Taoist world

Chapter 2134: Pushed to a dead end

The majestic sound coming from the Yinjiang Drum was not only heard by the clones of the nine general clan chiefs and Jiang Yun, but also spread throughout the entire southwest wilderness.

Upon hearing this inexplicable sound, all the monks in the southwest wilderness were confused at first.

But after listening to what this voice said, even the heads of the nine general clans couldn't help but change their expressions!

The person who spoke was the person who created the royal family!

No one will doubt this.

After all, everyone already knows the steps and process of becoming a general.

Just now, Nangong Meng, Xuezi Gui and Tong Songyan used their respective generals' power to beat the general drum at the same time, passing the sound of the drum to the two royal families and letting them know about it.

So, it is normal for someone who created the royal family to use the drum to spread his voice from the remote Zhongji region to the southwest wilderness.

However, what this royal person said was far beyond everyone's expectations, making them unable to believe their ears.

The way to worship a general is to invite a general, lead a general, select a general, select a general and worship a general.

Because beating the drum is an extremely huge project and will consume a lot of energy.

Even if he didn't knock out eighty-one drum beats in a row like Jiang Yun, he would definitely be extremely exhausted and exhausted.

In the subsequent selection of generals, the person who beats the drum still needs to deal with the many traps laid by the chosen generals, and even direct attacks.

Without good condition and sufficient strength, it is impossible to go through the road of selecting generals.

Therefore, taking this into consideration, the two royal families decided to postpone the selection of generals.

Not only are the drum beaters allowed to have some rest and recuperation, but their royal family’s envoys can also take advantage of this time to rush to the corresponding area and preside over it in person to witness the selection, selection and final decision of the generals. Three steps to become a general.

However, now the envoy who created the royal family actually wanted Jiang Yun to directly choose his general path.

Not only was this against the rules, but it was tantamount to pushing Jiang Yun to a dead end.

Even when some people think about it, this simply does not give Jiang Yun and his ethnic group the possibility of success!

Everyone can see that Jiang Yun is completely exhausted at this moment.

Moreover, even the Source Platform has been shattered, and his cultivation has dropped significantly.

Not to mention taking the path of choosing a general again, even if he is allowed to get out of this dark space, I am afraid it will be beyond his power!

Therefore, it is impossible for him to take the road of choosing a general!

These thoughts soon appeared in the minds of every monk in the Southwest Wasteland, and the entire Southwest Wasteland once again fell into complete silence.

After a long time, a monk said angrily: "The Creation Royal Family changes the rules at will. This is clearly bullying, which is too unfair..."

Before he could finish speaking, a companion immediately reached out to cover his mouth and yelled in a low voice: "Silence!"

While speaking, this person also widened his eyes full of fear and uneasiness, and kept looking up and looking around.

It seems that they are afraid that their voices will be known to the members of the royal family.

Only after he was sure that no one could hear him, he released his palm and said via voice: "Are you crazy? The person who just spoke was a member of the royal family!"

"The rules of worshiping generals are originally set by the royal family. If they want to change it, it can only be a matter of one sentence."

"Even if they bully others, it's not your turn to discuss them!"

"Don't ever say that again!"

The monk whose mouth he covered was still angry when he heard these words, but he did not dare to say anything more and just nodded repeatedly.

And the same situation happened everywhere in the entire southwest wilderness.

The status of the royal family in the Destruction Domain is just like that of royal relatives among mortals.

But they are not mortals, but monks, the strongest ones who are so powerful that they are above all the monks and everyone can only look up to them.

Although many people in the Southwest Wilderness, or in other words all the Wilderness, may not see a member of the royal family in their lifetime, this does not affect the power and supremacy of the royal family in their minds.

Therefore, although at this moment, the vast majority of the monks in the Southwest Wilderness believe that this member of the Creation Royal Family is simply trying to make things difficult for Jiang Yun, they do not dare to make random comments.

Especially those monks who felt worthless and pity for Jiang Yun did not dare to say another word.

of course there are exceptions!

In Shura Tian, ​​the Tianxiang and Shura tribesmen all had their eyes spitting fire and their faces were filled with anger.

What's more, for example, Ye Danqiong, who has a hot temper, is even swearing!

"Fuck the royal family, they can do such despicable things, nakedly bullying the Lord, bullying us!"

Not far away, Lord Shura's cheek twitched slightly, and he said coldly: "Huh, what's wrong with the royal family? They also rose from the noble family step by step!"

"Now that I think I have some strength, I don't take other ethnic groups and other monks seriously, bah!"

In the gap between the boundaries, Shura looked indifferent and said with a cold light in his eyes: "The royal family will not be the royal family forever. One day, the royal family will be replaced by other ethnic groups, such as us!"

But then, Shura's expression suddenly changed and he said: "Quick, speed up and get to the Xuanyin Female Realm as soon as possible!"

"If the Lord fails to choose a general, then the road to becoming a general will end here!"

"When the time comes, the clan leaders of the remaining six general clans, the powerful Taxu, will definitely take action against the Lord!"

The two elders behind him couldn't help but feel shocked when they heard Shura's words.

They only focused on anger and really didn't think of so much.

Indeed, in Jiang Yun's current state, it is impossible for him to choose a general.

And once you can't get through, the matter of worshiping the general will be completely over.

At that time, the rules set by the royal family will no longer provide him with protection.

Even though he was still in the Xuanyin Women's Realm, even though Nangong Meng and the entire Xuanyin Clan were protecting him, at least the six generals including Tanlang and Danyang would never let him go.

Six general clan chiefs and six strong Taoxu generals want to kill a monk whose source platform has been completely shattered. It is really easier than crushing an ant!

The three strong men, whose body skills were almost at their peak, rushed towards the Xuannv Female Realm.

In addition to these monks who felt sorry for Jiang Yun, there were of course some people who were gloating about his misfortune, with faces full of pride and excitement.

These people are mainly composed of the six general families!

Things that others can think of, they have naturally thought of long ago.

The words of this member of the Chuangsheng Royal Clan were tantamount to directly announcing the failure of Jiang Yun and his clan’s generals!

Especially the six clan leaders, even though they were forced by Jiang Yun to appear one after another and recognize Jiang Yun's qualifications, how could they not be happy and excited when they thought that they could kill Jiang Yun in a short while.

However, the expressions of Nangong Meng and the other three people became extremely ugly.

Xue Zigui and Tong Songyan were better off. Even if the six generals launched an attack, they would not dare to do anything to them. But Nangong Meng was different!

She always stood firmly on Jiang Yun's side, how could the six generals let her go!

She even had to consider whether the six general clans would take this opportunity to completely annex the Xuanyin clan!

Jiang Yun was naturally stunned!

He never expected that he would finally obtain the qualification to worship a general with the help of the general drum, and also shatter his source platform, allowing him to break through to the Tianyuan realm. Seeing that everything was going according to his plan In progress.

But now, the sudden words of this Creation tribesman not only completely disrupted his plan, but also pushed him to a dead end.

Although Jiang Yun lost his power, he was still conscious. He stared at the drum and said to himself: "It's not a dead end, because at least I still have a glimmer of hope!"

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