Talented Genius

Chapter 2640: I'm trapped (four more)

Dongmenfeng and Ma Chunjiao fell directly into a pool of blood, their heads blooming, and those who died could not die again.

Except for Ye Tianlong, everyone in the audience was silent, watching the two corpses unable to make a sound.

No one would have thought that Ye Tianlong would kill Ma Chunjiao and Dongmenfeng so fiercely that he would not be able to deal with them at all.

The Secret Bureau and the action team secretly called Ye Tianlong a madman, and began to wipe the sweat on his forehead inconspicuously to conceal the fear in his eyes.

No matter what consequences Ye Tianlong will suffer in the future, at least the iron-blooded methods he showed, let the Secret Bureau and the action team know not to provoke.

Ma Chunjiao and some of Dongmenfeng's cronies saw their master being killed in this way. They were once angry, and they subconsciously packed up their guns, but they quickly held back.

They could all feel that they didn't kill Ye Tianlong when they had the advantage, and now they will only become bones at his feet.

Besides, there is also Ma Qingdi on the scene.

So they gritted their teeth and held back and waited for revenge in the future.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, Ma Qingdi's eyelids also twitched, but he quickly returned to calmness.

"Dongmenfeng and Ma Chunjiao broke into the house of the Supervisory Dean without permission, wounded six people with guns for no reason, and trampled on the law to arrest me and the Supervisory Dean.

Ye Tianlongping held a gun: "Ignore the law and human rights, and also attempted to commit assault, seriously threatening the personal safety of me and the dean of supervision."

"As the new captain of the action team, I have an obligation to kill them to maintain law and order."

He looked around, "Do you have any objections?"

More than a hundred people said in unison: "No objections!"

At the same time, they secretly cried out, how dare you disagree, if you disagree, you will get a headshot again.

"There is no objection."

Ye Tianlong was very calm: "I am also pleased that you have a strong legal spirit and know that your allegiance is to Taicheng, not to individuals."

"Clean up the scene and then take a break."

He also looked at nearly a hundred elites from the Secret Bureau and said: "I will also negotiate with the person in charge of the Secret Bureau to temporarily organize you into an action team."

"From now on, you will always follow my instructions, and you cannot leave the Yejia Garden without my instructions."

Ye Tianlong was in need of a batch of cannon fodder, and he would not let go of the people from the Bureau of Secrets.

More than a hundred people startled slightly, and then replied in unison: "Yes."

Ye Tianlong asked Ye Qiuqi to negotiate with the Secrecy Bureau, and then asked Dafu to temporarily arrange the group of people, and he pushed Ma Qingdi's wheelchair slowly into the hall.

"Why do you wake up so quickly?"

Ye Tianlong smiled: "I thought you could sleep until tomorrow morning."

Emperor Ma Qing responded with a warm smile: "The gunshots are too loud, and because of too much sleep, the nerves are already weak, so I woke up with a lot of movement."

"Besides, I have slept for so long. If I don't wake up and do something, my whole person will be moldy."

He stretched his waist, feeling the stretch of the muscles he hadn't seen for a long time.

Ye Tianlong pushed the wheelchair to the sofa in the lobby: "You and Uncle Bai talked on the phone, right? Do you think I am too aggressive?"

"It's a bit extreme, but I know you are clearing the barrier for me."

Emperor Ma Qing looked at Ye Tianlong: "You are worried that I will be stabbed in the backbone of the Ma family veteran, so you stand up and bear the notoriety."

"So even though I regret that Uncle Ma and the others died, I can blame the people of the world and I can't blame you."

He straightened slightly, with a touch of gratitude in his eyes: "You are my good brother, you are thinking about the future of me and the Ma family."

Ye Tianlong poured a glass of water for Ma Qingdi: "Actually, I also want to be gentle, but this time the enemy is coming fiercely, and he is also under pressure."

"If we are not stronger, there will be no bones left to be eaten by them."

