Taoist world

Chapter 3324 The Gatekeeper

As the spirit master finished speaking, Jiang Yun's breathing became faster unconsciously.

Regarding his life experience and the whereabouts of his parents, Jiang Yun has always been the biggest doubt in his heart.

When he was young, Jiang Yun thought that he was an ordinary orphan. His grandfather and Jiang Cun took him in, so he lived a careless life without even thinking about his parents.

However, when he left Jiangcun and embarked on the path of spiritual practice, his life experience gradually appeared before his eyes, like a cocoon peeling off a cocoon.

However, at that time, he thought he was an abandoned child abandoned by his parents.

Although he complained a little and even hated his parents, the family love that was thicker than water made him want to know about them and ask them why they abandoned him.

Until he met Dao Wuming and learned that his parents sent him to the Mountain and Sea Realm not out of their original intention, but out of helplessness and to protect himself, all his hatred and complaints disappeared, leaving only thoughts. Find their thoughts.

Although Dao Wuming had already told him that his parents might have fled into the Four Realms.

But whether Dao Wuming was loyal or treacherous, Jiang Yun always had doubts in his heart, so he didn't dare to completely believe Dao Wuming's words.

But now, his father's confidante not only finally met his parents, but also sent them away in person.

This also meant that he could finally know the whereabouts of his parents and the truth about his life experience. How could he not be excited? Looking at Jiang Yun's appearance, the Spirit Master could naturally understand how Jiang Yun was feeling at this moment. He stretched out his hand, gently put it on Jiang Yun's shoulder, and said seriously: "Your parents must still be alive!"

Just such a simple sentence made Jiang Yun's heart suddenly feel at ease! The Spirit Master also retracted his palm and closed his eyes. After a long silence, he continued: "Although the Linggu Territory has fallen to what it is today, the reason is indeed because your father discovered the Linggu Territory first."

"Although many Spirit Clan, including many of my Mirror Spirit Clan, have some complaints about your father..." "But, I have never blamed him!"

"Because even without your father, there will definitely be others who will discover the Linggu Territory, and the All-Heaven Gathering Territory will definitely launch an attack on the Linggu Territory, but the time will be different sooner or later."

"Even, I am very happy and grateful to your father!"

"Thank you for his appearance, thank you for letting me know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there is a boundary outside the world. Thank you for never leaving my spirit clan and helping our spirit clan at all costs when our clan was in danger!"

"It's a pity that what he did has offended many people in the All Heavens Gathering Area, thus bringing disaster to him, your parents, and your Jiang family!"

"Speaking of which, you should actually blame us Spirit Race!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said calmly: "Senior, these things have already passed. It makes no sense to pursue who is right and who is wrong now."

"As you just said, even if my father doesn't help the Mirror Spirit Clan, the power of my father and the Jiang family will eventually arouse the fear and dissatisfaction of some people in the All-Heaven Gathering Area."

"At that time, they will still find other reasons to attack my Jiang family!"

"Unless I, the Jiang family, are truly invincible, I will not be able to escape the fate of being exterminated!"

After experiencing so many things and knowing his life experience, Jiang Yun had long realized that many things were not as simple as right and wrong.

Even, many times, it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

After all, everyone is in a different position and looks at the problem from a different perspective.

Therefore, he really did not attribute the reason why his Jiang family was exterminated to the Spirit Clan.

Jiang Yun's words made the spirit master show a look of surprise on his face.

After looking at Jiang Yun deeply for a moment, the surprise on her face gradually turned into relief and appreciation: "Your personality is really similar to your father's."

"You are all of the Jiang family, and you are all extraordinary men. It is not in vain that we, the Mirror Spirit Clan, bear your surname!"

Jiang Yun was slightly stunned and said: "The surname of the Jingling Clan is related to my Jiang family?"

The Spirit Master smiled and nodded and said: "Our Mirror Spirit Clan actually didn't have a surname originally. It was after we met your father that we, the Mirror Spirit Clan, had a surname!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized that the "Jiang" surname of the Jingling Clan actually came from his father! Apparently, out of admiration for his father, the Spirit Master asked all the Jingling clan members to change their surname to "Jiang"... Next, the Spirit Master told Jiang Yun in detail what happened that year.

Jiang Yun had already heard most of the previous things from Jiang Puppet.

My father accidentally broke into the ancient spirit realm, met the spirit master, and became good friends.

When his father left the Linggu Territory and returned to the All Heavens Gathering Territory, the existence of the Linggu Territory was also exposed to the All Heavens Gathering Territory.

After that, the Zhutian Jiyu launched a war against the Linggu Territory. Instead of helping the Zhutian Jiyu, my father helped the Lingzu in turn, which caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Therefore, there was the first battle launched by the Gu family against the Jiang family, which led to the final annihilation of the Jiang family.

When the Jiang family was in danger, the spirit master actually knew it, but at that time, she had to lead the spirit clan to fight against the All Heavens Gathering Domain and could not go to help in person.

Although she sent a spiritual master, compared to the huge All-Heaven Gathering Domain, she was still weak and did not change the fate of the Jiang family being exterminated.

After the Jiang family was exterminated, within a few days, the spirit master saw the seriously injured Jiang Qiuyang and his wife, and sent them to the Four Realms Tibet! "Jiang Yun, your parents told me at that time that Sijingzang was the final retreat chosen by the couple."

"It's just that because you are too young, they cannot guarantee your safety in Shijingzang, so they have to send you away early."

"They also said that maybe one day, you will enter the Linggu Realm and see me."

"They asked me to tell you that they have never forgotten you and are always thinking about you!"

At this point, the spirit master was already bursting into tears.

Although she said it simply, the situation at that time was naturally not as easy as what she said now.

Jiang Yun stood there, eyes slightly closed, silent and did not speak.

As of today, he finally knew clearly and truly his life experience, the reason why his Jiang family was exterminated, and the whereabouts of his parents.

However, he knew better that for him, everything was just the beginning.

As a son of a human being, he would not only avenge his parents or the Jiang family, but at least he would find his parents so that his family of three could be reunited.

After a long time, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and said, "Senior Spirit Master, what kind of place is the Four Realms Hidden?"

Since it was the spirit master who personally sent his parents to the Four Realms Storehouse, the entrance to the Four Realms Storehouse must be hidden in this ancient spiritual realm.

As for the spirit master who can open the entrance, he must have a very good understanding of the Four Realms.

However, what Jiang Yun didn't expect was that the spirit master shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Jiang Yun looked at the spirit master and said word by word: "Senior, I know that the Four Realms Hidden must be full of dangers, and I don't want to enter right now."

"I just want to know more about it and make more preparations. When I am strong enough, I will enter it!"

Jiang Yun thought that the spirit master was worried that he would be in a hurry to find his parents, so he deliberately refused to tell him.

The Spirit Master showed a wry smile and said, "Jiang Yun, I'm not lying to you. I really don't know what kind of place the Four Realms Hidden is!"

"Although I am a spirit master, in fact, my identity is just a gatekeeper. With my identity, I am not qualified to enter the Four Realms!"

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