Taoist world

Chapter 3456 Bloodline Disguise (Repair)

Before Tie Ru'nan could finish speaking, Jiang Yun had already interrupted hastily: "Miss Tie, I told you that the Shou Yuan Dan is a gift from me. There is no need to talk about repayment!"

A woman secretly came to repay her family's life-saving grace without telling her family. The only way Jiang Yun could think of to repay her was to commit herself to her. How could he accept it?

However, Tie Ru'nan continued: "Although my Tie family's secret brewing recipe cannot be given to the young master, I have practiced the art of bloodline. If the young master does not dislike it, I can help the young master hide his own bloodline!"


Jiang Yun was slightly startled, with an embarrassed smile on his face. It turned out that he was overthinking.

Fortunately, what he said just now was not explained directly. Otherwise, how could he still have the nerve to face Tie Runan now?


Jiang Yun coughed hard twice to resolve his embarrassment. His expression returned to normal and he said, "Young lady is willing to help. I am extremely grateful. How can I still find it objectionable?"

"I just don't know how Iron Girl can help me hide my bloodline?"

Tie Runan explained: "Bloodline, although invisible and intangible, sounds extremely illusory, but in fact it is something that every living being must have."

"All bloodlines originate from the elders of each living creature's family or race. They are passed down from generation to generation, and there are traces to follow."

"According to what my grandfather said, this 'trace' can't be seen even with powerful spiritual consciousness. It can only be seen through the art of blood, but I feel that my grandfather's statement is not necessarily correct!"

"Just like fate, fate, and other things, before the strength is reached, they are also illusory, and it is impossible to detect the existence of these things."

"Only after you have a certain level of strength and reach the state of defying heaven and being bound by law, you can truly see them and even change them."

"Therefore, I think the same is true for bloodline, but if you want to see bloodline, the requirements for strength must be higher."

"At least in today's gathering of heavens, if you ignore the art of blood, I'm afraid no one really has the strength to see the blood!"

"Naturally, for me, once I find the 'trace', there is a way to cover it up."

"It's just that because my grandfather and I have limited qualifications, we are not very proficient in the art of blood."

"If I help the young master hide his bloodline, I can only add another bloodline to the young master's bloodline."

"It's like disguise, adding another layer of blood to the young master's blood."

"And once someone comes to explore the young master's bloodline again, as long as they are not proficient in bloodline art, they will only be able to see the bloodline after the disguise, but not the true bloodline of the young master."

"Of course, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world. I dare not boast about it. I am sure no one can see through the true bloodline of the young master, but I believe there are not many such people."

After listening to Tie Runan's explanation, Jiang Yun finally understood. After thinking carefully for a moment, he said, "What does Miss Tie mean, is she trying to use your Tie family's bloodline to cover up my own bloodline?"

"That's right!" Tie Runan said with some embarrassment: "What I am most familiar with is my own family's bloodline, so I asked the young master not to dislike it."

"After all, my Tie family's bloodline is definitely not comparable to Young Master Jiang's bloodline."

Jiang Yun waved his hands and said: "Although I know nothing about bloodline, just like my view on power, I never think that the various powers in the world are strong or weak, it just depends on your proficiency in mastering it. "

"The same should be true for bloodline. Each bloodline must have its own uniqueness."

"It's just that as the ethnic group reproduces and time goes by, the bloodline will gradually become thinner, causing its original special features to gradually disappear."

Jiang Yun's words made Tie Runan nod his head repeatedly, his eyes glowing with gold.

Because this is what she thinks, but grandpa does not agree with her view.

And she never expected that Jiang Yun, a person who knew nothing about blood, would have the same views as her.

Jiang Yun thought for a moment and said, "I wonder how long it will take to help me cover up my bloodline, and whether it will have any impact on you, Miss Tie?"

Tie Runan shook his head and said: "For me, it just consumes some cultivation and has no impact."

"As for the time, it does take a long time. At the fastest, it may take a year or two!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "One or two years is not a long time, I can still afford to wait!"

For a monk, one or two years is indeed not a long time.

Especially in the realm of all heavens.

With Jiang Yun's speed, he has not been able to leave Wanhuan Tianzun's territory for a year. It can be imagined that time is the least valuable in the All Heavens Gathering Area.

Although Jiang Yun also wants to rush to the Danling Sect, if he is discovered by people from the thirteen major forces holding the bloodline compass on the way because of his bloodline, it may take more than a few years just to escape and hide, so he would rather do it now Spend more time to completely cover up your bloodline.

In this way, he has no worries at all, truly disappears from everyone's sight, and can do whatever he wants to do.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yun stood up, clasped his fists and bowed to Tie Runan again: "Then there is Miss Lao Tie."

Tie Runan also stood up hurriedly, and also returned the courtesy: "Young master, you are serious, this is what I should do!"

Jiang Yun laughed and said: "Okay, let's not be polite. Let's discuss what we should do next!"

Jiang Yun knew very well that Tie Runan helped him hide his bloodline from the Tie family. If Tie Chengyun knew about it, he would never agree.

Moreover, the whole process takes one or two years, so it does need to be carefully planned to avoid mistakes being discovered.

Tie Ru'nan thought for a while and said, "I first need to carefully observe the young master's bloodline. Only after I become familiar with it can I cover up for the young master."

"Well, if you have some spare money, you might as well buy a house in Yaoyue City."

"Then I will give the young master a jade slip to convey information. If it is convenient for the young master, just let me know and I will find time to come over."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "I don't have any inconvenience, but I am worried that Miss Tie will have some inconvenience. Okay, I will buy a house tomorrow!"

Tie Runan left a jade slip for Jiang Yun and said, "Well, I'll take my leave today. Just let me know when the young master is settled!"

Tie Runan regained his appearance as a man and regained his aura. Jiang Yun was still a little surprised when he witnessed it with his own eyes.

This bloodline technique is simply the best way to hide it.

After sending Tie Runan away, Jiang Yun was still recalling the bloodline technique Tie Runan said.

"Could it be that the Tie family relies on them to always cover up the blood of their own clan. Once they encounter danger, they will change the world and start a new life with another identity in another place. That's why they can continue to exist until now?"

"Also, I wonder if this bloodline technique can change or even strengthen the bloodline of others?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and felt that although this possibility was possible, I am afraid that no one even in the Tie family could do it. Otherwise, how could the Tie family remain such a small family.

And if it cannot be done, then although this bloodline technique is magical, it will not be of much help in improving strength.

Then, Jiang Yun had another idea: "Miss Tie said that if the blood of their Tie family is used to cover up my blood, wouldn't that mean I become the Tie family?"

"Will I also be able to practice this bloodline technique?"

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