Taoist world

Chapter 3293: Good luck, senior

Jiang Yun stood in front of a barrier for three full days, and tried all his methods to break through it, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

The thirteen runes on the barrier are like water, constantly flowing and circulating. Even with the power of assimilation, there is no way to assimilate them.

In short, with his current strength, it is simply impossible to break through the barrier left by the thirteen top powerhouses in the All-Heaven Gathering Domain.

"Jiang Yun!"

As Jiang Puppet's voice sounded in his ears, Jiang Yun shook his head and stepped back to the Infinite Realm.

A total of one hundred and eight members of the Jingling tribe were already standing in the manor, ready to go, and all of them had red eyes.

Especially Jiang Rou's eyes were red and swollen.

Obviously, Jiang Puppet did not hide his situation from them and told them the truth.

The people of the Jingling Clan were naturally unwilling to let their ancestor, who had endured silently until now, sacrifice his life for them.

However, there was no way they could save Jiang Puppet's life.

In order to gain freedom, to find the spiritual master of their own clan, and to allow the Mirror Spirit Clan to gain true freedom, they had no choice but to leave the Infinite Realm and had no choice but to accept Jiang Puppet's sacrifice!

On the contrary, it was Jiang Puppet who was standing on top of a mirror. At this moment, his slightly stooped body had straightened up, with his hands behind his back and his head raised, as if he was looking up at the sky.

Although his face was still blurry, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess that there must be a calm look on his face.

Treat death as home and die generously!

"For you!"

Seeing Jiang Yun appear, Jiang Puppet suddenly had a sword about ten feet long in his hand and handed it over.

This is a giant sword shaped like a centipede, and it is naturally the sword that belongs to Wu Longcheng.

After Jiang Yun regained consciousness, he never asked about the whereabouts of Wu Longcheng and other Five Spirit Clan members, and naturally he didn't care about the sword.

I just didn't expect that Jiang Puppet would give this sword to me at this time.

Jiang Puppet said calmly: "This is called the Giant Centipede Sword. It is one of the clan-suppressing weapons of the Five Spirit Clan. It killed many of my Mirror Spirit Clan members."

"Our clan has no use for this sword, and we don't even bother to use it."

"Originally I wanted to destroy it, but the power of this sword is extraordinary. It would be a pity to destroy it, so I give it to you."

"I have also erased the mark left by Wu Longcheng in the sword for you. You can keep it for use!"

Jiang Yun was not polite and reached out to take the giant centipede sword.

No one can have too many domain devices.

With his spiritual consciousness submerged in the sword, Jiang Yun could clearly see a centipede swimming continuously inside it, and the centipede's body exuded a majestic aura.

However, Jiang Yun knew that this was not the real centipede, but the spirit of the sword!

The sword is channeled!

Although Jiang Yun didn't know whether this giant centipede sword was of higher or lower level than the holy objects of the Nine Clans, since it was a domain weapon of the Five Spirit Clan, it must be stronger than most domain weapons.

Jiang Yun didn't look at it too much. After scanning it with his spiritual consciousness, he put away the sword first.


Jiang Puppet then turned to look at the people of the Mirror Spirit tribe around him and said, "You will enter the mirror world now."

"Then Jiang Yun will take you away from here to find our clan's spiritual master!"

"As long as you find the adults, they will definitely take good care of you!"

"You must also obey Jiang Yun's arrangements along the way. He will not harm you."

As Jiang Puppet finished speaking, some members of the Mirror Spirit Clan couldn't help crying.

Even Jiang Mingyuan and others had sad looks on their faces.

Jiang Puppet waved his hand and said: "Stop crying, I don't have much time left, I can't waste it anymore, you guys quickly enter the mirror space!"

Under Jiang Puppet's urging, all the members of the Jingling Clan turned over and knelt down in front of him, kneeling three times and kowtowing respectfully.

Jiang Puppet did not refuse and accepted everyone's kneeling.

Only then did the members of the Mirror Spirit tribe stand up and reluctantly entered the mirror world.

