Taoist world

Chapter 2710 Let’s break through

The Royal Family of Light and Darkness arranged for a city lord, a strong man from the Void Realm, to live in the only palace in the city.

The area within ten miles of the palace has been completely designated as a restricted area, and anyone who dares to trespass will be killed without mercy.

Anyone who wants to go to see the Royal Family of Light and Darkness, no matter who you are or what your level of cultivation is, needs to come to the palace in person, at the palace gate, and present yourself to the Royal Family within the stipulated time. reasons and purposes.

Then, the people of the light and dark tribe who guard the palace gate will prioritize your actions in order of three, six, or nine based on your reasons and purposes, as well as your identity, and send them into the palace for the city lord to decide.

As for those who are visiting, they must wait obediently outside the palace gate.

As for the waiting time, it’s hard to say. It could be one day, one month is normal, and some people have even waited for more than a year.

If you are unwilling to wait and leave before getting a reply from the city lord, then you and your tribe will not be able to meet the royal family again for at least a hundred years.

Of course, unless it is a truly urgent matter, this so-called sequence arrangement is completely determined by the mood of the light and dark tribesmen guarding the palace gate.

As long as you are willing to pay enough, then those royal family members will naturally be in a good mood.

Although the process of meeting the royal family was extremely cumbersome and even extremely harsh, all the cultivators of the Destruction Domain did not dare to complain at all.

After all, the area of ​​the Destruction Domain is too large, and the number of ethnic groups and creatures within it is also too many.

If it was so easy to meet the royal family, then the two royal families would simply stop doing anything.

Even if all the members of the royal family were dedicated to receiving visitors, they would probably be too busy!

When Jiang Yun came near the palace, he couldn't help but frowned.

Because the nine open palace doors were already overcrowded and packed to the brim.

Looking around, all I can see is a mass of black heads!

Moreover, among these heads, there are actually quite a few powerful Void-Taking warriors, all of whom are waiting in nine long queues. No one dares to squeeze in or jump in the queue!

Although Jiang Yun already knew in advance that whether it was the City of Light and Darkness or the City of Creation, a large number of monks would want to meet the two royal families every day, but seeing such a grand occasion with his own eyes still gave him a headache.

He really doesn't like this kind of crowded situation!

At this time, Lang Ci approached Jiang Yun and said, "Sir, you must have not made an appointment in advance, right?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "No!"

Although Jiang Yun had arrived at the Emperor Worship Realm a long time ago, he had been inquiring about information and looking for clues in Chuangsheng City, and never came to the Light and Dark City at all.

"That might be a bit troublesome!"

Rubbing his chin, Lang Ci continued: "I have specifically inquired. If you want to present your purpose of meeting the royal family, you need to make an appointment at least six months in advance."

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Then if we don't make an appointment, will we not be able to see the members of the Light and Dark Royal Family?"

Lang Ci smiled and said: "That's not true. If you have a special status or are willing to pay enough benefits, then there is no need!"

Jiang Yun's consciousness could clearly see that at each of the nine palace gates, there were dozens of young monks wearing black and white clothes.

In addition to maintaining order, various storage instruments will constantly appear in each of their hands!

Obviously, these young monks are members of the Royal Family of Light and Darkness, and the storage instruments that appear in their hands are the benefits given to them by people who want to meet the Royal Family.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile coldly and said: "I don't need to make an appointment, nor do I need to give them benefits. Let's leave first and come back later!"

Although everyone didn't understand why Jiang Yun wanted to take them and others away, they naturally did not dare to disobey and followed Jiang Yun and left obediently.

After finding a hiding place, Jiang Yun glanced at everyone and said: "Except for Lang Ci, the rest of you will temporarily enter my void world!"

"I will release you after we reach the Royal Family of Light and Darkness!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun did not give everyone a chance to speak. With a wave of his sleeve, he sent all seventeen monks, including Shura, into his own realm of nothingness.

Lang Ci was left alone, looking at Jiang Yun puzzledly: "Sir, how do you plan to enter this palace?"

"You'll know in a minute!"

Jiang Yun smiled faintly and said: "Return to your true form, control your aura, and I will take you into the Royal Family of Light and Darkness!"

Lang Ci really didn't know where Jiang Yun got the confidence to enter the Royal Family of Light and Darkness, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he could only transform into his true form, an extremely ordinary giant wolf, and let Jiang Yun do whatever he wanted. Yun rode on his back, carrying Jiang Yun to the outside of the palace crowd again.

Jiang Yun's departure and return did not attract anyone's attention at all. Everyone's attention was focused on the members of the Light and Dark Royal Clan.

Lang Ci stopped and couldn't help but ask: "Sir, what should we do now?"

"We force our way in!"

Hearing these two words, Lang Ci couldn't help but take a breath, wondering if he heard it wrong, and asked again with a trembling voice: "Sir, force your way in?"

Here is outside the gate of the Royal Palace of Light and Darkness. Among the nine teams of monks waiting in line, there are at least more than ten strong men in the Void Realm.

Under this situation, Jiang Yun actually let himself break in. This was basically to kill himself!

Jiang Yun spoke again: "If you are asked to break in, you can break in. Don't worry, I won't let you die here!"

"If you die, you will definitely die within the territory of the Light and Dark Royal Clan!"

The first half of Jiang Yun's words made Lang Ci feel slightly calmer, but the second half of his words made his heart suddenly rise to his throat again.

However, it also knew that besides obeying Jiang Yun's orders, he had no other way to go, so he could only grit his heart and bite his teeth and said: "Just rush in!"


As soon as the words fell, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from Lang Ci's body, turning into a storm and sweeping towards the nine crowded teams in front.

Lang Ci's cultivation level is at the sixth level of Tuxing Realm. In addition, he is a demon clan, so his real strength is stronger than that of ordinary Takashi level six.

Although it has restrained somewhat now and did not dare to explode with its full strength, the power of this storm is also extremely amazing. It immediately blew thousands of monks to stagger, and nine teams were scattered in an instant.


"How brave you are to make trouble here!"

"Are you looking for death?"

Although Lang Ci had tried his best to restrain his strength and did not hurt anyone, those monks were all respectable people, and they started to curse before they could stand upright.

Jiang Yun ignored everyone's yelling and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

Lang Ci also accepted his fate, carried Jiang Yun on his back, and walked towards the palace gate without saying a word.


Naturally, Lang Ci and Jiang Yun had already been noticed by others. As soon as Lang Ci moved, several monks immediately stood in front of them.

Although these monks are not members of the Creation Royal Family, they are all strong men in the Void Realm.

The purpose of standing up now was not only to be dissatisfied with Jiang Yun and Lang Ci's behavior, but also to please the members of the Light and Dark Royal Clan.

Jiang Yun still didn't look at them and continued: "Ignore them and keep walking!"


Lang Ci suddenly let out an angry roar towards those Taoxu cultivators, and completely unleashed his own strength, turning into a more powerful storm and rushing towards them.

At this time, not only these Void-Treading powerhouses, but all the monks around, and even the faces of the members of the Light and Dark Royal Family at the gate of the palace, all showed shock!

Everyone's eyes were finally focused on Jiang Yun!

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