Taoist world

Chapter 3323: Confidante (repair)

When Jiang Yun was in the Shanhai Realm and had just embarked on the path of cultivation, he went to the Medicine God Sect and entered a pill furnace called the Heavenly Refining Furnace, where he obtained the complete inheritance of the Medicine God.

And now, he suddenly entered a furnace again!

Sure enough, the voice of the Spirit Master also sounded: "This is actually a furnace."

"This furnace has no name, but it is a divine refinement. It was made jointly by several Heavenly Lords including Zhen Que, Feng Ming, Lei Yin, etc. It is specifically used to imprison me."

"Eleven including the Angel Patrollers, no, now there are thirteen strong men."

"They send their respective powers into this furnace, combine them with some special runes on this furnace, and fuse them together to form the kind of flame you just experienced."

"This kind of flame is not only extremely hot, but it can also cycle endlessly."

"However, this flame is not always burning."

“Because they don’t really want me to be burned to death, so whenever I’m about to lose my strength, the flame will disappear, and a lot of vitality and strength will flow in, allowing my body and strength to gradually recover! "

"Of course, it's impossible for them to restore me to my peak state. At most, they can restore me to about half of my strength. When I can continue to withstand the burning of the flame, the flame will appear again."

"It goes on and on like this, trapping me in this nameless furnace without beginning or end!"

Although the spirit master explained it in an understatement, Jiang Yun already felt a shudder in his heart after listening to it.

It can be said that in order to imprison the Spirit Lord, the thirteen top powerhouses in the Heavenly Gathering Area, including the Angel Patrollers, took great pains.

Several Heavenly Lords joined forces to personally refine this nameless furnace;

Then the combined power of the thirteen strong men was transformed into flames, burning the spirit master all the time;

Whenever the spirit master is about to disappear into ashes, the flames will stop again, allowing the spirit master to recover;

When the spirit master is almost recovered, the flames will continue to burn.

In short, they used this method to imprison the spirit master in this nameless furnace.

Moreover, this method is also extremely safe and secure.

It can ensure that the spirit master will not die, but it also prevents the spirit master's strength from ever returning to its peak state, and it will never be able to break through the furnace and escape.

And such a method of imprisonment is really a great torture for the spirit master, and may even be worse than death.

The Spirit Master was also looking around the furnace and continued in a calm tone: "However, after so many years, I have gradually figured out a little of the function of this nameless furnace and mastered a little of its power."

"And with this power, I can perceive some situations in the outside world!"

"It's just that I rarely go to see it. If I do, it only increases my worries!"

Jiang Yun looked up at the Spirit Master again, his eyes full of admiration.

In such a terrifying environment, I believe many people cannot persevere.

Even if it were him, I'm afraid he would have given up long ago and ended up on his own.

But not only has the spirit master persisted until now, but he can also turn around and use the power of the furnace for his own use.

Feeling the admiration in Jiang Yun's eyes, the Spirit Master laughed at himself, waved his hand and said, "You don't have to look at me like that, I'm not as powerful as you think."

"It's not that I haven't thought about self-destruction or suicide. It's just that I can't die, and those people in the All-Heaven Gathering Area won't let me die."

"There are also thirteen restrictions in my body, which not only restrict my cultivation, but are also related to the lives of all the spiritual clans in the entire Linggu Domain."

"Once I die, all the spirit races will die, so I don't dare to die!"

"And the vitality and power emanating from this furnace are also something I can't refuse!"

Although the spirit master denied her persistence, Jiang Yun's admiration for her in his heart did not diminish at all.

Even though her persistence was not her original intention, but again, if it were other people, even if they were alive, most people would gradually lose confidence and courage in this kind of suffering that would be worse than death, and become... A walking corpse without thought or sanity.

But at this moment, the spirit master was calm and composed, with a smile on his face, and he was not deliberately being pretentious.

Only people with great perseverance can do this!

Jiang Yun also understood that every time the spirit master made a move, such as sending herself into the infinite realm, or cutting off the connection between the entire spiritual ancient domain and the all-heaven domain, it should be after the flames stopped, and her power returned to carried out half the time.

The reason why she didn't react to the arrival of herself and the Mirror Spirit Clan just now was because she was still suffering from the burning of the flames and couldn't be distracted.

After understanding this, Jiang Yun flipped his wrist, and a golden sword that had been broken into several pieces appeared in his palm. He handed it to the Spirit Master and said, "Senior Spirit Master, is this the golden sword you are talking about?"

The spirit master stared at the golden sword and raised his hand slightly, as if he wanted to take the sword.

But just halfway through, she put her hand down, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it's this golden sword."

"The world in the palm of your hand is actually a more advanced use of the power of space."

"I remember your father said that the space formed by condensing the universe in the palm of your hand can not only be used for storage, but can also be used to accommodate memories and even souls!"

The first half of the Spirit Master's words made Jiang Yun nod repeatedly.

Because the golden sword did contain the memory of his father, but the last half of the spiritual master's words made Jiang Yun suddenly stunned.

So much so that his body trembled slightly and he said, "Senior Spirit Master, this, can this sword hold a soul?"

Naturally, Jiang Yun thought about it, is it possible that his father hid his soul in this sword?

Jiang Yun's reaction made the spirit master understand his thoughts, and he nodded and said: "Yes, but don't worry, I don't know if there are other souls in this sword, but there is definitely no soul of your parents." .”

"Your father is an extraordinary man who is upright and indomitable. Even if he would rather die in battle, he would not hide his soul in a sword and live in vain!"


Jiang Yun let out a long breath.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also noticed that the spirit master's face showed a look of memories at this moment, and his eyes lit up with a gentle light.

This reminded Jiang Yun of what Jiang Puppet once said about the relationship between the spirit master and his father.

Although as a son of a man, he shouldn't ask about these things, but after hesitating, Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask: "Senior, I dare to ask, what are you and my father..."

Before Jiang Yun finished speaking, it was really difficult to continue.

On the contrary, the spirit master smiled slightly and said: "There is nothing bad to say, I admire your father!"

When he said these words, the spirit master looked extremely calm, without the slightest hint of shyness or uneasiness.

"I don't mean to be disrespectful to your mother, but if your father hadn't already been married and had your mother at that time, I think he might have accepted me!"

Having said this, the Spirit Master laughed at himself again and said: "But, there are so many ifs!"

Jiang Yun couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded by the spirit master's words.

It is not difficult to see that the spirit master's character is obviously straightforward, he dares to speak, dare to do, dare to love and hate.

I'm afraid, this has something to do with her identity as an Eldar.

But this also made Jiang Yun not know how to answer her words, so he could only stand there awkwardly.

The Spirit Master glanced at Jiang Yun and couldn't help but smile and said: "In short, you can regard me as your father's confidante, and I can also assure you that there has been no violation of the rules between the two of us. Things!"

Jiang Yun nodded repeatedly. He naturally believed in his father's character and believed that although the spirit master had a straightforward personality, he was not the kind of person who messed around.

Of course, Jiang Yun did not dare to continue asking about his father and the Spirit Master. Instead, he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Senior Spirit Master, do you know the whereabouts of my parents?"

This question made the spirit master silent for a moment before he nodded and said, "I know!"

"Not only did I know, but I personally sent them both away!"

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