Talented Genius

Chapter 2641: Despair, hope


Although it was daytime, the weather in Taicheng was very bad. Not only was the rain heavy, the sea breeze was also roaring, and the blowing trees swayed endlessly.

The typhoon is coming again.

When Ye Qiuqi, who hadn't slept all night, murmured, Ye Tianlong got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed to the death road like a sharp arrow.

The jeep roared and sprinted on the road, the tires splashed with waves of rain, causing the cars and pedestrians on the road to yell.

It's just that Ye Tianlong didn't have time to pay attention, his mind only thought of Pu Ziyuan's safety.

Pu Ziyuan's phone call only had time to inform her that she was trapped, and then she lost contact and could no longer get through.

Maybe there was no power, maybe the phone fell into the sea, maybe something went wrong, and every thought soared in Ye Tianlong's mind, and then they were suppressed.

Ye Tianlong forced himself not to think too much, no matter what the conditions of the death road, he just wanted to get closer to Pu Ziyuan, regardless of life or death.

"Oriental, you contact Ma Qingdi, when the weather is better, transfer a helicopter."

"Canshou, you and Tianmo shouldn't be too close to me. The situation on the highway of death is complicated. It's better to take care of it by keeping a distance."

As the car rushed, Ye Tianlong reached out to touch the water, food, and the eagle's suit, and at the same time connected the phone with the cardinal and Canshou.

After getting their response, Ye Tianlong stepped on the accelerator again, letting the car run wildly on the road, and the wheels dragged the rain on the road into a spectacular water exercise.

"The phone you dialed is turned off!"

Ye Tianlong made a few more calls to Pu Ziyuan, and the phone was already turned off, which made him feel more disturbed.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianlong's eyelids twitched again, rushing to the death highway almost at full speed.


As time passed, the weather became worse and worse, the wind and heavy rain gave people a sense of suffocation, and roadside debris was also tumbling in the wind.

Especially when the jeep was driving on the highway of death, Ye Tianlong felt like a flat boat, driving into the dark and boundless depths of the sea.

The Death Highway is a dangerous seaside road in Taicheng. It is about ten kilometers away. On the right is the vast sea, and on the left is the thousand-meter high mountains.

This section of the highway is at the vent, not only often waves hit the road, but the top of the mountain also rolls down from time to time, and the entire section is flooded during typhoon season.

So it is called the highway of death.

It is rumored that since its establishment in the 1980s, 30 to 50 people have been killed or injured every year, either by being overturned by a rock on the top of the mountain or sucked by the sea.

Ye Tianlong had been with Ye Qiuqi at the beginning, so he knew its location and knew its dangers, so he was very worried about Pu Ziyuan.


Although the typhoon hadn't fully unfolded yet, and the amount of water accumulated on the Death Road was limited, the breath of the mountains and rain pressured the city was so vivid that Ye Tianlong should treat it with care.


A stone rolled down from the front, Ye Tianlong's eyelids jumped, and without braking, he rushed over at the fastest speed.

Almost immediately after leaving, the stone hit the road, blasting a hole.


Before Ye Tianlong breathed a sigh of relief, the seawater on the right hit the protective fence severely, and the sky flooded the jeep once again.

The car also shook and deviated from the original lane. Although Ye Tianlong stabilized the steering wheel in time, he was shocked in a cold sweat. .

"Holy thief!"

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, then slowed down and drove forward.

The terrain began to decrease, and the accumulation of water increased. Fortunately, Ye Tianlong drove a jeep, such as a 100 million classic car, it is estimated that it has fallen down.

While Ye Tianlong drove cautiously, he also scanned the road and the sea, hoping to see Pu Ziyuan in the storm.

I don't know how long it has been, Ye Tianlong suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the road ahead was flooded by sea water, and the car was about to turn off again.

It's just that he hasn't found Pu Ziyuan yet, so he yelled ‘Ziyuan’ more than a dozen times, but the response was stormy waves.

"Oh shit!"

Of course, it was impossible for Ye Tianlong to go back like this. The car could not continue to drive forward, so he backed the car 20 meters away and stopped on the higher edge.

