Talented Genius

Chapter 2768: I object

With a shout, a batch of Chinese men and women walked in.

The guests present also became more respectful, because they were all descendants of a century-old family.

Even Bilal's sister and brother were arrogantly waiting.

Not far away, Ma Qingqing also glanced at Ye Tianlong, as if he was ridiculing his peers who were too far behind Prince Mason.

Ye Tianlong didn't even look at it, just sitting on the table and eating melon seeds. For him, these were the daughters who came to be gilded, and there was nothing worthy of respect.

Although there were more than 30 people walking at the door, everyone was very proud and held their heads high.

But the most eye-catching thing is the young man in the middle.

He is twenty-five or sixteen years old, tall, handsome, his hair is meticulously combed, and his clothes are handmade and very decent.

He is like a god, making countless girls' eyes stiff and shining.

Prince Mason.

The two men and one woman around him are also very eye-catching, the women are dignified and beautiful, and the men are flying.

Paired with head-to-toe Chinese clothes and bodyguards with personal protection at the back, they stand out from the crowd.

A group of more than 30 people walked slowly into the hall, and guests along the way avoided.

The three men and one woman looked around, frowning.

The elder brother and eldest son from the upper class, obviously do not look down on this small club, no matter how people look at things, she is always picky.

If it is not necessary to come here for gilding, they will not take the initiative to interact with Uzbekistan.

"Prince Mason, Prince Louis, Miss Windsor, Master Buden, good morning."

As they looked around, Bilar and Castilla greeted them with great enthusiasm: "You finally came."

More than a dozen European and American men and women with identities and status are also approaching, smiling exuberantly with Prince Mason and the others.

Although the others showed admiration and favor to Prince Mason, they also knew their own identity and location, so they could only look at it from a distance and did not dare to approach.

The same is true for several fashionable girls such as Ma Qingqing, with sweet smiles but timidity.

Ye Tianlong glanced at the four people and quickly made a judgment for them:

Mason dignity, Windsor arrogant, Louis feminine, Buden arrogant...

"Mason, are you here?"

At this time, another group of uniformed men and women appeared on the stage. Walking in the middle was a bearded general. He scanned the audience and walked towards Mason and them.

Castilla and the others spread out.

Prince Mason greeted him with a smile: "General Hugo, hello, sorry, there is something wrong on the way, I'm late."

Louis, Buden and Windsor also greeted the bearded general with a smile.

"As long as you can come, it will never be too late."

General Ugo obviously admired Prince Mason, and he didn't conceal his feelings when he said: "And if you don't show up, this reception will be boring."

Mason was polite: "Thank you General for your praise."

While they were greeting each other, Park Zhanjun and others looked increasingly ugly, and after drinking a few cups of tea, they were about to walk away.

With this attitude of General Hugo, there is obviously no suspense in the afternoon auction.

But they were all persuaded by Ye Tianlong to eat melon seeds and drink tea together to promote their feelings.

"Everyone, I am very happy to come to Uzbekistan, and I am even more glad that you are actively participating in the bidding for the Expedition."

Ten minutes later, General Hugo ended his reminiscence with Mason and the others, straightened up to the podium, and spoke majesticly into the microphone:

"The original meaning of Uzbekistan was that the expedition started at 200 million U.S. dollars, and the price was not capped. The higher the price was."

"But Prince Mason reminded me just now."

"Money can't be the only criterion, and we need to refer to the buyer's emphasis on it."

"The upstart has a lot of money and the price is also high, but it doesn't mean that it will be treated well when bought back."

"Moreover, in this world, there are still many countries that are not rich, and there are also many forces who cannot eat enough."

General Ugo was awe-inspiring: "We cannot deprive them of opportunities because of money."

Park Zhanjun frowned slightly: "What exactly does he want to say?"

The rich man smiled outside: "Define the scope and reduce Mason's competitors."

"So I thought of another plan temporarily."

General Hugo shouted out: "That is to use the Expedition as a bargaining chip of 240 million. You have 24 teams and 10 million each."

"If you want to get the Expedition, you can pay to buy it from your opponent, or you can challenge them to life and death."

"Neither choose, Uzbek confiscated the chips."

"If the price is right, or the life and death challenge is successful, you can grow your bargaining chips."

"Finally, with the power of 240 million chips, the Expedition can be transported away from Uzbekistan."

"This is also an opportunity for the poor but courageous forces."

"How fair is it that money throws money, someone throws people?"

General Ugo raised his arms, and the soldiers all around responded in unison. Mason and Bilar also responded happily, with a spectacular momentum.

Wealthy members and Ye Tianlong looked at each other, and Qi Qi secretly called General Ugo to do something in order to improve the reputation and influence of Uzbekistan.

At the same time, it also gave Mason a chance to perform.

During the period, Uzbek soldiers came over with several trays, which were filled with crystal chips covered with military seals, one for ten million.

The soldiers quickly sent one to Ye Tianlong and each of them, the ten million, directly replaced by the deposit they gave.

This clearly makes Mason do more with less.

At the same time, the rostrum rose rapidly by 1.5 meters, and a red carpet was laid as a temporary arena.

General Ugo spread his hands and shouted, "Do you have any opinions?"

"I disagree!"

Outside of the rich, they treated ten million as a ditch, Ye Tianlong stood up with his hands on his back, and his voice swept the audience with a clear voice.

This shout immediately attracted the attention of the audience, and Mason and Windsor also looked over.

Seeing that it was Ye Tianlong who got up to make trouble, Castilla almost copied the stool to make a stand.

Ma Qingqing also frowned and looked at Ye Tianlong, hating iron for not making steel, and felt that Ye Tianlong was sensational.

General Ugo's voice sank: "I don't know this little brother, why don't you agree with my change?"

Ye Tianlong didn't have the slightest fear, and calmly greeted him with sharp eyes:

"Rules are rules, how can they be changed at will?"

"Although General Ugo has his own considerations, his starting point is also good, to give the forces without money a chance."

"But this is still disrespect for the twenty-four forces that came to the conference."

"The deposit has been paid, the money has been brought, and the auction is ready. General Hugo temporarily changed the rules, which is really incomprehensible."

"And it's not fair to me who is so weak."

"Originally, I could win with money, but now because of the life and death battle, my probability is greatly reduced."

Ye Tianlong resounded throughout the garden:

"The general wanted to pursue fairness, but the result made me unfair."

"I oppose this rule."

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