Talented Genius

Chapter 478: Make a face

Chapter 478

At twelve o'clock noon, Paris style restaurant, this is a western restaurant located on the banks of the Mingjiang River.

It is the most private dining place in Mingjiang, with a high dome-shaped roof and a strong retro warmth. It has a 360-degree viewing angle, proudly condescending.

The scenery outside the glass is as picturesque as a dream and as if within reach, with an average consumption of 3000 per capita, a real luxury restaurant in Mingjiang.

Moreover, the managers, chefs and even the waiters are all Parisians. In other words, if you don’t speak French, you might not even be able to order food if you come here for dinner.

Ye Tianlong, who was just riding up the elevator, didn't focus on the scenery, but told Ding Xiaoqiao, who was a little frightened and a little bit awkward, to be patient as much as possible.

Tell your heart's voice in a reasonable way, don't argue and quarrel with your mother, that won't solve the problem.

Ding Xiaoqiao nodded repeatedly, his face was also less nervous because of Ye Tianlong's company.

She once wanted to reject the invitation from her mother. She guessed that her mother was afraid to scold herself and her so-called boyfriend, but Ye Tianlong supported her.

Ye Tianlong felt that it was better to face things. Avoidance would only hurt each other more, and he was willing to follow Ding Xiaoqiao to explain.

After weighing it up, Ding Xiaoqiao finally plucked up the courage and brought Ye Tianlong to this restaurant.

"President Ding is at table 8."

When Ding Xiaoqiao reported Ding Liuyue to the waiter, the beautiful waiter immediately led them to a fan-shaped deck by the window.

Ye Tianlong glanced over and saw four or five beauties sitting together, holding a goblet while drinking red wine while talking in a witty and elegant manner.

These beauties are fashionable and beautiful, and they also have the mature atmosphere of more than 30 years old. When they gather together, they are very eye-catching and attractive.

But what made Ye Tianlong's eyes squinted the most was the charming woman in the middle, with a delicate face and no real age.

She wore a light black professional short skirt with a narrow waist, which wrapped her waist tightly.

The upper body is a thin white shirt, and the neckline is untied, exposing large areas of whiteness.

She just sat quietly, giving a sense of maturity and nobility, like a ripe peach.

As long as she gently bites through the thin layer of skin on the outside, she can drip water.

Yes, this is a woman who seems to be dripping water all over her body, a woman that every man desires to be moisturized.

It's just that no one dares to strike up a conversation easily. The charming woman looks feminine, but her eyes are strong enough to discourage most men.

This kind of woman's ambition and wisdom are not low. Where can a man without any means dare to approach?


At this time, Ding Xiaoqiao looked at the charming woman and shouted timidly, Ye Tianlong almost fell when he heard this, but she did not expect that the charming woman was Ding Liuyue.

He regretted that he didn't read more information, and got his eyes to look at others just now.

"Little Joe, are you here?"

Ding Liuyue gently raised her hand: "Sit down."

The few beautiful women who were talking and laughing immediately stopped talking, and then turned their attention to Ye Tianlong and Ding Xiaoqiao, their eyes playful.

Ding Xiaoqiao sat down with Ye Tianlong, and then struggled to squeeze out: "Mom, this is Ye Tianlong, my...friend."

Ye Tianlong ignored the gazes of the beautiful women, stood up and smiled and stretched out his hand: "President Ding, good noon."

Ding Liuyue did not stand up to shake hands with Ye Tianlong, but still shook the glass of red wine, her tone indifferent:

"Ye Tianlong, business director of Huayao Group."

Ding Liuyue obviously has some information about Ye Tianlong: "In three months, Lin Chaoyang, Wang Dawei, and Liu Yongcai were driven away."

"Won the favor and appreciation of Lin Chenxue, from a team leader to a business minister."

She smiled coldly: "Minister Ye, should I say that you have the means, or should you say that you are inspiring?"

Several beautiful women joked, everyone could hear that Ding Liuyue ridiculed Ye Tianlong for unscrupulous means.

Ye Tianlong smiled and retracted his outstretched hand, then picked up an unlabeled bottle of wine and poured himself a glass.

A French waiter next to him was taken aback when he saw this, feeling that Ye Tianlong's pouring action was more professional than her.

At this moment, Ding Xiaoqiao frowned: "Mom——"

Ding Liuyue pressed back Ding Xiaoqiao who was about to speak with her eyes, and then looked at Ye Tianlong and added:

"I still remember that you made a five-million dollar business through your relationship. Minister Ye, as a businessman, I admire your efforts and believe you will do a lot in the future."

Ye Tianlong drank a sip of the wine, but leisurely did not speak. In the eyes of several beautiful women, Ye Tianlong was embarrassed and at a loss.