Subsequently, Ye Tianlong brought the backpack on his back, put on a raincoat, hiking gloves and hiking shoes, and walked forward against the edge of the cliff.

Soon, Ye Tianlong came to the flooded road. He stretched his body, stretched out his hands, pressed against the mountain like a gecko, and then slowly moved forward.

He wants to control the rhythm by himself rather than swimming in the sea.

The violent wind continued to blow and the sea water continued to pound, pouring the vegetation and splashes of water on Ye Tianlong, making him soak and unable to move.

During the period, Ye Tianlong also roared a few times: "Zi Yuan, Zi Yuan!"

There was no response, only the waves roared, like a joke.

But Ye Tianlong didn't give in, gritted his teeth and went on for more than 30 meters, approaching a 90-degree corner.


At this moment, the mountain shook, and a rock rolled from above, hitting Ye Tianlong down.

Ye Tianlong didn't have time for extra thoughts. He pressed his hands, flicked his feet, and moved away from the mountain with a swish, and quickly jumped into the stagnant road three meters away.

"Boom boom!"

Almost as soon as Ye Tianlong fell into the water, the stone rolled over his heel and hit the railing of the mountain road, rushing through a gap.

Ye Tianlong just wanted to say that it was really dangerous, a wave hit it, and after hitting the mountain, he sucked and sucked Ye Tianlong into the sea.


Ye Tianlong felt that his body was out of control, like an arrow from the string shot into the sea, his mind trembled, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he pulled the railing.


Ye Tianlong grabbed the railing desperately, but the huge momentum still caused him to tear off the three ports of the railing, and the backpack was sucked into the vast sea and disappeared.

There was still a trace of blood flowing from his tiger's mouth.

Fortunately, the waterproof phone is still on the body.


Ye Tianlong tried his best to stabilize his body and let himself go back to the mountain road. He lost his backpack and was embarrassed, but his vision also widened.

He suddenly discovered that at the second corner, there was an Audi floating, and there were three flooded tents in the open area, with a woman sitting on top of the tent.

On the big tent, she sat alone, facing the rolling sea and the violent wind, very helpless and distressed.

"Kong Feixiang's starting point for racing."

Ye Tianlong instantly remembered the role of the tent, and then locked the woman at the top, feeling inexplicably excited, and intuitively told him that it was Pu Ziyuan.

"Zi Yuan, Zi Yuan!"

Ye Tianlong yelled loudly as he swam over, but his voice couldn't pass at all, and all was blown away by the violent wind and huge waves.

Seeing that the other party could not hear Ye Tianlong, he also saved a bit of effort and shouted, and instead swam towards the other party with all his strength.

About ten minutes, he came to the tent.

Ye Tianlong shook the tent. When he felt that it was still firm, he clung to the pillar and climbed up, and quickly came to the top.

He wiped the rain on his face and clearly recognized who the woman was. It was Pu Ziyuan.

It's just that the woman seems to be desperate, and she also seems to be intimidated by the terrifying nature, completely unaware of Ye Tianlong's arrival, just shaking from time to time.

"Zi Yuan! Zi Yuan!"

Ye Tianlong leaned in slowly, and whispered Pu Ziyuan's name: "I'm here."

Pu Ziyuan didn't look back, didn't seem to hear the shouting, and seemed to treat it as an illusion.

"Ziyuan, here I am."

Ye Tianlong exhaled a long breath, then walked to Piao Ziyuan and squatted down to cover the stormy sea behind.


Seeing Ye Tianlong, Pu Ziyuan's body trembled, and water beads dripped from her pretty face, and she suddenly raised her head.

Looking at each other for an instant, like staring for a lifetime!

Pu Ziyuan squatted on the spot, looking at Ye Tianlong foolishly.

Ye Tianlong smiled warmly: "Ziyuan, this is Ye Tianlong, I'm here to pick you up."


As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tianlong heard a cry, Pu Ziyuan burst into tears, and then she threw herself directly into Ye Tianlong's arms.

Pu Ziyuan hugged Ye Tianlong's neck tightly, and she cried bitterly, "Tianlong, is it really you? Is it really you?"

"Why did you come? Why did you come?"

I lost my high coldness and pride for the first time, crying like a child.

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