Taoist world

Chapter 2711: Came upon Invitation

Lang Ci's first attack did not use all his strength. Although the power was extraordinary, it did not attract everyone's attention.

At this moment, Lang Ci finally burst out with all his strength, and only then did everyone realize that Lang Ci turned out to be a strong man in the Void Realm!

What really shocked them was not the burst of strength from Lang Ci, but the fact that Lang Ci, as a strong man in the Void Trampling Realm, was willing to become someone else's mount!

Even among the two royal families, no one would regard a strong man in the Void Realm as a mount!

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, who is Jiang Yun?


Jiang Yun still ignored everyone's gazes and signaled Lang Ci to continue moving forward!

At this time, Lang Ci was also completely willing to fight. He grinned at the Void-Taking warriors standing in front of him, revealing his sinister white teeth, and stepped forward slowly.

And as Lang Ci stepped forward, these Void-Treading experts involuntarily retreated slowly.

When Lang Ci takes a step forward, they take a step back!

While retreating, their eyes were always fixed on Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun had been sitting on Lang Ci's body. Not only was he motionless from beginning to end, but his expression did not change at all, making it impossible for them to see through Jiang Yun's strength.

However, a person who can use a strong person in the Void Realm as a mount will certainly not be weak in strength, and his status will not be low, so they do not dare to stop Jiang Yun and Lang Ci anymore, let alone take action at will.

In this way, under everyone's gaze, Lang Ci carried Jiang Yun and finally arrived at a gate of the palace unimpeded.

Inside the gate, dozens of members of the Light and Dark Royal Clan were all looking at Jiang Yun with sneers.

Although they had seen Jiang Yun a long time ago, although the strongest one among them had just returned to the Origin Realm, and although they were also shocked by Jiang Yun's behavior of treating Lang Ci as a mount, they did not speak from the beginning to the end. Say a word!

They just watched with cold eyes. In their eyes, Jiang Yun and Lang Ci's performance was like clowns!

After all, they are members of the royal family, and they will not be afraid of anyone's provocation!

In fact, they all very much hoped that Jiang Yun could ride Lang Ci and continue to rush in, directly breaking into the palace gate.

In that case, they can immediately activate the mechanisms in the palace, kill Jiang Yun and Lang Ci in front of everyone, and establish the majesty of their own light and dark royal family.

Unfortunately, standing outside the palace gate, Jiang Yun made Lang Ci stop and stared coldly at the dozens of light and dark tribesmen.

And in his eyes, there was no concealment of naked... murderous intent!

There has long been a life-and-death feud between Jiang Yun and the Royal Family of Light and Darkness.

And Bailiguang's actions of capturing Jian Sheng, destroying Jian Sheng's cultivation, and erasing Jian Sheng's spiritual intelligence made it even more difficult to wash away this hatred, even if he poured out all the water from the world sea.

Therefore, Jiang Yun no longer needs to hide his anger and murderous intention towards the light and dark tribesmen, and he even wants to kill all the light and dark tribesmen!

The murderous intent in Jiang Yun's eyes gradually solidified the sneers on the faces of dozens of light and dark tribesmen, and slowly melted the contempt in their hearts, replaced by deep fear, the fear of death!

Although Jiang Yun said nothing or did nothing, he had already made them clearly feel the threat of death. They even felt as if they had become dead people and were in the cold world of death!

"You, who are you!"

Finally, under Jiang Yun's gaze, the light and dark tribesman who had returned to the Origin Realm mustered up all his courage and asked.

As the voice came out, he realized that his voice was trembling uncontrollably.

Hearing the other party's question, the sneer on Jiang Yun's face grew thicker, and he slowly said: "A few years ago, a Heaven-piercing Palace appeared in the battlefield outside the territory!"

Jiang Yun's answer made everyone have a strange look on their faces.

Although everyone who can be here knows about the appearance of Guantian Palace on the battlefield outside the territory, they really can't figure out why this young man who uses the Void-Treading Powerful as his mount would mention this matter inexplicably.

This seems to have nothing to do with his origin.

Jiang Yun continued: "Back then, tens of thousands of monks from the two realms of Mie Dao entered Guantian Palace."

"And the first person to come out alive from Guantian Palace is named Jiansheng. He is an ordinary monk from a Tao realm and has a cultivation level in the Origin Realm!"

"This swordsman had just left Guantian Palace when he was captured by Baili Guang, the young master of the Light and Dark Royal Family, and an elder from the Void Realm."

"In order to gain the sword's experience in Guantian Palace, Baili Guang, the young master of the dignified light and dark royal family, not only searched his soul and took away the broken sword he obtained in Guantian Palace, but also deposed him. His cultivation level wiped out his sanity and turned him into a useless person, always imprisoned in the Royal Family of Light and Darkness."

"Moreover, Bailiguang also spread the word about this matter vigorously!"

Having said this, Jiang Yun finally moved his eyes away from the dozens of members of the Royal Family of Light and Darkness, and turned to the tens of thousands of monks gathered around him, and said coldly: "Do you know, Baili Guang, Why do this?"

In fact, not all of the Destruction Domain cultivators present knew about Jiansheng's arrest.

And even those who knew it didn't pay much attention to it, and had even forgotten it long ago.

Because a mere Taoist monk who was captured was completely unqualified to be remembered by them.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun's almost complete retelling of the incident immediately awakened their memories, and many people had expressions of surprise on their faces.

However, they had no idea why Bailiguang did this.

And Jiang Yun didn't need their answer at all. He looked back at the dozens of light and dark tribesmen in front of him and continued: "Because that swordsman is my friend!"

"The reason why Baili Guang wants to torture him as the young master of the royal family is to lure me to the royal family of light and darkness!"

"My name is Jiang Yun, from the Dao realm!"

"Today, at the invitation of Baili Guang, the young master of the Royal Family of Light and Darkness, I came here to visit the Royal Family of Light and Darkness and pay a visit to the young master Baili Guang of the Royal Family!"

Jiang Yun's last words were like thunder, exploding in the ears of everyone in the entire city of light and darkness,

Especially the expressions of all the members of the Light and Dark Royal Clan have changed again!

Even Lang Ci’s eyes were filled with light!

Lang Ci didn't know Guantian Palace or Jiansheng, but he didn't even know that Jiang Yun was actually a Taoist monk!

Even Lang Ci was so shocked, not to mention the many monks from various ethnic groups in the Annihilation Domain!

A monk from the Tao realm actually appeared in front of many monks from the realm of destruction riding on a strong man from the Void Realm to visit the young master of the Light and Dark Royal Family!

Although many people have never heard of Jiang Yun's name before, after today, Jiang Yun's name will definitely be firmly remembered by them!

And this is the effect Jiang Yun wants!

In fact, Jiang Yun already knew it well when he first came to this palace.

Bailiguang must have informed all the members of the Light and Dark Royal Family that as long as he arrives, they must catch him no matter what.

In other words, as long as I reported my name just now, I didn't need to queue up, make an appointment, or give any benefits. These members of the Light and Dark Royal Clan would immediately send me to the Light and Dark Royal Clan.

But Jiang Yun also knew that his trip to the Light and Dark Royal Family this time would definitely lead to a narrow escape from death.

You can die, you can live with the sword, or you can die, but you must enter the light and darkness royal family in an upright manner, and you must let everyone know what Baili Guang has done!

Perhaps, everything I did today had no meaning at all.

After he really died in the Royal Family of Light and Darkness, these things would soon be forgotten, or covered up by Baili Guang for various reasons.

However, Jiang Yun still insisted on doing this!

"Light and Dark Royal Family, why don't you send me to your clan?"

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