Taoist world

Chapter 3657 Not Recognized (Revision)

Regardless of the specific requirements for the other groups of trial monks to pass this first round of trials, for the twelve hundred monks in the Yuanfa Realm, hearing this requirement from the purple-robed patrol official is so satisfying. Most of their faces became extremely ugly.

Because of this, their original idea of ​​fighting as a team according to their respective Tianzun domains was shattered first.

The purple-robed patrol official made it very clear that the targets of the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain's attacks are random.

Faced with such a trial method, holding a group has no effect at all. The competition is entirely based on individual strength.

Secondly, the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain, as the name suggests, is the power condensed by the power of various laws in the world.

If you want to break through the power of the law, you need at least the strength to break the law realm.

It is true that those of them who can stand here at this moment have the strength to break the law, but their strength also has high and low levels.

This comes from the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain in the abyss, and it makes people feel frightened just by looking at it.

Moreover, the binding force it exerts on everyone should definitely be the same.

This means that if you are entangled by it and want to break free within ten breaths of time, I am afraid that most people will not be able to do it.

In the end, the elimination time was too fast.

Although there were only ten forces that eventually became All Heavens Trials in the previous All Heavens Trials, the All Heavens Trials were also a great opportunity for the individual monks who participated to become famous in the world.

At least during the trial, these monks representing their respective forces can still show their strengths and strength to see if they can be valued by the family sect and be favored by the Great Heavenly Lord.

However, this time, if he couldn't break free of the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain within ten breaths of time, he would be eliminated directly.

Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of monks, he was eliminated in just ten breaths. No matter how many strengths and potentials he had, he had no chance to show them.

Then I and the others worked their butts off to get here, and to be eliminated and left in such a hurry so quickly, it was really embarrassing.

Although all trial cultivators knew that this final trial would be difficult, they never expected it to be this difficult.

They would even rather fight in pairs, so that if they are lucky, they might be able to hold on for a while longer.

However, at least one thing made them quite lucky, because at least their lives were not in danger.

In short, it is impossible for all the monks who participated in the trial to change this rule other than silently accepting it.

Jiang Yun naturally had no feelings about the trial requirements stated by the purple-robed patrol official.

Since the ten-interest pass requirement is given, it means that there will definitely be someone who can do it.

If others could do it, Jiang Yun could do it even more, so he was not in a hurry, just wondering what this dark abyss was.

But at this moment, Wang Lao's voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's mind: "Boy, why haven't you tried the Ji Ming Sand? Are they willing to recognize you as their master?"

Wang Lao hadn't spoken for a while. He suddenly spoke at this time, which surprised Jiang Yun. Moreover, the words he said were these words, which made Jiang Yun even more startled.

However, Jiang Yun knew that Wanglao would not say it casually, so he replied: "I have been busy dealing with the two heavens recently, and then I was busy participating in the trials of the heavens, so I have no time."

"I'm going to wait until the trial is over and find a quiet place to try again."

Wanglao smiled faintly and said: "Try how long it will take to test the Jimingsha. It's just a matter of communicating with it using your spiritual consciousness."

"If it is willing to recognize you as its master, it will let your consciousness leave a mark of consciousness in its consciousness."

"If you don't want to recognize you as Lord, your consciousness will be driven out!"

"It's a simple thing!"

Jiang Yun was stunned again. He really didn't expect that it would be so simple to test whether Jimingsha could be used by him.

Jiang Yun then asked: "Wanglao, can I make Ji Mingsha recognize me as the master? Is this related to the abyss in front of me?"

Wanglao was silent for a moment before replying: "Yes, this is Meng Yuan."

"There are a few different theories about its origins."

"Some people say that it is the origin of the entire universe."

"Throughout the ages, the power of laws in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain emerged from this dream abyss, and then spread out. Over time, the All-Heaven Gathering Domain was created."

"Some people also say that Meng Yuan is the passage to the Red Sea outside the territory, but I have never heard of anyone who can enter the Red Sea outside the territory from Meng Yuan."

Jiang Yun had heard of the Red Sea outside the territory, and the Red Water Sacred Tree on his body came from there.

Wanglao continued: "But no matter what Mengyuan is, in fact, the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain can be manipulated by others."

"Of course, there are only thirteen people who can control it so far."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of shock.

The thirteen Great Heavenly Lords never showed up, and Jiang Yun thought they would show up at the last minute.

But now Wang Lao's words clearly mean that they were the ones behind this first round of trials.

This has never happened before in the trials of the heavens!

And Jiang Yun suddenly understood and said: "They are trying to find me!"

But Jiang Yun still couldn't figure out, what does this have to do with Jimingsha?

Wang Lao said: "Yes, Mengyuan has... a kind of power, that is, he can distinguish between true and false!"

"Even if you change your appearance and cover up your bloodline, there is still a great possibility that they will see through your true identity when you are entangled in the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain."

"But Ji Mingsha can block this power."

"If you can make Ji Mingsha recognize you as the master, then you don't have to worry about anything, but if you can't, you'd better quit the trial now!"

Jiang Yun finally understood what Wanglao meant, but he obviously felt that Wanglao had great scruples when he talked about some kind of power that Meng Yuan possessed.

However, Jiang Yun did not pursue this question, but immediately found the Jimingsha hidden in the void world.

No matter what, Jiang Yun must ensure that his identity cannot be exposed.

Ji Mingsha looks like a handful of loose sand, piled up and scattered on the ground of the void world, motionless.

However, when Jiang Yun's consciousness appeared, the Jiming Sand immediately became active, as if it were alive. All the sand grains gathered together at an extremely fast speed, forming an irregular shape. .

Moreover, every grain of sand in it is constantly swimming up and down, just like soldiers on patrol, showing extremely high vigilance.

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but laugh, as if he could see these Ji Mingsha transforming into little people, watching vigilantly as his consciousness approached.

It was funny, but Ji Mingsha's reaction made Jiang Yun feel that there was some truth in saying that they were some kind of life.

However, without a master, although Ji Mingsha has a strong sense of self-protection, it does not have much strength.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly surged and wrapped up all the Jiming Sand.

Under this kind of package, Jiang Yun suddenly discovered that his consciousness had entered a dark space.

This made Jiang Yun realize: "It turns out that this Ji Mingsha seems to be scattered and independent, but it is actually a whole!"

"I have now entered the spiritual consciousness space of Ji Mingsha!"

Suddenly, a huge force of repulsion emerged from all directions in the darkness, like a rolling torrent, with huge pressure, trying to drive Jiang Yun's consciousness out.

Jiang Yun said with a bitter smile: "This should mean that Ji Mingsha does not recognize me as their master!"

At this moment, a loud "clang" sound came, and the Ten Thousand Dharma Chain standing in the Mengyuan suddenly turned into a cold light, towards the 1,200 monks gathered around the Mengyuan, Go straight ahead!

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