Taoist world

Chapter 1801 Try my best

Bu Yinan had already calculated that the Shanhai Realm would face a catastrophe that could be called world-destroying, but there was still a glimmer of hope.

Originally, he thought that the glimmer of hope would come to Jiang Yun.

But now he finally understood that the glimmer of hope was the powerful forces that appeared one after another in the mountains and seas.

However, as the man in the altar disappeared, he turned into countless rune marks and rushed to all directions in the mountain and sea world, finally extinguishing the last glimmer of life.

"A certain death situation, a certain death situation, no one will be spared!"

With these words in his mouth, Bu Yinan suddenly felt as if he had aged several dozen years. All the strength in his body seemed to have been drained away. His body was swaying and he was about to sit down on the ground.

But at this moment, a pair of arms supported his arm with strength, and an anxious voice sounded in his ears: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

The word "Master" immediately made Bu Yinan wake up and slowly raised his head to look at Lu Yourong, who was supporting him and looking at him with a look of concern on his face.

Looking at Bu Yinan, who had become extremely old in an instant, and just looked at him silently, the concern on Lu Yourong's face became even stronger, and his eyes were so anxious that tears flowed out: "Master, are you okay? ?Don’t scare the disciples!”


Bu Yinan suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand, gently touched Lu Yourong's head and said, "Girl, don't cry, don't worry, master is really fine!"

While speaking, Bu Yinan deliberately straightened his body, and a divine light appeared on his face, regaining some energy.

This made Lu Yourong feel a little relieved, and he nodded repeatedly: "That's good, master, just be fine!"

"Haha!" Bu Yinan smiled and said, "Girl, once the monks in the warship come out, I'm afraid we won't be able to survive. Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Lu Yourong wiped the tears from his eyes, shook his head vigorously and said, "It's just a matter of death!"

Bu Yinan then asked: "What if you have a chance to survive?"

Lu Yourong shook his head again and said, "If everyone dies, I will never live alone!"

"So if you're not the only one, if you had the chance to choose to keep some other people alive, who would you most want to survive?"

Lu Yourong looked fixedly at Bu Yinan and said without thinking: "Of course, I hope you can survive, Master!"

Bu Yinan's heart trembled slightly: "Why?"

Lu Yourong had a sad look on his face and said, "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have come to the Mountain and Sea Realm, and you wouldn't have been involved in this matter."

"What's more, once you are a teacher, you will always be a father. In my heart, you are my father!"


Lu Yourong's words made Bu Yinan suddenly raise his head and let out a long breath. A glimmer of crystal light flashed in his Taoist eyes that were envied and awed by countless people.

Lowering his head again, Bu Yinan continued to ask with a smile: "In addition to Master, who else do you hope can survive?"

Lu Yourong, who had always been simple-minded, didn't think much about the questions Bu Yinan asked one after another.

She moved her eyes away from Bu Yinan, looked at Tang Yi, looked at Wushang, looked at Xia Zhongxing, looked at every disciple of the Shanhai branch, and said softly: "I hope, we Everyone can survive."

After hearing Lu Yourong's words, Bu Yinan shook his head gently and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Girl, Master can't fulfill this request, so I can only I will do my best to protect the people you care about most!"

In the darkness outside the boundary between mountains and seas, an old man stood there, with a deep look of sadness on his face.

Because, he also saw the countless rune marks formed by the explosion of Duguwen's body.

Moreover, he knew better than Bu Yinan what those runes were.

The old man murmured in his mouth: "Tao Zun, Tao Zun, you are really good at calculating!"

"You yourself cannot enter the mountain and sea world, but you have never given up your plot against the mountain and sea world, so as early as the beginning, you hid these rune marks on Dugu Wen's body and sent him into the mountain and sea world."

"As soon as there is any change in the mountain and sea world, you will kill Dugu Wen so that these rune marks can break away from his body and form..."

Having said this, the old man suddenly took a deep breath and then continued: "Nine Clans Dao Feng!"

Yes, Duguwen, strictly speaking, is no longer a person. He is just a container, a container that holds the rune marks representing the nine races!

The purpose of his life, apart from allowing the Taoist Master to know the location of the Mountain and Sea Realm at any time, is that when there is any change in the Mountain and Sea Realm, the rune marks in his body will break out and form the Dao Seal of the Nine Clans!

Use the power of the nine clans to seal the power of the nine clans!

While the old man was talking to himself, these rune marks had been scattered in various locations throughout the mountain and sea world, as if forming a huge net, sealing off the power of the nine tribes hiding here.

The old man's figure gradually became transparent, until he finally disappeared completely. Only his voice with a hint of unwillingness still echoed in the darkness...

"Our nine tribes have been defeated once again!"

In the mountain and sea realm, as the power of the nine clans disappeared, Dao Er finally stepped out of the warship of the Tao Temple, looked at the more than a million mountain and sea creatures below, and uttered one word coldly: " kill!"

Within the warship, a large number of monks suddenly swarmed out and densely covered the sky!

These monks are actually not many in number, only one hundred thousand.

The attack just launched by the forces of the nine tribes left them with only 70,000 to 80,000 people.

However, among these 70,000 to 80,000 people, the weakest are in the Heavenly Blessing Realm, and the strongest are in the Humane Isomorphic Realm. Even just one person can easily destroy the entire Mountain and Sea Realm.

At the same time, all the mountain and sea monks who were always paying attention to the changes in the situation had clenched their fists and were ready to fight.

Although they knew they were outmatched, they still wanted to fight, but it was just a matter of death!

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded: "Everyone, stop it!"

The sound was so shocking that everyone actually stopped temporarily and looked at the source of the sound.

The person who yelled loudly was naturally Bu Yinan!

Recognizing Bu Yinan, Dao Er sneered and said: "Bu Yinan, you are not from the mountain and sea realm. If you withdraw now and ignore the affairs of this realm, then I guarantee that you can leave safely!"

Bu Yinan is a famous fortune teller. His existence is of great use to many powerful people in the Dao realm, so Dao Er really doesn't want to kill him.

Looking at Dao Er, before Bu Yinan could answer, Lu Yourong's voice sounded in his ears: "Master, please promise him!"

Bu Yinan turned his head and looked deeply at his disciple. A kind smile appeared on his old face, but he immediately calmed down and raised his head again.

The moment he raised his head, his hunched body had straightened up, and his gray hair was flying wildly without any wind.

Especially the pair of pupil-less Dao eyes contained lightning-like divine light, and they looked coldly at the sky, where there were densely packed strong men from the Dao realm.

Immediately afterwards, Bu Yinan's body suddenly exuded an extremely huge aura, and it became stronger and stronger, until the sky in the mountain and sea world was filled with wind and clouds, and huge dark clouds rolled in.

Looking at these dark clouds, the expressions of many monks in the Dao Temple couldn't help but change: "Dao Tribulation, the fifth calamity of heaven and man!"

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