Talented Genius

Chapter 2767: Tianjiao Gathered

Hearing the two shouting, Ye Tianlong pretended to be surprised: "The two are..."

The wealthy member was also slightly surprised: "Shao Pu, Elder Minglong, do you know my brother?"

Before Pu Zhanjun and Minglong elders could respond, Li Xianer stood up and shook hands with Ye Tianlong: "Ye Shaohao, I will say hello to you for Mr. Li."

Wu Jing was also generous and generous: "Ye Shaohao, General Weng Sha misses Ye Shao very much, so I have time to go to Malaysia for a seat."

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook hands with them: "Thank you, and say hello to Mr. Li and them for me."

Then, he looked at Park Zhanjun and Ming Long: "Two, how do you call them?"


The wealthy member introduced with a smile: "This is the first young man of Nanhan, young man Park Zhanjun, and this is the first elder of the Dongyang affairs, elder Minglong."

Minglong reacted: "It's rude, Ye Shao is too similar to an old friend of mine. At first glance, he looks like a person."

Park Zhanjun slapped his head, and then stretched out his hand: "Yes, yes, sorry, I regard Ye Shao as a brother."

They were really shocked by Ye Tianlong. After all, they were too similar to Ye Tianlong, but they could only hold back their surprise when they saw their appearance outside the rich.

After all, it was not only the wealthy people who believed that he was Mingjiang Ye Tianlong, but Li Xian'er and Wu Jing also believed that the three of them could not admit their mistakes at the same time.

So they can only be preconceived.

"Elder Minglong, Shaohao Park."

Ye Tianlong smiled and shook hands with the two of them, and then said directly: "I know who you regard me as, the **** of murder in the world, Taicheng Ye Tianlong."

"Several people have already regarded me as him, and they were frightened."

"I have also seen Ye Tianlong's photos, they are indeed somewhat similar, and he seems to be a little better than me."

"That guy, he is really good looking, handsome, capable of literary and military skills, and decisive in killing. I have never seen a talent like him."

Ye Tianlong praised himself well.

"It's just that I didn't expect that Elder Minglong and Shao Pu also admitted wrong."

Ye Tianlong laughed loudly: "So it seems that one day I will kill Ye Tianlong, and no one will know the credit and wealth of him."

"Ye Shao said and laughed."

Although Park Zhanjun was still exploring Ye Tianlong, his expression eased a little: "You are indeed similar to Ye Tianlong, but there are still fundamental differences."

"Your face is a bit bigger than him, and your hair is black and white."

"Of course, the most important thing is that my brother is naturally arrogant and he has a sharp edge all over his body."

"Compared with him, Ye Shao is much more restrained."

This is also what Park Zhanjun expects of Ye Tianlong, hoping that he can reduce the edges and corners, keep a low profile, so that he will not shoot out.

"Piao Shao is right."

Ming Long also raised a smile: "Ye Shao has a good relationship with Wealthy Yuanwai, General Weng Sha and Mr. Li, which shows that the human relationship is extraordinary."

"And Ye Tianlong is more of a sole proprietor, the sky and the earth are big, not as big as him."

The corners of his mouth were cold and cold: "Sooner or later he will stumble, even corpse the streets."

Park Zhanjun frowned slightly: "Elder Minglong, don't arrogantly discuss my brother, no matter what he is, he is my good brother..."

Elder Ming Long narrowed his eyes, wanted to make a sound, but finally smiled. After the Eastern changes, he can bear more adversity.

A few Orientals snorted, "Ye Tianlong is a bastard, our enemy, a troopman! The devil in the world! Shameless villain!"

Park Zhanjun's face was cold: "What are you talking about?"

Ye Tianlong hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him to fight: "Several people, stop arguing, arguing for me and Ye Shao similar will make others laugh."

"And I have a lot of holidays with Dongyang and Nanhan."

"The Kiyomizu family, Park Siwon... are all people I have had conflicts with. I can't finish talking about kindness and grievances for ten days and ten nights."

"A little bit more far-reaching, it may be about the history of the East Asian invasion of China and Nanhan. If this continues, we might as well go home and sleep."

"Let's ignore our previous grievances and treat them as if we don't know each other. We will gather together today and have a chat."

Ye Tianlong also pointed his finger: "Look at the circle of Europeans and Americans. They are more united, proud, and above the top, and they refuse to approach the other groups."

"We are noisy, we will only become laughing stocks."

He invited Pu Zhanjun and the others to sit down again: "Come, come, sit, I will be the boss today, and I will talk about it later."

The rich outside also laughed: "Yes, our grievances, we will talk about it later, don't make people laugh."

Seeing Ye Tianlong round the field, and what he said is very reasonable, and then look at the western circle who sneered here intentionally or unintentionally, Pu Zhanjun and the others nodded one after another.

The atmosphere eased again.

"In fact, we are left with no jokes."

Wu Jing poured a cup of tea for Ye Tianlong: "We don't even have a chance to bid for the Expedition."

"Prince Mason has already stated that he is bound to win."

She sighed softly: "The coercion of Britain, the friendship between Britain and Ukraine, and the greatness of Prince Mason have made our chances smaller and smaller."

"Bilal and several European royal families also jointly declared that they support Prince Mason's successful bidding. Whoever dares to stumble is their enemy."

Li Xian'er also sighed faintly: "This statement is tantamount to a threat, and there is basically no fun."

"I heard that Yingwu was going to trade privately, but the bidding announcement was accidentally sent out, and the whole form could only be completed."

"If I had to give General Ugo face to finish the form, I would have flown back to the new country..."

Hearing these words, Park Zhanjun's expressions also dimmed.

They are also a great hero, so they are regarded as background pawns, and they feel a little unhappy, but there is no way to offend the West.

"They are here, Prince Mason, they are here."

At this moment, outside the garden, there were bursts of exclamation, like a superstar coming on stage.

With this shout, the originally noisy garden fell silent for an instant, and all the sounds disappeared in the next moment.

"Got it--"

A garden half the size of a football field, the entrance, the aisle, and the podium, without any sound, became silent, quiet and palpitating.

Except for the footsteps that fell on the stone bricks, and seemed to fall on the human heart, even the wind that blows is indescribably careful.

The sound of footsteps coming in from the entrance does not belong to one person, and is not even neat, but everyone can hear everyone's movements clearly.

It's not how loud the footsteps are, or it's deliberately procrastinating, but it carries indescribable pride.

The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe.

"England, Prince Mason is here!"

"Ba country, Prince Louis is here!"

"Bo Guo, Miss Windsor is here!"

"Portugal, Master Simon is here!"

All of a sudden, Tianjiao gathered in the small garden...

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