Taoist world

Chapter 3455: Intelligent Calculation (Cultivation)

Tie Ru'nan looked at Jiang Yun and said word by word: "More than a year ago, in the Linggu Domain, there was a lower domain monk who turned his life into a door surrounded by the thirteen most powerful men in the All Heavens Gathering Domain. Arrogantly entering the domain of all heavens."

"After the Lingu Domain was completely closed, the thirteen major forces jointly issued a wanted order to arrest this Lower Domain monk!"

"If my predictions are correct, both incidents must be related to the young master!"

Having said this, Tie Runan closed his mouth and stared straight at Jiang Yun, with a faint light shining in his eyes.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, looked at Tie Runan and said, "Why do you think these two things are related to me?"

Tie Ru'nan obviously expected Jiang Yun to ask such a question, and immediately replied without thinking: "Young master is right, grandpa wants to train me to be the head of the Tie family."

"So, a long time ago, my grandfather started to let me get involved in family affairs and let me analyze and deal with some things."

"Although my family is small and there are no major events, I have developed a habit of asking questions about everything."

"The two major events I just mentioned, it is no exaggeration to say, caused a sensation in the entire All Heavens Domain, which made me also interested in this wanted monk from the Lower Domain."

"Just at this time, the young master came to our Tie family!"

"There are not many people who can take out a Longevity Pill at will in the entire All Heavens Gathering Area, and it can be said that there are no monks like Young Master who are only at the third level of Heaven Defying Realm!"

"Furthermore, although the Longevity Pill is valuable, its value must also be aimed at people like my grandfather who have a short lifespan."

"Therefore, even the direct descendants, grandsons, great-grandsons, etc. of those thirteen powerful men, they should never have something like the Shou Yuan Dan that they have no use for."

Hearing this, although Jiang Yun's face was expressionless, his heart moved slightly, and a hint of approval flashed in his eyes when he looked at Tie Runan.

Jiang Yun prides himself on having a pretty good mind. Although he occasionally does things impulsively, he actually does everything after careful consideration.

But I have to say that I really haven't considered what Tie Runan said.

The Shouyuan Pill is even more valuable than the Domain Artifact, but because of its effects, its value varies from person to person.

For those who need it, they must get it at all costs, but for those who don’t need it, such as myself back then, it is of no use at all!

And those who are qualified to possess the Shou Yuan Dan are at least powerful from one side. How can their disciples and descendants be as weak as the Heaven Defying Realm!

Tie Runan's ability to consider the problem in such detail was beyond Jiang Yun's surprise, and made Jiang Yun admire this woman.

However, Jiang Yun's face showed no expression at all: "Do you think that the level of cultivation I show is my real level of cultivation?"

Tie Ru'nan smiled and said: "Of course not, but the Shou Yuan Dan comes from the Ancient Ling Domain and the Spirit Clan."

"Although the Spirit Tribe was besieged by the All-Heaven Gathering Area at the beginning, they had an extremely powerful ally in the All-Heaven Gathering Area."

"Coincidentally, the wanted monk from the lower realm is the descendant of this ally of the Spirit Tribe."

"Then, could it be that this lower realm monk met the spirit tribe in the ancient spirit realm and obtained some longevity pills."

"Therefore, he doesn't value Shouyuan Dancai, and is even willing to exchange it for a secret brewing recipe that others don't like at all!"

Jiang Yun's heart was shaken again, and he looked up to Tie Runan a little more highly, but still didn't show it on his face: "Are there any more reasons?"

"Yes!" Tie Runan nodded vigorously and said, "The last reason is that the wanted lower realm monk has a bloodline that is different from ordinary people."

"In this gathering of heavens, apart from my Tie family, there must be others who can find this person through his bloodline, such as the thirteen top experts who claim to be omnipotent."

"It's even very possible that this lower realm monk has already exposed his identity because of his bloodline and suffered a lot."

"Therefore, after discovering that the wine brewed by my Tie family seemed to be able to help him conceal his bloodline, he came to my Tie family and saved my grandfather with a longevity pill in exchange for my Tie family's The secret recipe for wine making!”

"This is all my reasons. I wonder if it can answer the doubts in the young master's heart?"

Tie Runan's words finally came to an end.

"Bah bang bang!"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun couldn't help but stretched out his hand and patted it twice and said: "Wonderful, so wonderful, Miss Tie, Mr. Tie chose you as the head of the Tie family, you are really discerning!"

Then, Jiang Yun shook his head again and said, "Ru Nan, this name is actually not easy to get."

"Although your grandfather and your father hope that you can become the head of the family and shoulder the responsibilities of the family like a man, in my opinion, in terms of mental ability alone, there are not many men in this world who can surpass you. A heroine among women!"

Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, faced Tie Ru'nan, cupped his fists and bowed, "Jiang Yun, I have seen Miss Tie!"

At this point, Jiang Yun knew that he no longer needed to hide his true identity.

If you hide it any more, it will make you look stingy.

Now Jiang Yun was indeed deeply impressed by this iron man, so he politely revealed his identity and expressed his respect for him by meeting him in worship.

Hearing Jiang Yun's praise for him, Tie Runan's eyes lit up even brighter.

But when Jiang Yun finally admitted his identity in person and even saluted her, she hurriedly jumped aside, waved her hand and said, "Young Master, you must not do this. Ru Nan would not dare to accept the Young Master's gift!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "Although Jiang is not a arrogant person, there are really not many people who can be highly regarded by Jiang, and Miss Tie happens to be the one. Miss Tie will receive this gift." I can afford it!”

After he straightened up, Jiang Yun pointed to the chair in front of him and said, "Miss Tie, let's sit down and talk!"

At this point, Jiang Yun no longer regards Tie Runan as an ordinary woman, but puts her on a completely equal footing with him.

Facing Jiang Yun's invitation, Tie Runan hesitated for a moment before sitting down with a blushing face.

Jiang Yun continued: "Miss Tie, since you have guessed my identity, and you also said that your Tie family has an unspeakable addiction, you can rest assured that I will leave this world tomorrow and will not come to you again. Trouble with the Tie family!”

"As for the longevity pill, just think of it as a small gift from me to Miss Tie. The Tie family doesn't need to keep it in mind!"

After seeing Tie Ru'nan's power, Jiang Yun really let go of his resentment at Tie Chengyun and no longer forced himself to ask for the Tie family's secret brewing recipe.

"However, I also want to remind you that the City Lord's Mansion may not let it go, so you'd better make plans early."

This is Jiang Yun's good intention.

Although Tie Ru'nan is extremely intelligent and calculating, which Jiang Yun greatly admires, the overall strength of her and the entire Tie family is too weak.

One force can defeat ten!

In the face of the naked strength gap, no matter how many strategies you have, it will be of no use.

If Jiang Yun really had evil intentions, he could easily kill Tie Runan now, and then destroy the Tie family and walk away.

Although Jiang Yun would not do this, Jiang Yun did not guarantee whether the City Lord's Mansion would do this!

Tie Ru'nan nodded and said, "Thank you, Master, for reminding me, but we, the Tie family, still have some support. If we can protect ourselves, it shouldn't be a problem."

With Tie Runan's character, being able to say these words is enough to show that their Tie family relies on them, and it also somewhat surprises Jiang Yun.

However, the Tie family's bloodline skills are indeed magical, so Jiang Yun also believes that they should have some secrets.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't keep the girl. If there is a chance, we will see you again!"

However, just when Jiang Yun was about to see off the guests, Tie Runan shook his head and said: "Sir, I just said that I am here to repay you for saving my grandfather's life.

"If you don't mind it, Master..."

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