Taoist world

Chapter 1800 The mountains and seas will perish

Looking at Liu Peng who was standing outside the Daogu Realm with a calm expression on his face, Xiao Letian finally opened the entrance to the Daogu Realm after a slight hesitation.

Xiao Letian and Jiang Yun once talked about the blood world, and they knew that Jiang Yun had indeed accepted a disciple in the blood world.

Although he didn't know whether Jiang Yun's apprentice had any cultivation level, but since he was sent here by blood, his identity should be correct.

Moreover, Liu Peng made it very clear that the purpose of his coming here was to help the Daogu world under the order of Xue Dongliu!

This also shows that Xue Dongliu already knew that the Daogu world was in crisis, but he was unable to come himself, so he could only send Liu Peng over.

Being able to accept Jiang Yun as his disciple, and being able to send blood to the east to help the Daogu world, Liu Peng naturally has his own merits.

But Xiao Letian really can't imagine how a person without cultivation can provide help to the Taogu world!

"What are you capable of?"

As Liu Peng entered, Xiao Letian's voice sounded directly in his ears.

Liu Peng said respectfully: "This junior knows a little about the formation method!"


Xiao Letian couldn't help but frowned again. He already had a formation master, Xue Mucheng, here, and Xue Mucheng's performance was also good.

The reason why the Daogu world has reached the current stalemate stage can be said to be Xue Mucheng's contribution.

He used 100,000 monks and the power of the formation to forcibly contain the 200,000 monks in the Third Palace of Dao, greatly relieving the pressure on others.

Therefore, having another formation master, and one who does not have any cultivation level, does not seem to be of much help to the situation in the Daogu world.

"Okay, now that you're here, tell me what you need, and I'll try my best to get people to cooperate with you."

While talking, Su Yang, Xing Mo and others had received Xiao Letian's order and came to Liu Peng's side.

After all, Liu Peng does not have the cultivation level, so he needs to be protected.

Originally, Su Yang and Xing Mo were very dissatisfied with Xiao Letian's order, but after recognizing Liu Peng, their attitudes immediately changed.

Because they knew Liu Peng's identity very well.

Seeing Su Yang and Xing Mo, Liu Peng said hello politely, and then continued to say to Xiao Letian: "Senior, I need to temporarily borrow the power of the world master in this world so that I can see the entire battle situation clearly. "

Xiao Letian couldn't help but frown again. If anyone else made such a request, he would definitely not agree.

But since Liu Peng was Jiang Yun's disciple, he could only give him a bit of the realm master's power after hesitation.

"I don't care what you do, just go as fast as possible!"

"Junior understands!"

After accepting the power of the Realm Master, Liu Peng closed his eyes. The current situation of the entire Daogu Realm clearly appeared in his mind. At the same time, his lips were moving quickly, but no sound came out.

Only a moment passed before Liu Peng opened his eyes and spoke again: "Now, senior, I would like to ask the fellow Taoists in this world to listen to my orders."

To be honest, although Liu Peng's identity was confirmed, Xiao Letian didn't believe that he could help the Daogu world.

Moreover, when someone else came in, the power of the Realm Lord was given to him, and now he asked the monks in this world to listen to his orders. This was like taking away his rights as the real Realm Master bit by bit.

However, now that the matter has come to this, Xiao Letian can only grit his teeth and say: "Okay!"

The next moment, all the monks in the Daogu world began to change their positions under Liu Peng's order, even Xiao Letian was no exception.

Xue Mucheng could naturally see that the changes in everyone's positions were setting up a large formation, which also made him a little shocked and doubtful. What kind of formation actually required all the monks in the Daogu world to serve as the formation base?

Dao San and others did not notice Liu Peng's entry at all.

After all, in such a big world and in the midst of war, it would be too difficult to find an ordinary person suddenly appearing.

As for the position of the monks in the ancient Dao world, although Dao San and others saw it, they had no idea what they were going to do.

However, by the time they understood it, it was already too late!

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by deafening sounds from all directions, in the eyes of everyone in the Dao San Palace, the opponent in front of them, the sky of the Dao Ancient World, and even the entire Dao Ancient World had completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a huge darkness, and worlds radiating bright light in the darkness!

Looking around, it is densely packed and endless!

Although everyone in Dao San Palace knew that they were still in Daogu Realm at this moment, the scene in front of them looked so real that they couldn't help but wonder whether they and others had been transferred to the gap between the worlds. , they couldn't help but turn their heads and look around.

At this moment, someone suddenly said: "No, these worlds are alive!"

The world is alive!

Although this sentence sounded a little strange, everyone already understood what he meant.

These worlds are moving very fast, but because there are so many worlds, no one is aware of them for a while.

In the blink of an eye, the dense world has surrounded everyone in Dao San Palace.

At this moment, the world is no longer the world, but seems to have transformed into incomparably majestic giants.

The terrifying coercion emanating from that huge body made everyone in Dao Sangong feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

Surrounded by these worlds, every person in the Third Palace of Dao has become extremely small, even inconspicuous.

In fact, these worlds are indeed alive!

Because each world is composed of a certain number of Daogu monks in the form of formations.

Connected together, it is the Zhoutian Realm Formation!

The strength of the monks in the Dao Ancient World is not even a bit stronger than that in the Blood Dao World.

Therefore, when all the monks, under Liu Peng's order, deployed the huge Zhoutian Realm, the power of the Zhoutian Realm could be truly displayed for the first time.

Use your body to transform into heaven, use heaven to create a world, and use the world to kill people!


A loud shout came from nowhere, and the countless worlds suddenly launched into action, just like countless giants stepping forward, rushing towards the people of the Third Palace of Dao with a violent aura that destroyed the world!

The originally stalemate situation was not only completely shattered, but with the help of the Zhoutian Realm Formation, the overall strength of the Daogu Realm monks increased by at least five times.

Therefore, although this battle is not over yet, the outcome is already determined!

The Three Palaces of Dao will be completely defeated!

All this happened just because of the arrival of Jiang Yun's disciple Liu Peng, a formation master with no cultivation at all!

In the world of mountains and seas, Dao Er's eyes showed a dazzling light, a stone appeared in his hand, and he crushed it suddenly!


He heard an explosion, suddenly coming from the depths of the earth somewhere in the wilderness.

The sound was earth-shattering, attracting everyone in the wilderness to look in the direction of the sound.

At one glance, Bu Yinan's expression suddenly changed!

Among all the people, only his Taoist eyes could clearly see that the sound of the explosion came from under the statue in Dahuang City.

To be more precise, it comes from that altar!

In the altar, Dugu Wen, who was trapped there, had disappeared, and in his place were numerous rune marks!

These rune marks, as if they were alive, rushed out of the altar and immediately rushed in all directions!

Although Bu Yinan didn't know what the function of these rune marks was, his fingers that had been counting all the time suddenly stopped, and a deep wound with bone visible appeared on his fingertips.

This also made his complexion suddenly turn extremely pale.

Because, the glimmer of hope that originally existed during this mountain and sea catastrophe has completely disappeared!

The world of mountains and seas is about to perish!

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