Finally, Jiang Puppet handed a palm-sized mirror to Jiang Yun and said: "Jiang Yun, here are all the members of my Mirror Spirit Clan except for the Spirit Lord. From now on, I'll leave it to you!"

Jiang Yun took the mirror with both hands and solemnly said: "I will live up to the trust of my seniors!"

Seeing Jiang Yun put away the mirror, Jiang Puppet suddenly took a deep breath and said, "Let's break that barrier!"

As he finished speaking, he saw the mirror under him rising into the sky, as if it were a mount, carrying him directly out of the Infinite Realm.

Jiang Yun took one last glance at the boundless world, then turned and left.

Standing in the gap between the boundaries, facing a wall, Jiang Puppet said calmly: "I don't have much time, so I can no longer teach you my clan's magic and magical powers."

"However, I have already passed it on to Jiang Rou, and she will naturally tell you along the way!"

Jiang Yun nodded silently.

Jiang Puppet continued: "I don't know where these six barriers lead, I can only choose one at will.

"Also, my method of breaking this barrier is also a secret method of my Mirror Spirit Clan, so you don't have to worry that the guys in the All-Heaven Gathering Area will know it right away."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "I guess they should already know."

"With so many people from the Five Spirits clan lost here in the Infinite Realm, they must have been notified."

Jiang Puppet said with a smile: "Don't worry, since the Spirit Master dares to send you here, he will definitely not let you die in vain. He must have arranged some kind of backhand."

"The Five Spirit Clan will definitely not be able to contact the All Heavens Gathering Area in a short period of time, so things here can be concealed for at least a while."

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows. To be honest, he didn't believe it.

The Spirit Master is still imprisoned. It is extremely rare to find him and send him to the Infinite Realm. Is there any way to prevent the Five Spirit Clan from contacting the All Heavens Gathering Domain?

Is it possible that the entire Linggu Domain can be completely sealed?

However, Jiang Yun also knew that Jiang Puppet had absolute and blind confidence in the Spirit Master, so he did not say anything to refute, so as not to make him unhappy.


Suddenly, Jiang Puppet took a deep breath, and during this breath, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from his skinny body, and all his clothes and hair were lifted up high without any wind.

Even the mirror under his feet made a cracking sound, with countless cracks appearing.

Jiang Yun, who was standing behind him, didn't feel anything at all.

Jiang Yun knew that all of Jiang Puppet's aura was released towards the barrier.

"Okay, kid, let's go!"

With his white hair flying, Jiang Puppet turned his back to Jiang Yun and waved his hand lightly.

Jiang Yun faced Jiang Puppet, cupped his fists and bowed: "Senior, go on your way!"

At this point, no one or anything can stop Jiang Puppet from dying.

Even though Jiang Yun couldn't bear it, he could only watch his last journey!

Before Jiang Yun could straighten up, Jiang Puppet's entire body turned into a white light and rushed towards the barrier in front of him.


In an instant, Jiang Yun's eyes were filled with endless white light. Even his spiritual consciousness lost its function and he could not see anything at all.

Only the sound of cracking sounded clearly in my ears.

The mirror under Jiang Puppet was completely broken.

And this means that Jiang Puppet, the guardian spirit of the Mirror Spirit Clan, is no longer here.

Jiang Yun stood silently, waiting quietly.

The endless white light lasted for a full moment before slowly dimming.

Jiang Yun also used his eyesight to look at the barrier ahead.

At first glance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but be a little surprised. On top of the barrier, there was a mirror.

A mirror that is the same size and height as Jiang Puppet!

Obviously, this is what Jiang Puppet said, a special secret method belonging to the Mirror Spirit Clan!

Looking at himself in the mirror, Jiang Yun cupped his fists and bowed again, and then took a step forward and walked into the mirror!

When his vision went dark, Jiang Yun looked around and found that he was already in darkness, and behind him, there was also darkness, with no barriers and no mirrors.

"It seems that I have returned to the Linggu Realm!"

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