Taoist world

Chapter 3294 The Land of the Five Spirit Tribe

Although Jiang Yun once ran for several days in the Ancient Spiritual Realm, at that time, he was trying to avoid the pursuit of more than 10,000 monks behind him and had no time to understand the situation in the Ancient Spiritual Realm.

Therefore, he can be said to know nothing about the Linggu Domain.

Naturally, he couldn't tell where he was at this moment.

Turning to look at the dark surroundings, Jiang Yun said to himself: "The most urgent task is to find a monk from the All-Heaven Gathering Domain or the Lower Domain to inquire about the current situation in the Linggu Domain."

Jiang Yun has been in the Infinite Realm for six years. It can be said that he is isolated from the world and has no idea what is happening outside, so he must find out first.

However, before that, he still wanted to confirm whether Jiang Rou really knew where the spirit master was imprisoned.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to take out the mirror that contained all the Jingling clan members, he suddenly raised his head and looked above him.

In the gap between the boundaries, there was actually no distinction between up, down, left and right, but Jiang Yun could vaguely detect that there seemed to be a trace of a familiar aura above him.

Especially at this moment, when he concentrated on feeling it, between his eyebrows, the spirit pattern of the Mirror Spirit Tribe given to him by Jiang Puppet actually trembled slightly, as if it had life.

Jiang Yun also suddenly realized: "This is the aura of the Mirror Spirit Clan!"

Now that he was in the vast seam of the world, he felt the aura belonging to the Mirror Spirit Clan. This made Jiang Yun's heart move, and he remembered what Jiang Puppet said before.

Since the Lord of Spirits dared to send him to the Ancient Spirit Realm, he would definitely not let himself die in vain. He must have arranged some kind of back-up plan to prevent the Five Spirits from contacting the All Heavens Gathering Realm in a short period of time.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that it was just Jiang Puppet's blind worship of the Spirit Master that made him say such things, but now he finally realized that Jiang Puppet was not wrong.

This aura that fills the ancient spirit domain and belongs to the mirror spirit clan should be some kind of method created by the spirit master.

In order to prove whether his idea was correct, Jiang Yun randomly chose a direction and moved forward for a certain distance. He could still feel the presence of the Mirror Spirit Clan's aura, which made him finally sure!

"This Lord Spiritual Master can still display such powerful magical powers while being imprisoned. I really don't know why those people in the All-Heaven Gathering Area didn't kill her."

Although Jiang Yun already knew the truth about the battle in the Linggu Territory and knew some things about the Linggu Territory, until now, he still didn't know why the All Heavens Gathering Territory showed mercy to the Spirit Clan.

Jiang Yun has long known the principle of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots.

He also believed that those who could become the Angel Patrollers and the Nine Heavenly Lords must understand this truth better than himself.

They spent a lot of money to attack the Ancient Spiritual Domain. Even if they did not kill all the Spiritual Races, they should kill all the Spirit Master's Mirror Spirit Race and the other three Spiritual Races to avoid future troubles. .

However, these four major spiritual tribes still have their clansmen still alive.

Jiang Yun just thought about these things and didn't think about them deeply.

Although he agreed to help the Mirror Spirit Clan, he was only preparing to send the Mirror Spirit Clan to the Spirit Master, which was regarded as repaying his father's debt to the Spirit Clan.

It is impossible for him to be like his father and help the Spirit Clan to fight against the All Heavens Gathering Domain. At best, they can cooperate with each other.

And those are things that will happen a long time ago, and it is really too early to think about it now.

After confirming that no one was around, Jiang Yun took out the mirror. A spiritual pattern emerged from his finger and submerged into the mirror, causing the mirror to immediately release light.

Although Jiang Yun has not learned other magical powers of the Spirit Clan, he can already enter the mirror, which is an additional life-saving skill.

A moment later, Jiang Rou's figure had walked out of the mirror, with a sad look on her face. She lowered her head and said softly: "Brother!"