"Cai Jiujin and the others have pressured us out of breath. If the Ma family can no longer stand alone, we will undoubtedly lose this battle."

"So I directly killed Ma Jiuzhong and the others, reducing the number of enemies and allowing you to better unite the Ma family."

He directly expressed his thoughts: "I don't want anyone in the Ma family to sing against you."

"Otherwise, let alone standing on the top of Taicheng, even our lives will become extravagant."

Ye Tianlong hoped that Emperor Ma Qing would get rid of the internal troubles.

"I understand what you mean."

Ma Qingdi burst into a smile: "I have let Uncle Bai and the others come over, and at most one day, Ma's family will no longer have a different voice."

Ye Tianlong smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'm waiting for you to take down the Ma's house and let it become a monolith."

"Yes, victory will belong to us."

Emperor Ma Qing expressed confidence: "This time, not only do we have to let Dongmen and Ximen give up their positions, but also send Cai Jiujin and them to prison."

"I wanted to wait for four years, but now it seems that it can be advanced."

Ye Tianlong looked at the wind and rain outside the door: "I just don't know how the Pu family is..."

In the evening, Ye Qiuqi and Ma Qingdi set up an investigation team, granted legal powers within the scope of their duties, and Ye Tianlong personally served as the team leader.

The investigation team is divided into two teams, one is the internal investigation of the attack on Ma Qingdi, and the other is the relationship between Ma Jiuzhong and Fireball.

The Supervision Institute and the military cooperated with each other, and various authorities were activated, so the investigation work was carried out extremely urgently.

Because the person in charge of each unit received a call from Ye Qiuqi or Ma Qingdi, the huge government machinery began to operate.

Except for the inability to investigate Cai Jiujin and other top figures, all other personnel must cooperate with Ye Tianlong's investigation team.

Ye Tianlong asked the investigation team to investigate according to his thinking, while allowing the Oriole and Red Arrow to secretly intervene to help.

Have enough authority, enough manpower, plus the help of Red Arrow and Oriole. In less than one night, Ye Tianlong had a good harvest.

He found a lot of things that were too late to hide from the account of the little officer, the remaining explosives in Building 7, and the personnel contacted by the fireball.

Many criminal incidents have no results just because the officials are not serious. Once the pressure is working, clues will be highlighted.

Grabbing these clues, the investigation team quickly found valuable information.

At two o'clock in the morning, Ye Tianlong asked the investigation team to divide into three groups and rushed into the Majia Hospital, the military weapons warehouse, and the Ximen club.

In the stunned eyes of countless people, Uncle Bai and the others arrested 21 people, including Ma's nephews, military backbones, and Ximen's diehard loyalists.

Then, Ye Tianlong let Uncle Bai and the others rush into the Telecommunications Bureau and the Secret Bureau, and Thunder took down 13 people involved.

During the period, dozens of members of the Bureau of Secrets were perplexed by Uncle Bai's murderous capture of his companions, and they surrounded Uncle Bai and others with anger and even drew their guns to fight.

Uncle Bai called Ye Tianlong directly.

Ye Tianlong arrived with the special operations team, and after nothing else, he took out the machine gun and fired. After knocking over dozens of people, the situation was completely controlled.

With this slaughter, there was no resistance in the next action, and Uncle Bai took the interfering personnel step by step.

This night, Taicheng has no sleep.

The situation in Taicheng is also highly tense.

Because many forces discovered that Emperor Ma Qing was not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to the Ma family. Overnight, the Ma family compromising faction disappeared.

Ye Tianlong, who took a bath and relaxed after a busy night, stood on the balcony and looked at the misty sky and said to himself: "When the wind and rain are heavy, when is the end?"


Before he finished speaking, a call came in, Ye Tianlong turned and picked up the phone, and there was a piercing sound in his ear, as well as Pu Ziyuan's anxiety.

"Dragon, I'm on the highway of death, I'm trapped..."

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