Taoist world

Chapter 1565: Stop and Robbery

Under Yinhong's extreme shock, the black gates finally emerged completely.

They stand quietly in the darkness, exuding an aura of desolation and death!

Although there are only ninety-nine gates around Yinhong, there are nearly three hundred such black gates in this million-mile area that has been imprisoned.

Each door is exactly the same, a hundred feet in size, and completely black. On both sides of the door there is a ferocious ghost head about a foot in size. The eyes are closed, and the scarlet tongue is sticking out, like a door knocker.

Maybe many people don't recognize these black doors, but Yinhong knows it very well——

This gate is called the Ghost Gate!

And behind the ghost gate is the place where all living things will eventually go - the world of death!

The only ones who can summon the ghost gate are the ghosts from the realm of death.

Naturally, Yinhong finally knew the origins of Meng Qiao and the others. They came from the world of death!

At this moment, Yinhong really felt deep regret for his actions.

Why should I follow Meng Qiao out of curiosity? Why don't I just stay outside this area!

Now, he wanted to leave here quickly, leave this area, and stay as far away from Meng Qiao as possible.

As Meng Qiao said before, Yinhong really didn't want to see Meng Qiao again.

Because seeing it means that he is already dead!

It's a pity that with the appearance of these ninety-nine ghost gates, the cold aura that only belongs to the world of death is everywhere around him.

If he left the space where he was hiding at this moment and fell into those cold atmospheres, he couldn't guarantee that he would directly become a dead person.

At this moment, the hideous-looking ghost heads above all the ghost gates suddenly opened their eyes!

"Buzz buzz!"

Under the violent trembling of the darkness, the ghost doors finally slowly opened!

Suddenly, almost endless ghost energy surged out from every ghost door, and spread rapidly within the imprisoned area.

By this time, Yinhong also had a rough idea of ​​how Meng Qiao and the others would find the world where Jiang Yun was hiding.

It means that the ghost energy completely covers this area, as if it has turned this place into a world of death!

Although the world where Jiang Yun is located cannot be seen or felt, it always exists in this area and does not move.

Once the ghost energy completely covers this area, all living creatures in it will die due to the invasion of ghost energy.

Naturally, this includes the world where Jiang Yun is hiding!

At that time, it will not be difficult to find one or two living creatures among the endless death!

After thinking about this, Yinhong couldn't help but take a breath.

Although he has not counted how many worlds there are in this million-mile gap, there are at least dozens of them.

And in each world, the number of creatures exceeds hundreds of millions.

This also means that in order to find Jiang Yun, so many creatures have to be killed!

In this way, compared to Dao Zun mobilizing almost all the power in the Dao domain to find Jiang Yun, this is a truly grand gesture!

Although this approach is too cruel and goes against the harmony of nature!

However, Yinhong naturally would not be kind enough to pity the billions of living beings who were about to die. The first thing he needed to consider now was how to survive the invasion of ghosts.

Fortunately, at this moment, Meng Qiao, who had been sitting in the darkness with his eyes closed, suddenly said: "If it weren't for the fact that Taoist Master values ​​you so much, I should have let you die here."

"Now, come here!"

As Meng Qiao spoke, the ghost energy that had completely filled the place suddenly rolled to both sides, revealing a path that was enough for Yinhong to pass safely.

Obviously, Meng Qiao knew everything about Yinhong's tracking.

Even if it weren't for the support of Tao Zun behind Yinhong, Tadu wouldn't pay attention to Yinhong at all, but let him die here.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Yinhong, who knew the origin of the other party, really no longer dared to feel any dissatisfaction or contempt in his heart.

Seeing the path, he hurriedly emerged, carefully passed through the ghost spirits, and walked to Meng Qiao's side. His expression was full of respect, he cupped his fists and bowed, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for saving my life." kindness."

Meng Qiao didn't even look at him and said, "If you don't want to die, just sit next to me!"


Yin Hong sat down as he was told.

At this moment, he also saw that it would be okay for Meng Qiao to summon these ghost gates. All he needed to do now was to wait for these ghost energies to completely cover this area.

After a moment, he couldn't help but ask: "Fellow Daoist Meng, how long will it take to find him?"

Meng Qiao said calmly: "It depends on luck! If you are lucky, maybe the first world to be completely swallowed by the ghost energy will be the world where he is hiding!

"If you're not lucky, maybe the last world swallowed by ghost energy will be the world where he hides!"

"It can take as short as a few months, or as long as a few years!"

Speaking of this, Meng Qiao's eyes showed a cold light and said: "But no matter what, as long as he is in this area, he can't escape!"

Yinhong hesitated for a moment and asked again: "Then, is it possible that Jiang Yun is not in this area?"

"He must be here, because he interfered with the reincarnation of heaven, otherwise, we wouldn't have known that he was hiding here!"

Time flies, and another three years have passed!

For three years, Jiang Yun kept walking in this nameless wilderness.

He never used a trace of spiritual energy or performed any movement skills. He was always like a mortal, traveling to countless places, climbing countless mountains, and seeing countless scenery.

At first, he just looked, but as the distance he walked became farther and farther, gradually, he no longer looked, but looked!

He will hold every scenery and place he sees in his mind!

Because, he can feel that everything in this world, from the sky and the earth to the grass and trees, has its own personality!

For example, the vast and endless sky has a broad character;

For example, the thick and boundless earth has a down-to-earth character;

For example, the mountains that have stood for countless years have a strong character;

For example, the grass swaying in the wind has a weak character!

As he gradually understood the character of all things in the world, they naturally appeared in the illusion created by Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun still has not found his own Taoism, at this moment, he no longer deliberately tries to understand or realize, but lets nature take its course and immerses himself in this kind of travel.

Just like that, Jiang Yun came to a land of ice and snow covered with white snow.

Between the sky and the earth, there is a vast expanse of white, and large tracts of snowflakes continue to fall from the sky, as if they will never stop.

Standing in the pure white snow, Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and the scene when he saw snow for the first time in Beishanzhou, the mountain and sea boundary, clearly appeared in his mind.

Of course, there is also Xue Qing who appears in the snow and is even the incarnation of snow!

Therefore, Jiang Yun likes and prefers snow very much.

After a long time, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, reached out and grabbed a handful of snow, put it in his mouth, feeling the coldness after the snow melted, and then slowly walked forward.

And at this moment, next to Jiang Yun, a tall figure suddenly emerged from the knee-deep snow, holding a somewhat rusty sword in his hand, pointing at Jiang Yun fiercely. He shouted: "Stop, rob!"

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