Taoist world

Chapter 2133 Eighty-one Sounds

Hearing Huntian Daoshen's words, especially when he mentioned Ye Guyen, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart.

To be honest, it was impossible for him to believe everything that Hun Tian Dao Shen said, nor did he believe that Hun Tian Ling created a Tao Body in his body and never let him know that it really had no ill intentions towards him.

The real reason why Hun Tian Dao's body is always calm is probably because of Ye Guchen's existence!

Ye Guchen, the first demon refiner born in the Tao Realm!

Huntian is the Hunchao clan and the demon clan.

Huntian should have been aware of Ye Guyen's existence a long time ago, so he didn't dare to make any rash moves in his body.

The few times he was noticed to have abnormal behavior also occurred after he left his body.

These thoughts only flashed through Jiang Yun's mind, and he could no longer speculate on the true purpose of Hun Tian hiding in his body.

"You are not my Taoist body. Even if you sound the drum, I am afraid that the sound of the drum cannot be attributed to me!"

Although Jiang Yun was really tempted by Huntian Dao Shen's words, since the other party was not his own Dao Body, but had an independent will, how could another person help him sound the drum?

Huntian Daoshen couldn't help but be slightly startled, he really didn't realize this.

"However, your words reminded me!"

Jiang Yun's voice sounded again: "I still have the strength to beat the drum!"

As soon as he finished speaking, blazing flames suddenly appeared on Jiang Yun's body.

The flames actually condensed into a human form. Although there were no facial features, the shape of the body was the same as Jiang Yun!

Naturally, this is Jiang Yun’s life fire!

In other words, it is Jiang Yun’s soul!

Jiang Yun and Dao Shen both have no power at all, but he still has soul power that is far more powerful than others.

Because Jiang Yun's soul power comes from the Soul Clan and Xiao Clan, both of which are slaves of the Nirvana Clan.

Although Ye Danqiong and Shura both told him, he didn't have to worry about being recognized by other monks and could use them as much as he wanted.

But at this moment, after all, there were too many pairs of eyes looking at Jiang Yun.

Especially since there were eight strong men in the Void Realm behind him, Jiang Yun, to be on the safe side, did not summon his own soul directly, but instead summoned the life fire and hid the soul power in the life fire.

Jiang Yun didn't know that his caution had once again saved him an unnecessary trouble.

Because in addition to the entire southwest wilderness, in the distant Drumming Hall of the Creation Royal Family, there was a middle-aged man who was also silently paying attention to him.

Others may not recognize the power of the Xiao Clan or the Soul Clan, but this middle-aged man will definitely recognize it!

With the emergence of Jiang Yun's life fire, all the sounds that echoed throughout the southwest wilderness disappeared instantly.

No one could care to be surprised why Jiang Yun's life fire was so strong. They all just stared wide-eyed, wanting to see if Jiang Yun could beat the drum again with his life fire.

After the humanoid life fire appeared, there was no hesitation at all. With its body burning with flames, it rushed towards the almost disappearing drum!


The eighty-first drum sounds, ring out!

The melodious sound of the drum quickly spread throughout the entire southwest wilderness and reached everyone's ears!


Immediately afterwards, there was another loud noise, and the humanoid life fire exploded in half, turning into sparks all over the sky, just like gorgeous fireworks, completely lighting up the dark space.

The golden light that seemed to be about to dissipate as the drum sounded suddenly and madly surged again, turning into a golden beam of light, rushing directly out of the dark space and towards the place where the Danyang generals were. land!

Using the general drum, the last general was finally pointed out, pointing to the Danyang generals!

The entire southwest wilderness, after the golden light beam shot out, and after experiencing a deathly silence, suddenly burst into earth-shaking cheers!

Jiang Yun, success!

The eighty-one drums sounded, and the nine generals unanimously approved!

Such a grand event, even if we look at the Endless Destruction Territory, is the first time in the world!

Within the Danyang tribe, not long ago, all their tribesmen were also cheering, cheering for their own tribe, without recognizing Jiang Yun.

But now, all the tribesmen have ashen faces, and their eyes are fixed on the golden light pillar that towers over the sky and the earth in front of them.

On the contrary, Xue Qianshang, the clan leader, gradually regained his composure from his gloomy face, and even had a smile on his face.


In the black space, Xue Qianshang's clone also appeared!

So far, all the nine generals and nine strong men in the Void Realm have finally appeared here, behind Jiang Yun.

Regardless of whether they were willing or forced, they must have recognized Jiang Yun's strength and recognized that Jiang Yun, a reclusive ethnic group, had the qualifications to be a general.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's body was once again shaken by the reverberating force of the drum, and he kept retreating, and blood was constantly spurting out from his mouth.

In the dantian, two roaring sounds sounded in succession, and the last two Source Platforms were finally shattered by the force of the counter-shock!

However, there was no look of joy on his face with his back to everyone, but a look of shock.

This shock comes from his two feelings!

The first feeling is that I used my life fire and my soul power to beat the general drum. Although the counter-shock force caused by the general destroyed my two Source Platforms, this counter-shock force actually He penetrated deep into his soul and shook the golden lock!

That golden lock, according to Ye Guchen, was most likely placed in his body by his parents.

Its function is to protect one's soul.

Even if your body dies, you will still not really die. You will still be able to enter reincarnation and have a new life.

The power of the golden lock is naturally extremely powerful, and it has imprisoned Ye Guchen until now.

So much so that Jiang Yun never thought about shaking this golden lock.

However, he did not expect that the counter-shock force of the general drum would actually shake the golden lock.

That is to say, if I can continue to beat the drum with my soul power, is it possible that I can shatter this golden lock like my nine Source Platforms?

In that case, I might be able to know the identity of my parents and my complete life experience!

In addition to the great shock that the golden lock was shaken, Jiang Yun's second feeling was that at the moment when the source platform was shattered, under the influence of the counter-shock force, Jiang Yun's mind unexpectedly A way to break through the Tianyuan realm clearly emerged.

As long as he hits the drum again, the counter-shock force can even integrate all the patterns of annihilation scattered in his dantian and from the source platform directly into his body, allowing him to directly break through to Tianyuan realm!

However, because he practices two different methods of cultivation in the Dao Realm and the Destruction Realm at the same time, this fusion will destroy everything he has gained in the Dao practice, leaving only the power of the Destruction Realm and pure silence. Mark of Destruction!

Give up the Tao of the Dao Realm and achieve the Tianyuan Realm of the Destruction Realm!

Or should we continue to retain the Tao of the Dao Realm and find another way to enter the Tianyuan Realm?

"It seems that the little guy has encountered the same confusion as I did back then. Hehe, in that case, I will increase the difficulty for you and see how you choose!"

At the same time, the middle-aged man who created the royal family showed an inexplicable smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the leading drum in front of Jiang Yun suddenly stopped playing, but this time it was not the drum sound, but a majestic voice.

"Today, there are ethnic groups in the Southwest Wasteland who want to worship their generals. When they sound the drum to attract generals, nine generals will be summoned. Therefore, I decided to create a royal family."

"Choose a general path and start right away!"

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