Talented Genius

Chapter 479: I won again

Chapter 479 I Won Again

Seeing Ye Tianlong report the wine's origin, brand, and even vintage, Ding Liuyue's pretty face was surprised to hide.

Several beautiful women also completely stiffened their smiles, their expressions so wonderful and wonderful.

No one thought that Ye Tianlong would slap his face like this, but he still slapped unceremoniously.

Ding Liuyue instinctively took out the bottle of wine in the barrel and turned it around to make sure that there was no label on it, nor the label of the western restaurant.

This shows that Ye Tianlong didn't say it to the label, but really tasted it, but how could he taste it for such a small salesman?

After a long silence, Ding Liuyue squeezed out: "Have you ever had this wine before?"

As soon as she uttered the words, she felt that she was stupid. How could a small salesperson like Ye Tianlong have the opportunity to taste a bottle of wine worth 20,000 dollars?

Whether it is bought by himself or requested by someone else, the probability is extremely low, but if it is not the case, how can Ye Tianlong get it out?

Ye Tianlong smiled faintly when Ding Xiaoqiao's eyes burst into light, "Is this important?"

The corner of Ding Liuyue's mouth moved a little, and then she narrowed her eyes and asked, "Where did you learn French?"

Ding Liuyue did not find Ye Tianlong's background in studying abroad in the information and information provided by Da Pang Pan, but if Ye Tianlong had not settled abroad, his French would not have that French accent.

The surprised look of the French manager shows that Ye Tianlong's French standards are unparalleled.

Facing Ding Liuyue's question, Ye Tianlong smiled again: "I am a low-level person, where can I have the opportunity to study abroad?"

Ding Liuyue's pretty face changed, and she felt that Ye Tianlong's attitude was very rude, and several beautiful women had their willow eyebrows erect, and she was almost mad at Ye Tianlong.

They have always been held in the moon by the stars of men, and they have attracted much attention. When did they experience Ye Tianlong's attitude of hiding needles in cotton.

A beautiful woman couldn't help it, and she subconsciously uttered an English sentence: "The villain has the will!"

Ye Tianlong heard the words and burst into a bright smile, and a string of English spit out from his lips:

"The villain is determined because there are too many arrogant upper-class people who have no strength to pretend to be a cross, so he can easily slap his face. Compared with the ignorant upper-class powerful, the aspiring villain is more real and rare!"

"True noble people, calm and tolerant!

Ye Tianlong said softly: "And you, neither are calm nor tolerant."

Thorough London accent.

Ye Tianlong's sharp words and original English made Ding Liuyue's expressions more gloomy.

Seeing Ye Tianlong's harmless smiles of humans and animals, and feeling the gazes of the French managers, the beautiful woman's cheeks were reddened and her legs were subconsciously clamped.

She heard that Ye Tianlong's English was authentic London accent, and she also heard the meaning of those few sentences. She believed that everyone understood.

This one slapped her face, it hurts so hot!

Seeing her companion being humiliated by Ye Tianlong in this way, the other woman with earrings was a little bit awkward and sneered in German:

"Unexpectedly you can speak multiple languages."

Ding Liuyue and the others ran all over the world, and they knew a little bit of language in many countries, so there was nothing wrong with using them to pretend.

Therefore, when they saw Ye Tianlong speak French and English, they instinctively wanted to press Ye Tianlong back, hoping that they could use a language that Ye Tianlong was not familiar with and win back the prize.

Although this is a bit invincible, as long as they can laugh at Ye Tianlong's anger, they don't care.

At this moment, the woman with earrings is adding in German: "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!"

Her meaning is very simple, Ye Tianlong will be abandoned or crushed by the world sooner or later if he is so popular.

The beautiful woman just now sneered: "Boy, do you understand this? German! Our circle is deep in the water, you can't challenge it."

"Mom, why are you bullying Tianlong..."

Without waiting for Ding Xiaoqiao to finish speaking, Ye Tianlong waved his hand gently, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he corrected a grammatical error in the woman with the earring.

Then he also threw a sentence in German: "A person's life may burn or decay. Instead of decay and become mud, it is better to burn enthusiastically!"

Ostrovsky's famous quote!

When the woman with the earrings was slightly startled, Ye Tianlong began to talk to the other party in German daily. The conversation was calm and gentle, with a gentle smile, and he corrected each other's mistakes from time to time.

