Taoist world

Chapter 3363: Internal and External Conditions

"The fate of fate actually has internal and external differences!"

Looking at Jiang Yun, who had closed his eyes and was clearly full of reluctance, Jiang Kunlun's voice rang in his ears: "The fate that starts from you and spreads to other people and things is called inner edge."

"And conversely, the conditions that spread to you from other people and things are called outer conditions."

"What I am cutting off now is only the fate between them and you, that is, the outer border, but the fate between you and them, that is, the inner border, still exists."

"If you are really too reluctant to let go, I can extract your memory first, and then cut off all your inner edges. In this way, you will also forget their existence."

"When one day, when you feel the time has come, you can fuse your memories, restore the inner and outer dharma, and remember them again."

Hearing Jiang Kunlun's words, Jiang Yun naturally knew that he meant well, but he still closed his eyes, shook his head gently and said, "No need."

"I asked them to forget about me because I don't want to hurt them. It's for their own good."

"But if I forget about them, it would be like letting me throw away the most precious thing."

"No matter what, I must remember them even if I die!"

Jiang Yun's decisive words made Jiang Kunlun look at him with a hint of admiration.

Although he still doesn't know much about Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's words let him at least know that Jiang Yun is definitely a person who values ​​love and justice!

Forgetting, in fact, from a certain level, is not a kind of happiness, but remembering, it may become a kind of pain.

These people whose destiny has been wiped out are the people Jiang Yun cares about the most.

They have forgotten Jiang Yun. For their future lives, they will not have any regrets or reluctance. Instead, they will have a better life and a greater future waiting for them.

But Jiang Yun, who still remembers them, has to silently endure the pain of being forgotten by the person he cares about most!

How can we do this if we don’t value love and justice!

At this time, Jiang Yun thought of a question and said: "Brother Jiang, I would like to ask, is it possible that if someone else takes action and cuts off the inner and outer edges of their bodies, then even if I remove their former Even after the memory is returned to them, they still won’t remember me?”

"That won't happen!"

Jiang Kunlun shook his head and said: "Actually, the so-called severing of fate cannot really be so thorough."

"Everything in the world, including us creatures, can be regarded as a blank sheet of paper at the beginning of its birth."

"As we grow, and as time goes by, we will gradually become related and connected with other living beings and all things in the world. This is fate."

"The various conditions are just like the lines that are constantly left on this white paper of ours, forming a picture."

"You can erase the entire painting, but there will still be traces left."

"Once their memories are restored, they are like a paintbrush that can be used to draw a complete picture on the paper along the traces of the past, thus reconnecting the relationship between you and them."


At this point, Jiang Kunlun suddenly stopped talking, and Jiang Yun couldn't help but curiously asked: "Unless what?"

Jiang Kunlun said: "Unless this white paper of ours is completely shattered and disappears, in that case, even if you have the memory of their past, there is no way to restore any fate."

"Shattered and disappeared..." Jiang Yun muttered: "Brother Jiang is referring to death?"

Jiang Kunlun shook his head and said: "No, even if you die, some fate will still exist."

"I'm referring to a magical power that's even more advanced than fate-cutting, and can completely wipe out all fate."

"However, this kind of magical power only exists in legends. I accidentally saw it in a book a long time ago."

"For this reason, I also specifically asked my master. It is said that even a strong person at the level of Tianzun cannot do it, so no one should be able to use this kind of magical power."

Jiang Yun nodded. Although he was fully prepared, he was still a little worried that Xue Qing and the others would really forget him forever.

Now, I finally feel relieved.

After another moment passed, Jiang Kunlun's voice sounded again: "Okay!"

Jiang Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him who were still unconscious.

From this moment on, they no longer existed in their memories, which made Jiang Yun's heart filled with helpless sadness.

However, now he has no time to continue to mourn here.

After scanning everyone's face with his eyes, he waved his sleeves and sent everyone back into his body, and said to Jiang Kunlun and Tian Yu: "You two, accompany me to the Southwest Domain Gate again! "


At least tens of thousands of miles away from the Southwest Domain Gate, Jiang Yun did not dare to move forward.

After all, there are thirteen top powerhouses standing there outside the domain gate.

Jiang Yun knew very well that as long as he appeared within the range of their spiritual consciousness, he would be discovered by them.

But now this distance is a place that their spiritual consciousness cannot cover.

Standing here, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves and released Xue Qing and everyone else again, and then woke them up one by one.

As for himself, together with Tian Yu and the others, his figure quietly disappeared into the void.

Xue Qing and others opened their eyes one after another. Everyone had a look of confusion on their faces, not knowing where they were.

However, they are also battle-hardened.

Although there were doubts in his mind, after he woke up a little, he immediately concentrated around Xue Qing as quickly as possible.

Qin Xiaoqi rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Sister Xue, what's wrong with us?"

The little beast, which had transformed into the shape of a puppy again, jumped directly onto Xue Qing's shoulders. While sticking out its tongue and licking its paws, it looked around blankly with eyes full of doubts.

Xue Qing herself frowned, shook her head and said, "I don't know, I seem to have forgotten something!"

Not only Xue Qing, but everyone here felt as if they had forgotten something, but they couldn't remember it.

And when they finally woke up completely, they remembered it one by one.

Ever since the merger of the two war domains, my group of people has always been centered around Xue Qing, traveling together in the Lingu Domain.

A year ago, after they learned that the southwest domain gate was about to open, they naturally rushed towards the domain gate immediately.

As a result, halfway through, they accidentally broke into the territory of an Elf clan and were discovered by the other party.

During the fight between the two sides, he and others were not strong enough, so they were all captured and imprisoned.

Originally, they were all prepared to die, but now they didn't expect that they were released inexplicably.

This naturally made them unable to understand why the spirit tribe would let themselves and others go so well.

But no matter what, after thinking of these things, they did not dare to linger here anymore, but hurriedly continued towards the southwest gate.

However, when everyone left, they looked back behind them, because they all vaguely felt that someone was secretly watching them and others.

Especially Xue Qing, she stared behind her for the longest time.

Because she has lost the most memories!

Not only had she forgotten Jiang Yun, but she had also forgotten Guantian Palace and her two masters.

Finally, under the urging of everyone, Xue Qing reluctantly withdrew her gaze and followed behind everyone.

After all these people had gone away and disappeared into the vast darkness, the figures of Jiang Yun and Tian Yu also stepped out of the void.

Naturally, the memories in Xue Qing's and the others' minds were forcibly added by Jiang Yun for them.

Looking at the direction in which Xue Qing and the others disappeared, Jiang Yun said calmly: "Let's follow them too!"

"I want to see how their appearance will make those Tianzun family heads react!"

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