Taoist world

Chapter 3364 Entering the battlefield (revision)

The area near the Southwest Domain Gate, tens of thousands of miles away, has now become a battlefield.

The vast majority of the nearly 100,000 monks have already started a melee.

Among the many monks, some fight one-on-one alone, some have multiple monks besieging one person, and some have multiple people fighting multiple people.

In short, facing the appearance of thirteen top powerhouses and the stimulation of hope given by the Angel Patrollers;

Of course, the most important thing is to return to the All Heavens Gathering Area alive. These monks are really fighting desperately to become one of the final hundred people.

All kinds of magical powers blossomed everywhere in the huge gap;

The earth-shattering roar was continuous and resounded almost throughout the entire Linggu Territory.

Although the battle took place not long ago, the lives of each monk have been falling and withering like dead leaves on autumn branches.

At the beginning of the melee, there were still some monks who were able to stay calm and rational and avoid fighting with the twelve major forces as much as possible.

But as the fighting continued, so did the number of killings.

Especially in the center of the battlefield, on the standing battle list, the names of the monks kept lighting up and dimming, which gradually stimulated many monks and gradually lost their minds.

Everyone's body was covered with blood, everyone's eyes were dyed red with blood, everyone burst out with their most primitive animal nature, and looked at everyone else with eyes that were like hungry wolves, extremely vicious.

They have forgotten their own identity, and they don't care about the identity and strength of the monks around them.

As long as they are other than themselves, in their eyes, they are all enemies and will all die!

Not only were the members of the twelve powerful families one after another, they became the targets of attack by others, but in the end, even Ji Kongfan, who was standing in front of the domain gate, began to be attacked by others.

So what about the people from the twelve major powers, and what about those who are favored by the Heavenly Lord!

If you kill them, maybe you will die after entering the All Heavens Gathering Domain, but if you don't kill them, you will die now!

Under such circumstances, no one can be left alone or stay out of this cruel battlefield.

Although such a melee was extremely cruel and bloody, even though outside the domain gate, many monks in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain could clearly see everyone's death.

However, most people's faces remained calm, without much movement.

Even if the monks from their various factions died, they didn't feel anything.

After all, those who died were only cultivators in the Heaven Defying Realm.

Especially the thirteen top experts looked at these monks without any emotion at all.

To them, who are so superior, these monks who are fighting desperately for a chance to survive are just a group of tiny ants.

Do you feel the fighting and death of ants?

of course not!

At this time, a group of people headed by Xue Qing finally arrived here!

The first to discover them were naturally the thirteen top experts!

Their consciousness covers a certain area at all times, and even the slightest disturbance cannot be hidden from them.

And after the thirteen strong men discovered Xue Qing and others, others also noticed them one after another.

The melee in the Linggu Domain gradually came to a halt due to the arrival of Xue Qing and the others.

Everyone's eyes were focused on them, and everyone's face was more or less filled with doubts.

Because everyone was wondering where such a group of people had been hiding before, and why they suddenly appeared at this time.

However, some people have no doubts, and some are just surprised.

Ji Kongfan looked at Xue Qing and others, slowly pulled out his hand from a monk's chest, and said with a warm smile on his face: "They are still alive!"

Guan Chuang, who was standing behind him, asked with a dull look: "Are they the group of lower realm monks you have been looking for?"

Ji Kongfan did not answer Guan Chuang's words. His eyes were fixed on the hundreds of figures that had already rushed towards Xue Qing and others.

These figures are naturally disciples from Hongchentian, Yaolingtian, Zhenquetian and other powerful forces!

Although most of them did not know Xue Qing and others at all, seeing the light shining in their respective Tianzun's eyes, how could they not guess the identities of Xue Qing and others.

Not to mention, disciples like Zhen Quetian had firmly memorized Liu Peng's appearance before entering the Linggu Realm.

Therefore, at this time, seeing this group of people finally appear, and in front of their respective gods, it was a great opportunity for them to perform, how could they miss it.

Xue Qing and others had just appeared and were already shocked by the melee scene in front of them.

And before they could come back to their senses, the extra figures around them were like butterflies passing through flowers, already separating some of them individually.

However, these figures obviously do not mean any harm.

Because the people who were separated were firmly guarded by these figures, clearly protecting them.

Liu Peng frowned, looked at the dozens of monks appearing around him and asked, "Who are you?"

A pretty woman was looking at Liu Peng with her eyes. When she heard Liu Peng's words, she replied angrily: "We are disciples of Zhen Que Tian. My grandfather, Zhen Que Tian Zun, has taken a liking to you. So we are here to protect you and help you enter the All Heavens Gathering Area!"

Liu Peng refused without thinking: "I'm not interested, and I don't need anyone's protection. Get out of my way, I want to be with my friends!"


Hearing Liu Peng's rejection, the woman suddenly widened her eyes and said, "Do you know how many people are trying to worship me? My grandfather has taken a liking to you, and you are still unwilling." ?”

Liu Peng glanced at the woman lightly and said, "I have a master!"

"Who is your master? Can he be older than my grandfather?"

"My master..." At this point, Liu Peng's expression turned into confusion and he said, "Who is my master? Why can't I remember him?"


Hearing Liu Peng's words, the delicate woman couldn't help laughing and said: "There are people like you who don't even know who your master is!"

"I think your master must have treated you very badly, so you have forgotten who he is!"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, she heard a loud shout: "Shut up!"

The confusion on Liu Peng's face turned into a ferocious look, and he stared at the woman fiercely and said: "If you dare to speak ill of my master again, I will kill you!"

In addition to Liu Peng, Jiang Ying, Qin Xiaoqi and others have also been recognized by the disciples of Hongchentian and Yaolingtian respectively, and have also been protected.

Compared with Liu Peng's rejection, they didn't resist much.

After all, they all know the names of several Tianzuns, and they know even more clearly that it is a great blessing for them to be able to become the disciples of Tianzun.

Thirteen top powerhouses were also watching these people, especially the eyes of Tianzun such as Hong Chen and Yao Ling showed excitement.

However, in addition to excitement, they also have more or less worries.

After all, although Xue Qing and the others have been protected by their respective disciples, it is still very difficult to enter the top 100 among the many monks who are now red-eyed.

The angel patrol had just restrained them with words, preventing them from taking action personally, so they could only worry secretly.

And about ten thousand miles away from where Xue Qing and others appeared, there was an insignificant dust, and Jiang Yun and Tian Yu were hidden in it.

This is a domain artifact called Hiding Sky Sand, which is specially used for hiding.

Inside it, within a certain range, their consciousness can see the outside world.

And the outside world, even the divine consciousness of the Tianzun level, cannot detect them.

The three of them were also watching the situation at the domain gate. Tian Yu couldn't help but ask: "Jiang Yun, although you gave them your jade slips, it is very likely that they will still not be able to obtain enough kills. ah!"

"It's hard for those Tianzun disciples to protect themselves, how can we protect them!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "I don't expect those Tianzun disciples at all!"

"Then who do you count on?"

"Ji Kongfan!"

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