Taoist world

Chapter 3938: Master of the Nine Tribes (Repair)

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, a voice immediately sounded in his ears: "Jiang Yun!"

These two simple words made Jiang Yun's pupils shrink slightly.

Because what the other party called out was his real name! Although he entered the Four Chaotic Realms twice, he never revealed his true name.

The only people who know his true name are his grandfather and some people from the mirage clan.

However, now the other party revealed his real name with just one word.

Coupled with his previous guess that the other party was always protecting him secretly, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess that the other party should be related to the Mirage Clan.

The voice sounded again: "Don't you remember me?"

Jiang Yun was slightly startled, but then he suddenly realized: "It's you!"

Jiang Yun remembered that before he actually entered the Four Chaos Realm, he had used his spiritual consciousness to explore here. As a result, as soon as he entered, he heard a man's voice and shattered his spiritual consciousness.

Now Jiang Yun finally understood that the person who shattered his consciousness was the person speaking to him at this moment.


At this time, the red water around Jiang Yun suddenly started to roll.

A wave of water surged out and condensed into a human shape, which gradually became clearer until it finally turned into a middle-aged man.

This man, with an ordinary appearance, looked at Jiang Yun with a smile on his face.

There was no aura fluctuation in his body, making it impossible to tell how strong he was.

And at the same time that the man appeared, Jiang Yun suddenly felt a conflicting feeling in his heart.

On the one hand, I felt a sense of intimacy with the other person.

But on the other hand, he has an inexplicable hostility towards the other party! More importantly, I can be sure that I have never seen each other before today.

Having two completely different feelings about a stranger made Jiang Yun really confused and didn't understand what was going on.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only take a step back calmly, widening the distance between him and the other party.

Seeing Jiang Yun's retreat, the man smiled slightly and said, "I didn't know it was your consciousness last time, so I smashed it into pieces. I hope you won't take it to heart."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "It's my fault that I'm doing something wrong by using my spiritual consciousness to pry into this place rashly. It's nothing."

"I don't know, what do you call senior?"

The man smiled and said: "My name is Mirage, a Mirage from the Mirage Clan!"

"Although this is the first time you have really seen me, from the moment you stepped into this red water, your every move has been under my attention."


The man suddenly shook his head again and said, "Before you even set foot here, I had already heard of your name from Wan Li and Xiao Rou!"

Jiang Yun was first surprised and then delighted by the other party's series of words.

Mirage, this name alone is enough to explain the identity of the other party.

His guess was indeed correct.

The other party is not only related to the Mirage Clan, but also should be an extremely powerful existence among the Mirage Clan.

The Wanli and Xiaorou mentioned in the other person's last sentence naturally refer to grandpa and Jiang Yuerou.

Grandfather Jiang Wanli is the Great Emperor and the spiritual master of the Mirage Clan.

Looking at the entire Shijingzang, there are probably only a few people who can call my grandfather by his first name.

It is conceivable that this mirage has a high status.

Seeing the look of surprise on Jiang Yun's face, Mirage smiled and continued: "You can think of me as the guardian demon of the Mirage clan!"

Jiang Yun finally came to his senses, hurriedly saluted the man with clasped fists, bowed deeply and said, "Junior Jiang Yun, hello to my senior!"

Mirage stretched out his hand to support Jiang Yun's body and said, "No need to be polite. Wan Li said that you are also a member of my Mirage clan!"

Just when the force of Mirage's swing touched Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's body trembled slightly, and the inexplicable hostility in his heart instantly amplified, so much so that he almost made a move against Mirage, but fortunately he was forced to endure it. live.

Although Jiang Yun's movements were extremely small, they were clearly seen by the mirage.

However, as if he didn't see it, he retracted his outstretched hand.

Straightening up, Jiang Yun looked at the smile on Mirage's face, and could feel the sincerity in his smile.

Such a mirage should not make oneself hostile in any way.

Where did his inexplicable hostility come from?

At this moment, Mirage spoke again: "Jiang Yun, do you have some questions that you want to ask me?"

Jiang Yun also continued to suppress the hostility in his heart, nodded and said: "Grandpa is right, I am a member of the Mirage Clan."

"I do have a lot of questions that I want to ask senior, but now, I just want to know that if grandpa enters the imperial mausoleum, the Mirage clan is likely to usher in a catastrophe. Senior, or in other words, the entire Mirage clan, whether Already thought of it?"

More than any other issue, Jiang Yun's biggest concern now is of course the safety of the Mirage Clan! Therefore, after confirming the identity of the other party, Jiang Yun asked this question directly.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, a happy smile appeared on Mirage's face.

Although he did hear a lot about Jiang Yun, and even witnessed Jiang Yun's sixteen years of life in another way, he did not dare to say that he knew Jiang Yun very well.

This time, I didn't listen to Jiang Wanli and took the initiative to find Jiang Yun. In fact, I was a little unsure about Jiang Yun's attitude.

But now, he already knows that he did nothing wrong.

"Good boy!"

Mirage laughed loudly and said, "Wan Li and Xiaorou didn't praise you in vain!"

"The Mirage Clan has naturally taken into consideration what you are worried about."

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then, is the Mirage Clan capable of dealing with the troubles it may encounter next?"

Mirage slowly suppressed the smile on her face and said solemnly: "To be honest, it's difficult!"

"The Mirage Clan has a very long history, almost comparable to the Ancient Clan."

“There are many ethnic groups at the same time as the Mirage Clan.

They have long since disappeared. Only the mirage clan not only still exists, but also becomes stronger and stronger. "

"But the trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them!"

"When any ethnic group is strong, it will inevitably attract jealousy and jealousy from other ethnic groups, and even make many enemies."

"If Wanli can continue to control the Mirage Clan, then naturally no one will dare to target the Mirage Clan."

"But, it's a pity that now Wan Li has entered the imperial mausoleum, and he doesn't know whether he will live or die."

"Without Wanli in charge, although the overall strength of the Mirage clan is not weak, and Jiang Mu has become a quasi-emperor, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands!"

"In short, once the news of Wanli entering the Imperial Tomb spreads, the Mirage Clan may be able to live without worries for a short time, but as time goes by, they will inevitably be attacked by many groups."

"In the end, the whole family may even be exterminated."

Everything the mirage said made Jiang Yun even more anxious: "Then doesn't the mirage have any other ways to save themselves?"

Mirage shook his head and said: "It is impossible to save yourself."

"The only way is to rely on others to save you, such as you!"

"And this is one of the reasons why I took you away from the young masters!"

Although Jiang Yun was indeed a little dissatisfied with the other party for suddenly taking him away when he was about to see his parents, he couldn't care about this problem now, but said in confusion: "I will definitely try my best to help mirage clan, even if they risk their lives.”

"However, I am too weak. Even a quasi-emperor like Uncle Mu can't save the Mirage clan. How can I save them?"

Mirage did not answer Jiang Yun's question, but suddenly changed the question and said: "Back then, there were nine monks from nine tribes who went to the All Heavens Gathering Area with your father, do you know?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I know!"

Mirage then asked: "Then, in the All Heavens Gathering Area, have the nine tribes been subdued and have their masters?"

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