Taoist world

Chapter 3939: Forbidden Techniques of the Nine Clans (Repair)

"Master of the Nine Clans?"

Jiang Yun's mind became more and more confused, and he didn't understand why Mirage would bring up the matter of the master of the nine clans.

The nine tribes in the All Heavens Gathering Domain, no, strictly speaking, only in the Lower Domain, have indeed been conquered by others and have masters, and there are more than one masters.

One is Ji Kongfan, and the other is himself! But, what does this have to do with the danger that the mirage tribe is about to face now?

What's more, now in the Four Realms, all the nine tribes in the past, except the Mirage tribe, have been exterminated.

Is it possible that Mirage wants the nine tribes in the Lower Domain to enter the Four Chaotic Realms and the Four Realms to help the Mirage tribe overcome the crisis?

Although he was confused, Jiang Yun still nodded and said: "The nine tribes in the lower domain were once subdued by a monk in the lower domain. After that, I can barely be regarded as the master of the nine tribes."

Mirage's eyes revealed a glimmer of light and said, "Then can you bring that person into the Four Chaotic Realms?"

Jiang Yun couldn't help being stunned again, bringing Ji Kongfan into the Four Chaos World?

The existence of these four chaotic realms is completely unknown to Ji Kongfan. Even if he believes in himself, he cannot rashly follow him into a strange place.

Even if Ji Kongfan is willing to come, Ji Kongfan's strength seems to be only in the reincarnation realm now, so what will happen if he comes?

Jiang Yun couldn't help but asked curiously: "Senior Mirage, can you tell me why first?"

Mirage sighed and said: "Except for the Great Emperor, the only people who can save the Mirage clan are the other eight clans."

Before Jiang Yun could ask, Mirage had already continued: "I think you should already know the news that the other eight tribes have either disappeared or been exterminated."

"But in fact, they may not have been completely killed, but sent to the forbidden area."

Forbidden land! Jiang Yun was immediately shocked.

Although Jiang Yun still doesn't know what the forbidden place is, he at least knows that even the young masters are somewhat afraid of the forbidden place.

But now, Mirage told himself that the other eight tribes might have entered the forbidden area.

Mirage suddenly reached out and pointed, and the endless red water around him suddenly rolled again, and countless water droplets emerged, blocking his sight.

Jiang Yun looked puzzled and turned around to look around. At first glance, his expression suddenly changed.

Because, he was already in Jiang Village, and the surrounding Chishui suddenly turned into jungles and mountains.

Mirage smiled slightly and said: "I see that you are a little nervous, so let's change to an environment you are familiar with and let's talk slowly!"

While speaking, Mirage sat down directly on the ground, and then motioned for Jiang Yun to sit down as well.

Jiang Yun withdrew his gaze from his surroundings and took a deep look at the mirage.

Although I couldn't see through the mirage's strength, the other party was able to transform Jiang Cun in the blink of an eye without me noticing it at all.

This achievement of lucid dreaming alone is far superior to myself.

It is not difficult to see that the other party's true strength, even if it is not the Great Emperor, is not far behind.

However, this is also a normal thing. If the mirage is not strong, how can it become the guardian demon of the mirage clan! Jiang Yun sat across from Mirage, waiting for the other party to continue speaking.

Mirage was silent for a moment before continuing: "Back then, the relationship between the nine clans in the Four Realms was quite good."

"Even when the major races are hostile to each other, the nine races have secretly formed an alliance to advance and retreat together."

"This is also the reason why there are countless ethnic groups in the Four Realms, but in the end only these nine tribes sent people to hide in your father's body and go to the All Heavens Gathering Area!"

Jiang Yun nodded. He was not surprised by this.

Mirage continued: "Because the founders of the Four Realms Cang, a few old antiques, are very repulsive to places outside Tibet, and absolutely do not allow any ethnic group or monk in the Four Realms Cang to have any contact with the places outside Tibet, let alone Needless to say, we are heading to a place outside Tibet.”

"Naturally, if what the Nine Clans have done is known, it will probably bring disaster to the Nine Clans."

"Therefore, the members of the Nine Clans swear that they will never leak this matter."

"This matter is also a secret in the entire Shijingzang."