Jiang Yun naturally knew that Jiang Rou and the entire Jingling clan were grieving Jiang Puppet's sacrifice, so he deliberately did not mention Jiang Puppet and said with a smile: "We have left the Infinite Realm, and this is the Ancient Ling Realm."

Jiang Rou was startled for a moment, then raised her head and looked around.

However, she turned her eyes and said in surprise: "Why is there the aura of my Mirror Spirit Clan here?"

Compared to Jiang Yunlai, she was obviously more sensitive to the spirit master's aura.

Jiang Yun nodded and briefly explained to her: "Try and see if you can sense the approximate location of the spirit master."


Jiang Rou closed her eyes, and the lines between her eyebrows and soul slowly began to squirm. After just a moment, she opened her eyes again and said, "I feel it!"

While speaking, Jiang Rou had opened her eyes and pointed in one direction: "Over there!"

Jiang Yun was always watching Jiang Rou, and really didn't know how she could sense the location of the spirit master.

However, he believed that Jiang Rou would not lie to him, which made him feel relieved.

Originally, he was a little worried that Jiang Rou wouldn't be able to do it, but now it seems that he is worrying too much.

Jiang Yun asked, "Can you tell me how far it is?"

Jiang Rou shook her head and said, "I don't know. I can only sense that someone is calling me in that direction, which makes me feel at ease."

Jiang Yun nodded, confirming that Jiang Puppet had not lied to him.

"Okay, then I will take you back to the Mirror World first. If nothing happens on the way, I will take you out again."

Jiang Yun didn't know anything about the current situation in the Linggu Territory, so it was naturally impossible to take Jiang Rou with him. If he encountered an enemy and he couldn't take care of it, then Jiang Rou would be in danger.

After sending Jiang Rou back to the mirror world, Jiang Yun no longer delayed, and immediately used his body skills to the limit, striding along the direction Jiang Rou pointed out.

Although Jiang Rou couldn't tell how far away the spirit master was, Jiang Yun knew that it must be extremely far away.

The All Heavens Gathering Domain will definitely not imprison the spirit master in a place close to the exit of the Infinite Realm.

Therefore, he also made up his mind and always moved in this direction!

Just as Jiang Yun left the Infinite Realm, there was a world not too far away from him, and the whole world showed colorful colors.

If you look at it from a high position, although this world also has mountains, vegetation, etc., it is surprisingly full of spiders, centipedes, scorpions and other insects.

These bugs are colorful and vary in size. They are not harmonious when they gather together, but are constantly attacking each other.

Naturally, this is the homeland of the Five Spirit Clan, the Five Spirit Realm!

Originally, the Five Spirit Realm was one of the four major spiritual clans in the spiritual clan, and each branch owned a world.

But since the Linggu Territory was captured by the All Heavens Gathering Territory, instead of becoming the masters of the Linggu Territory, they were all driven into this world and imprisoned as well.

In the Five Spirit World, the most conspicuous thing is the five continuous mountains. Each mountain is shaped into five shapes, namely spider, centipede, toad, scorpion and gecko, corresponding to the five spiritual aspects of the Five Spirit Clan. .

And under the five mountains, the earth has been hollowed out.

Caves of various sizes are scattered layer by layer, extending in all directions, forming a huge underground world.

The underground is the real place where the Five Spirit Clan lives!

In the deepest part of the ground, there is a huge cave.

It was pitch black inside, and the situation inside could not be seen at all, but a woman's voice could be heard suddenly: "Clan leader, Wu Longcheng is dead, and people in the Infinite Realm have gone to the void. The people of the Jingling Clan should have come from Escaped from the barrier."

After a moment of dead silence, another old voice spoke: "Six years ago, the Spirit Master suddenly took action and cut off the connection between us and the All Heavens Gathering Domain in order to prepare for the escape of the Mirror Spirit Clan today."

"No matter which barrier the Mirror Spirit Clan leaves from, they will always appear near our clan."

"Now, immediately divide the troops into five groups to look for their traces."

"If you encounter anyone, capture them all and bring them back to me. If you can't bring them back, kill them on the spot!"

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