Three minutes later, the woman with the earrings lowered her head, her cheeks flushed in a mess, no need to ask, she knew that she was also beaten.

Ding Liuyue took a sip of wine and looked at Ye Tianlong's eyes with a touch of thoughtfulness.

Then, two beautiful women tried to speak Korean and Japanese to Ye Tianlong, but their arrogant heads only lasted for three minutes, and then their faces fell frustrated.

Not only did they fail to keep up with Ye Tianlong's speech speed, they couldn't understand what he said from time to time, and he constantly corrected their grammar.

That feeling is the same as that of a primary school student whose pronunciation is not standard in reading and being corrected by the teacher in public.

Ding Xiaoqiao's face was first angry, then stunned, then worried, and finally happy, almost applauding Ye Tianlong.

She also didn't expect that Ye Tianlong was so strong that he would beat the hot mom to find teeth.

Ding Liuyue narrowed her eyes even more, and then sent out a text message unobtrusively.

When Ye Tianlong finished the last conversation, everyone in the booth quieted down subconsciously. The four beautiful women looked a little embarrassed, and they didn't dare to ridicule Ye Tianlong hillbilly.

The French manager praised it from the bottom of his heart: "Sir, you are the most talented genius I have ever seen."

"Any language speaks the same as the natives. Today, I must give you a bottle of wine to show my high respect."

Ye Tianlong smiled and said, "Mr. Manager, thank you for your kindness. I have enough wine and food for today. Please invite me next time."

"No, no, I have to ask, this is my little heart."

The French manager is polite and polite: "If you can't finish drinking, you can stay here, come over next time and drink again."

He pulled a waiter and whispered a few words. Soon, the waiter brought a bottle of wine, which was another unlabeled wine.

"Ye Tianlong, you surprised me a little bit. For this accident, I give you a chance."

Ding Liuyue sat upright, her plump upper body immediately gave people a sense of oppression: "After tasting this bottle of wine, I will let Xiao Qiao go and allow her to rent out."

Ding Xiaoqiao's body shook and looked at the mother in front of him in surprise: "Mom, are you willing to let me rent out?"


Ding Liuyue's voice was cold: "Not only will I be willing to let you rent, but I can also promise you that I will never intervene in your love again."

When Ding Xiaoqiao was about to jump for joy, Ding Liuyue faintly said: "Premise, Ye Tianlong tastes this bottle of wine."

"If he doesn't taste it, you, come home with me and concentrate on studying later."

She wore the diamond ring's hand and knocked on the table gently: "Ye Tianlong, dare to challenge?"

Ye Tianlong snapped his fingers: "Deal."

The French manager quickly took the wine bottle, opened it carefully, and poured a glass for Ye Tianlong.

The eyes of the four beautiful women instantly fell on Ye Tianlong, waiting for his next performance, Ding Liuyue smiled, a little sly.

"It looks like this is a good bottle of wine."

Ye Tianlong slowly stretched out his right hand to take the wine glass, raised it to the front of his nose, put the tip of his nose into the wine glass, moved on the surface of the wine, sniffing sensitively.

The process of smelling the wine lasted at least one minute.

Ye Tianlong poured half of the wine in his mouth, let the wine slowly flow into his throat, then held his breath, let the wine squirt out of his nose.

Finally, he rolled the rest of the wine under his tongue, his eyes on Ding Liuyue's attractive red lips.

Ding Liuyue's breathing instinctively stagnated, as if Ye Tianlong's tongue was pouring into her mouth, and she gave a shy voice: hooligan.

A minute later, Ye Tianlong put down the wine glass with a smile on his face: "Manager, take a few dishes I ordered, Xiao Qiao, come with me."

When the French manager was stunned, Ding Liuyue drank coldly: "You haven't told me, what kind of wine is you drinking? Let's leave now, look down the steps?"

"It has ripe blackcurrant, pear, chocolate, truffle and fruit aromas."

Ye Tianlong slowly turned to the back of Ding Liuyue: "Romanni Kanti in 1993, Martinanni in 1985, and Markassen in 1996."

"Chairman Ding is really paying for it, mixing three wines into one bottle."

Ye Tianlong leaned down, pressed Ding Liuyue's ear, and said softly: "Unfortunately, I won again."

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