Ding Liuyue is straightforward: "I am Ding Xiaoqiao's mother."

"I invite you to dinner today for two purposes."

Ye Tianlong looked at each other calmly, guessing what Ding Liuyue was going to say, but she didn't mind the latter saying it.

His calm attitude made Ding Liuyue somewhat surprised, thinking that Ye Tianlong would take the opportunity to please himself, but it was still fleeting.

Then, she calmly said: "First, combining the information of Director Pan and Xiao Qiao, I know that you helped Xiao Qiao yesterday, and I am very grateful."

Ding Xiaoqiao couldn't help but interject: "Yes, he helped me. If it weren't for me, those Orientals would humiliate me..."

Ding Liuyue's eyes were cold, and she abruptly suppressed Ding Xiaoqiao's words: "Where has the tutor gone for so many years? What are you talking about, adults?"

This made Ding Xiaoqiao very aggrieved. She was about to gritted her teeth and stood up at the table, but was stopped by Ye Tianlong, reminding her that she was here to solve the problem today.

Ding Xiaoqiao bit his lip and stopped talking, but he felt guilty for Ye Tianlong in his heart.

"Second, I know that you are not Xiao Qiao's boyfriend, but she used you to **** me off."

Ding Liuyue picked up the unlabeled bottle of red wine on the table and poured a little bit of it on Ye Tianlong: "Xiao Qiao troubled you, I apologize."

Ye Tianlong was still silent, he waited for the focus.

Seeing Ye Tianlong not even speaking politely, Ding Liuyue was startled, and with a light wave of her finger, a check was placed in front of Ye Tianlong.

"Two hundred thousand, thank you for the fee, accept it, everyone clears it up."

Ding Xiaoqiao was about to go crazy, Ding Liuyue's conversation front suddenly turned, revealing an irresistible aura:

"Third, get out of Xiao Qiao."

Ding Liuyue's face was cold: "You think I don't know, why are you approaching Xiao Qiao? Can you enter the door of Ding's house?"

"What are you? I want to make an idea for my daughter. Have you looked in the mirror?"

Unceremonious lesson.

Ye Tianlong grabbed Ding Xiaoqiao who was about to get angry, and smiled: "I took the photo in the morning, very handsome."

When the voice fell, several beautiful women contemptuously, their beautiful eyes full of disdain.

Seeing that Ding Liuyue's face was dazzling, the French manager not far away ran over with a smile, and wanted to ask what happened.

The beautiful woman signaled that he was okay and could take the dish to order, and the French manager immediately went to get the dish.

Hearing Ye Tianlong's cynical answer, Ding Liuyue not only did not laugh, but also had a look of contempt, which seemed to be disgusting for such cynical people.

She threw down her glass of wine: "I warn you, don't pester Xiao Qiao again, don't use her rebellion to approach my Ding's house."

"I won't give you any benefit. I will leave with 200,000 people wisely."

Ding Liuyue showed a strong momentum: "If you want to use Ding Xiaoqiao for profit, I tell you, you dream."

Obviously she regards Ye Tianlong as an unsuspecting person.

She also looked at Ding Xiaoqiao, without anger and prestige: "Xiaoqiao, don't associate with this kind of person, you and him are completely different worlds."

"He is just a small business department. He has become a minister by all means and made some money to decorate himself, but he is still a low-level person."

"Ask him, does he know what the wine is in his glass?"

Ding Liuyue pointed his finger at the French manager who walked to the table: "He can't even order French food."

In her eyes, four beautiful women reported in French to the manager a few French dishes that they often eat.

The French manager rushed to write down their requests, and from time to time touted a few words about their good French.

The four beautiful women looked arrogant, and then looked at Ye Tianlong contemptuously, believing that they could give a heavy blow.

The French manager cooperated with them enthusiastically, and asked Ye Tianlong with a smile on his face in French: "Sir, what would you like to eat?"

Ye Tianlong didn't even get the dish card in the hands of the French manager, and a series of French words popped out:

"Hu?tre, Foie-Gras, Escargots."

Ye Tianlong ordered oysters, foie gras, and snails in one breath, followed by a series of French words: "One more duck in oil."

"Remember, let your chef soak the meat in the fat, add a glass of burgundy red wine, and slowly simmer it over a low heat."

"In this way, it will melt in the mouth."

The smiles of the beautiful women around Ding Liuyue all stopped. Everyone could hear that his French was extremely standard and fluent.

"The taste is gentle and elegant, with violet and truffle aromas mixed!"

Ye Tianlong picked up the red wine in front of him again and smiled faintly: "This is from the small vineyard of Dikru Castle, Dedal, year 1934."

Ding Liuyue's smile also froze.

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