Taoist world

Chapter 1566 Pros and Cons

The person who appeared in front of Jiang Yun was a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

Although the man was tall, his body seemed a little thin, and there didn't seem to be much meat on his body.

Although it was ice and snow here and the temperature was extremely low, he was only wearing a single coat, and his childish face was red from the cold. Covered with frostbite.

Especially the hands on the rusty sword that he was holding tightly were covered with frostbite. It looked like he had been living in this ice and snow all year round.

The most important thing is that he is not a monk, just a mortal!

Jiang Yun didn't feel the slightest surprise when he saw this man holding a big knife in his hand, staring at him with round eyes, and glaring at him fiercely.

Although he had not used his spiritual consciousness for a long time, after entering the snow, he knew through some signs that there must be people living here.

There was someone hiding in the snow beside him, and he couldn't hide it from him no matter what.

As for being robbed, he didn't think it was new. In the past three years of walking, he had encountered it several times.

After all, not everyone can live a life without worries about food and clothing, nor can everyone be happy in poverty, so many people will choose to become bandits and bandits to rob other people's things.

Of course, some of these people are really forced by life, while others want to get something for nothing.

For such people, Jiang Yun would not care about them, let alone what they were doing, and would give them a certain amount of money every time.

Fortunately, they are only seeking money and not killing their lives.

Therefore, this time Jiang Yun still took out a few pieces of silver from his arms, gently placed them on the snow in front of him and said: "This is all the silver I have, you can take it all!" "

The young man glanced at the silver on the ground, then glanced at Jiang Yun, who was also wearing thin clothes. He reached out and grabbed most of the silver, but left a piece of broken silver behind and said: "You are not afraid of freezing to death. This piece of silver I’ll leave it to you, go buy some clothes quickly!”

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and put the piece of silver back into his arms without being polite. He looked at the man and said, "Can I leave now?"

The man held the knife in one hand and the pieces of silver tightly in the other. He hesitated and asked, "Where are you going?"

"There's no fixed place to go, just walking around!"

Jiang Yun's answer made the man's eyes widen. He looked at Jiang Yun like a monster and said, "Are you here just for a walk?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Aren't you allowed to come here?"

"Are you sick?" The man pointed the tip of the big knife at Jiang Yun politely and said, "It's so icy and snowy here that others can't even hide. How come you just come here and walk around without fear of freezing to death?"

Faced with the man's very rude attitude, Jiang Yun was not angry and said: "Although it is indeed a bit cold here, the scenery here is very beautiful and cannot be seen in other places!"


After the man repeated these two words, his face suddenly sank inexplicably, and his eyes slowly swept around and said, "What did you see?"

The sudden change in the man's attitude made Jiang Yun's eyes flash with confusion, but he still replied: "Snow!"

The man's expression became even more indifferent: "Yes, you saw the snow. Isn't the snow beautiful?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "This snow is white, pure, and indeed beautiful!"

Jiang Yun's answer made the man's tone even colder than the snow as he continued: "In your eyes, this snow is pure white, clean, and beautiful, but do you know how many people have been taken away by this heavy snow? s life!"

"My father, when I was born, braved the heavy snow to go out to look for food in order to let my mother drink some broth. As a result, he left and never came back!"

"The clan uncle in the village also left and never came back in order to buy some clothes for his children to keep out the cold!"

"Every year, there are people in our village who leave the village and never come back!"

"They are buried in this heavy snow, buried in this heavy snow that looks like a beautiful scenery to you!"

The man suddenly roared and shouted angrily at Jiang Yun.

This roar seemed to use up all the strength in his body, causing him to sit on the ground helplessly, with tears even rolling out of his eyes. He was still talking, but his voice was much softer.

"Now, my mother is sick and can't move in bed. I want to get some money for my mother's medical treatment, but I can't hunt at all and can't find anything to exchange for money!"

"Even if I can get money in exchange, it will never be enough for the doctor to follow me back to the village, because the snow here is too cold!"

"All I can do is watch my mother lying on the bed waiting to die!"

"All this is because in your eyes these are scenery, pure white snow!"

At the end of the sentence, the man suddenly burst into tears!

Jiang Yun stood there quietly, his body covered with countless white snowflakes, like a snowman, motionless, but his heart was full of shock!

Every word the man said was like a sharp blade, piercing deeply into his heart!

Indeed, as the man said, as a bystander, he only saw the flawless whiteness and purity of the snow.

Although he has not used any cultivation skills, his body has been tempered and tempered, and he is no longer afraid of the mere cold.

However, for ordinary people who live in this ice and snow all year round and struggle to live here, what this snow brings to them has nothing to do with the scenery!

The man wiped his tears and continued: "For you, this snow is a beautiful scenery in your eyes, which makes you feel pleasing to the eye and makes you willing to come and walk around. But for us, this snow is Cold is despair and death!"

The man's words made Jiang Yun's heart skip a beat, and a vague feeling emerged in his mind.

In fact, he was extremely sure that as long as he could make this hazy feeling concrete, he would be able to find his own truth.

Jiang Yun stood there really racking his brains thinking about this feeling, while the man sat on the ground and kept sobbing.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the man finally stopped crying, wiped away the frozen tears on his face and said, "I'm sorry, what happened to us has nothing to do with you!"

As he spoke, he stood up again: "My mother told me that everything in this world actually has pros and cons!"

"They are always there and will not change. What changes is just the attitude in our hearts when we see all this!"

"If you are right in your heart, you will see the positive side; if you are negative in your heart, you will see the negative side!"

"Just like us, there are good and bad people."

"When you have evil thoughts in your heart, you are a bad person; when you have good thoughts in your heart, you are a good person!"

The man raised the silver in his hand and handed it to Jiang Yun and said: "Although I was a bad person just now, my mother hopes that I can always be a good person! Give it back to you, and get out of here quickly. This snow can really freeze someone to death." of!"

The man also turned to look at the white snow around him and said, "Actually, when I first became sensible and saw this snow for the first time, this snow was indeed beautiful!"

As the man finished speaking, standing in front of him, Jiang Yun, who was almost covered in snow, suddenly revealed a dazzling light in his eyes.

This light shrouded the man's body, immediately dispelling the chill in his body, making him feel like he was bathed in sunshine!

Even the snowflakes that had been falling in the sky for who knows how long finally stopped under the light of Jiang Yun's eyes...

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