"In the beginning, the Nine Clans were indeed calm and nothing happened. It was like this for a long time."

"But suddenly one day, the other eight tribes received a request for help from the Sacrifice tribe, saying that they were attacked."

"But when the Eight Tribes immediately sent people to rescue them, the Sacrifice Tribe was gone."

"Not even a single survivor of this huge sacrificial clan was left alive. All the people of the eight clans saw were a large number of corpses and traces of fighting."

"The occurrence of this incident naturally made the eight tribes extremely angry, and they vowed to find the murderer."

"However, I didn't expect that before the eight tribes found the murderer, they themselves met the fate of annihilation one after another. In the end, only the Mirage tribe and the Samsara tribe were left."

"It was at that time that the Great Emperor was born to the Samsara Clan!"

"In the Four Realms of Tibet, any ethnic group with the appearance of the Great Emperor will immediately have a superior status, and no other ethnic group will dare to attack them."

"The birth of Emperor Lu not only protected the Samsara clan, but also the Mirage clan. This prevented our two clans from following in the footsteps of the other seven clans."

"Our mirage tribe also relied on Emperor Lu's protection and really worked hard to practice. During that time, our strength became a lot stronger, and Wan Li became a quasi-emperor."

"It's a pity that not long after, a war between great emperors broke out in these four chaotic realms, and all great emperors had to participate."

After hearing this, Jiang Yun already understood what happened next.

Emperor Lu left the Samsara Clan and went to the Four Chaotic Realms.

With his departure, the Samsara clan also faced the fate of annihilation. Only Takamatsu, mother and son, escaped.

The Mirage Clan didn't have the Great Emperor at that time, so they naturally didn't need to participate in the Great Emperor's battle.

But it is precisely because of the Great Emperor's War that the mirage clan with the quasi-emperor has a certain ability to protect themselves in the Four Realms.

Sure enough, Mirage continued: "When the Samsara clan was in danger, we also rushed to rescue, but in the end it was too late."

"From then on, the Mirage Clan directly sealed the clan until your grandfather became the Great Emperor!"

"As for the destruction of the other eight tribes, Emperor Lu once discussed it with your grandfather and believed that the cause was that someone leaked the news that they sent people to the All Heavens Gathering Area, which caused some people's dissatisfaction."

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed coldly: "Did those old antiques do it?"

He has a close relationship with the Nine Tribes. After hearing about what happened to the Nine Tribes, he naturally feels the same hatred and hatred. He cannot accept that all the Nine Tribes will suffer the fate of being exterminated just because they left Shijingzang.

Mirage shook his head and said, "I don't know if those old antiques did it. Maybe your grandfather knows."

"After he became emperor, he went to find those old antiques, but after he came back, he didn't mention a word about the conversation with the old antiques."

"However, regardless of whether it was those old antiques who did it or not, you must never mention these things to anyone else again."

Jiang Yun naturally knew how powerful it was, so he nodded and said: "Since Grandpa and the others have witnessed the large number of deaths of other eight tribesmen with their own eyes, why do seniors still think that they were sent to a forbidden land?"

Mirage sighed and said: "There is a Huang Wushuang in the Huang clan, who is called the first human emperor and controls the power of time."

"He once went back in time on the Jie Kong Clan's territory, and vaguely saw some Jie Kong Clan members, who seemed to be taken away."

"But just after Huang Wushuang saw those scenes, the Huang clan also faced the fate of annihilation."

"That's why we feel that although some people from the eight tribes were indeed killed, there are also people who are still alive and were sent to the forbidden area."

At this point, Jiang Yun finally knew the truth about the disappearance of the Nine Tibetan Clan in the Four Realms.

But he still couldn't understand that even if he and Ji Kongfan could find those nine tribesmen, even if they were still alive, there might not even be quasi-emperors among them, so how could they help the Mirage tribe.

Mirage hesitated for a moment, then gave the answer: "The nine tribes once joined forces to create a forbidden technique!"

"This technique requires descendants with the blood of the nine tribes to perform it together. Its effect is so great that I can only say that it can not only keep the Mirage tribe safe, but it can even make the strong men of the nine tribes reappear!"

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