Taoist world

Chapter 3656: Mengyuan opens (repair)

Originally, when most people saw that there were four competition stages in this world, they took it for granted that the test method should be a two-on-one battle.

The winner advances, the loser is eliminated, until the last person is determined.

But now, the simultaneous action of four purple-clad sky patrol officials has caused this seemingly ordinary competition stage to become turbulent and change like flying sand and rocks.

This made everyone immediately realize that the way of the trial was not what they thought before!


Under everyone's gaze, with a loud noise that shook the sky, the four competition platforms disappeared together, and suddenly turned into four black abyss with a size of ten thousand feet!

This is no ordinary abyss!

Because everyone can clearly feel the terrifying aura fluctuations emanating from the abyss.

As he listened attentively, he could still vaguely hear the sound of metal hitting inside.

It was as if an extremely powerful being was locked in a chain in the abyss and was about to burst out of it.

Especially the 1,200 monks closest to the abyss, they noticed a terrible suction force in the fluctuation of the aura, which seemed to suck them and others into it!

The appearance of these feelings caused the complexions of many monks who participated in the trial to change drastically.

Because obviously, this abyss is neither a magical power nor a domain weapon. Even the spiritual consciousness disappears immediately when it enters it.

That means that the abyss should be real!

In other words, there are four such abyss hidden in this uninhabited world.

Perhaps, there are not just four, but more abyss...

The Xantian lineage arranged for people like themselves to undergo the final trial in this world, and did not inform everyone in advance that there would be an abyss here. Did it have any special purpose?

You know, there has never been such an abyss in previous trials in the Sky Survey Domain!

Not only the monks who participated in the trial could not recognize the origin of this abyss, but also all the monks who were watching, including the twelve disciples of the Great Heavenly Lord above the sky, all had doubts on their faces. .

Although the twelve Great Heavenly Lords did not appear in person, the people they appointed were naturally highly regarded and possessed extraordinary status and strength.

For example, the person Tianzun Zhenque sent was his disciple Lin Zhen, the person he trusted the most.

But they also don't know what is going on in this abyss!

However, among the group of disciples who killed the Great Heavenly Lord, there was a young man with a look of surprise in his eyes!

This man's eyes are also very strange. One is white, like light, and the other is black, like darkness!


Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise.

However, this time the sound did not come from the abyss, but from this world.

Amid the loud noise, the sky in this world gradually became transparent.

It also made everyone look up and see that outside the world, they were already surrounded by densely packed monks, and they were surrounded by water!

Naturally, these are the monks who came to watch the trials of the heavens.

As Jiang Yun had speculated before, they were prohibited from entering this world and were placed outside it.

But as the trial was about to begin, the Xuantian lineage also made the entire world transparent for them to watch.

Jiang Qiuge, Tie An and others were hidden among the crowd.

They also saw the four dark abyss, and most people did not recognize the abyss.

Only Jiang Li's expression suddenly changed, and he said to himself: "This can't be... Mengyuan!"

At the same time, in the palace of the Angel Patroller, which is not too far away from this world, there are thirteen figures sitting cross-legged, it is the thirteen great gods.

They had arrived here a long time ago. Although they did not go to the world where the trial was held, they naturally knew what was happening there.

And with the appearance of these four abyss, Wu Tianzun frowned and said: "Xantian, what are you doing?"

"Is it necessary to open Meng Yuan in the mere trial of the heavens?"

The angel patrolman laughed and said: "How can we find Jiang Yun without Mengyuan!"

As soon as these words were said, the Void Heavenly Lord immediately shut his mouth.

But Tianzun Zhenque said with a cold light in his eyes: "Xantian, are you sure that Jiang Yun has arrived?"

The angel patrol shook his head and said: "If I can be sure, why bother using Meng Yuan!"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of confusion in the voice of the angel patrol: "It's strange to say that I have never been able to figure out what method Jiang Yun used to disappear so completely that even we were looking for him. Not to him!"

"That's right!" The angel patrol suddenly looked at Shenlian Tianzun and said: "Since your bloodline compass can find him once, can it never find him again?"

Shenlian Tianzun snorted angrily: "It's not bad to find it once!"

At this time, Zhenque Tianzun spoke again: "Everyone, my two great heavens and a family of treasure collectors have been destroyed. In this first round of trials, I will control Meng Yuan. You should have no objections!"

Although the thirteen Great Heavenly Lords all want to find Jiang Yun, the most urgent one is the Formation Heavenly Lord.

The destruction of the two great heavens and the treasure collectors really made Zhan Que's heart bleed.

Not to mention anything else, eight of the powerful Tianzun alone were lost!

Therefore, after everyone looked at each other, they couldn't refuse and could only nod in agreement.

Only the angel patrol said: "You can control the abyss, but if you find Jiang Yun, I hope you can restrain yourself and not kill him!"

"Don't worry!" Zhenque Tianzun said with a ferocious smile on his face: "How could I let him die so happily!"


As the black abyss appeared, the four purple-robed sky patrol officials also spoke to the monks participating in the trial at the same time: "The trial of the heavens, in fact, the competition is still your personal strength."

"Therefore, this final trial is divided into three rounds."

"The first round will test your cultivation, the second round will test your will!"

"The last round will test your overall strength."


Just as the purple-robed sky patrol official was speaking, bursts of chains suddenly sounded within the four dark abyss.

In fact, someone had faintly heard the sound of the chains before, but they were not sure and even suspected that it was their own hallucination.

However, at this moment, the sound of the chains became louder and clearer, finally letting everyone know that it was not their imagination.

Naturally, many monks' faces have become even paler.

In their imagination, there was some kind of powerful existence imprisoned in this abyss, and the sound of the chains at this moment clearly confirmed their guess.

Now, could it be that powerful existence is about to appear?

Although some monks could not help but move back, wanting to get further away from the abyss, the twelve seed monks closest to the abyss were worthy of their status.

Not only did they not panic, but their expressions did not change. They remained calm and stared at the abyss.

Even people like Jiang Kunlun, Ji Kongfan and Nie Kong leaned forward slightly, wanting to see if they could see what was going on in the abyss with their eyes.

From this point, we can see the difference between the seed monks and most monks.


Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded, and a chain was suddenly shot out from the four abyss!

This chain is about the thickness of a child's arm. Although it looks like it is made of some kind of metal and exudes a faint luster, if you look closely, you will find that the chain is basically composed of lines.

The chain stood straight in the abyss, and I didn't know where it came from.

The purple-robed patrol official pointed at the chain and said: "This is the chain of ten thousand laws, which is condensed from the power of ten thousand laws."

"In the first round of the trial, it will randomly entangle you. As long as you can break free from its shackles within ten breaths, you will pass."

"On the contrary, they will be eliminated directly!"

"let's start!"

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