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Even though Jiang Yuerou's strength had improved and her appearance had matured, in front of him, she was still the little girl from Jiang Village.

Jiang Yun followed Jiang Yuerou, and the two of them arrived above Yulong City at the same time.

The area of ​​the entire city is boundless, and above the sky, there is a colorful light mask covering the entire city, exuding powerful power fluctuations.

The city was even more heavily guarded. It was clearly visible that monks were constantly patrolling everywhere, making the atmosphere very tense and solemn.

Jiang Yun guessed that the Mirage Clan secretly passed down an order for all affiliated tribes to strengthen their strength to prevent enemies from invading.

Naturally, the two of them did not trespass and landed in front of the city gate. Jiang Yuerou also rarely restrained his attitude, took out a token, and said to the two monks guarding the door: "I am Jiang Yuerou, the spiritual girl of the Mirage tribe. I want to see your clan leader!"

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