Talented Genius

Chapter 2517: Who made you sit down?


When the earring youth said that it was time to end, he kicked Li Changjin seven or eight meters, and then took out a tissue to wipe his hands.


The rest of the Li family's daughters were shocked. In their eyes, the young man with fierce earrings was almost invincible.

When Li Fenghua saw this, she wanted to step forward, but Ye Tianlong stretched her hand to hold her, indicating that he was there, so there was no need to worry.

At this time, the blue-clothed woman reflexively stood up and shouted: "It's none of my business. I didn't hear or see anything. I'm not familiar with them..."

"They are just my uncle and aunt, who are not directly related to us."

"You find them if you have trouble, don't get involved with me, I don't know anything..."

She has always been shrewd in judging the situation, and she ran out to draw a clear line with the Li family, not wishing to accompany the Li million family to death.

Li Baiwan and Xu Meili were taken aback when they saw this, and then yelled together: "Lanlan, what are you doing?"

Lan Lan pointed at Li Wanwan and they shouted: "I am not a group with them, on the contrary, I have always hated them."

"They are self-righteous, arrogant, their sons and daughters are rich in clothes, but they only pay 300,000 dividends to our relatives every year."

"I saw them not pleasing to my eyes, so I have nothing to do with them."

"Kill them if you want to kill them... don't treat me as a group..."

Li Qingyao shouted: "Lanlan, how can you speak like this? We didn't have a stake in the Phoenix Group. In theory, there is no dividend."

"Big brother and sister-in-law give us hundreds of thousands every year in order to win everyone out. We should be grateful. How can we feel too little?"

Li Qingyao tried to make sense: "They give us dividends because of love, and it is reasonable not to give us."

Lanlan Jiao yelled: "Shut up!"

"What do you know? A few years ago, we gave us a dividend of 700,000 yuan. Last year it was only more than 300,000 yuan. Do you know what they did with the money?"

She angrily accused: "We bought a private jet for Li Fenghua, and they took our money for Li Fenghua to enjoy."

She was wronged.

"I have seen them through. I won't be with them. I want to draw a clear line with them."

In Ye Tianlong's faint banter, Lan Lan ran out of the Li family camp and stood beside the earring youths and pleaded: "Let me go..."

"As long as you kill me, I can do anything."

What kind of family love, what righteousness, than life, Lan Lan hopes to survive.

Xu Meili was furious: "Blue, you are really a white-eyed wolf."

Li Wanwan shook his head slightly, disappointed, but didn't say anything.

Lan Lan shouted to the other members of the Li family: "They are going to die, you can't come yet? Do you want to die with them?"

"Uncle, their net worth is tens of billions, and they give us hundreds of thousands each year, and they also lower it from time to time. Are you worthy of us?"

"In order to reduce the relief for us in the future, they will not let us use Phoenix resources, and they also specially found an actor to sign the share agreement."

She pointed at Ye Tianlong and shouted: "That kid is not a murderer at all, but an actor that his uncle and aunt asked for from the company."

Li Baiwan and Xu Meili were taken aback first, is Ye Tianlong fake? They were angry and angry.

Li Qingyao almost died: "What nonsense are you talking about, what actor, Ye Shao is really awesome."

"Don't pretend, he is like a murderer?"

Lan Lan sneered, his face full of disdain: "He is a 30 yuan a day extra."

Ye Tianlong laughed when he heard the words, but did not speak, watching the developments quietly, and waiting for the oriole to solve the enemies outside.

If you don't do it, you have to control the audience.

At this moment, Lan Lan shouted to the other members of the Li family: "You can't come anymore, you will all die later, I can't keep you guys then..."

The young man with earrings saved her life, she thought she still had some face.

The members of the Li family were silent, looking at Lan with contempt.

"Yes, those who know the current affairs are handsome."

The young man with earrings patted his blue and pretty face, then smiled and said, "Okay, I won't kill you, I just want to be obedient."

To kill so many people, it is necessary for a person to bear the culprit, and the blue color emerges to draw the line, which is a perfect scapegoat.

Moreover, Li Baiwan and the others seemed to have a lot of money, and they might be able to squeeze a golden mountain while holding Lanlan, so he planned to save her life temporarily.

Lan Lan was grateful: "Thank you, I must be obedient."

"Yes, she is a woman of wit."

The earring young man laughed, and he had already made a decision in his heart. Later, he would let his staff seriously disabled Li's family, and then let Lanlan fill the gun.

Such a big mess will make it blue.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

When the earring youths stepped forward, the female relatives of the Li family on both sides immediately scattered, and the other side's killing was too heavy.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Wanwan's eyelids twitched and he screamed: "I am the chairman of Phoenix Group, Li Wanwan, you dare to mess around, you can't eat them all."

His name may be a deterrent to ordinary forces, but they are too weak for Mr. Meihua, so instead of deterring him, he attracts ridicule.

"There is a king's law in this world, and there is a law."

Xu Meili lied inwardly: "If you are wise, get out, or I will call the police."

Although the signal was cut off, all the police officers were stationed, and they opened their voices to call for help, and there was still a chance to call the police.

"call police?"

The young man with earrings approached slowly, smiling coldly, walking very slowly, but every step of the way fell to the ground with sound, like nails driving wood.

Xu Meili yelled: "Yes, we have already given in. What else? If we don't leave, I really called the police..."


The earring youth suddenly rushed forward and sneered Xu Meili with a slap in the face.

The crisp sound frightened everyone, and after another glance, Xu Meili fell to the ground, bleeding from the corners of her mouth, looking miserable.

What a madman who is desperate.

Seeing his wife being bullied, Li Wanwan yelled: "Asshole!"

He grabbed a chair and rushed over.


The earring young man did not dodge or hide, spinning with one foot, clicking with the other, the chair shattered, and the toes hit Li Wanwan's chest.

Li Wanwan screamed and fell heavily to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Li Changjin struggled over, but was also kicked over by the earring youth.

Very arrogant.

Xu Meili was very angry: "Call someone, call the police..."

"Sorry, I am the police..."

The earring youth took out a tissue and wiped his hands: "Malaysia Criminal Investigation Team, Shentu Yuanqing..."

"If you want to call the police, just report to see who can save you."

He pulled a chair and swaggered to take a seat.

Just when the earring youth felt good, a discordant voice sounded:

"Who told you to sit down?"

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