Talented Genius

Chapter 2516: It's over


When these words came out, not only Li Wanwan and the others looked at the earring young man in shock, but Ye Tianlong and Oriole also narrowed their eyes slightly.

Mr. Plum’s person? Ma's agent? Replace the rich outside?

In a word, it may be nothing to the ears of outsiders, but for Ye Tianlong it is huge.

The eyes of the oriole and Canshou were sharp at the same time, scanning this group of well-known people.

Later, in Ye Tianlong's head tilted, the oriole quickly took out the mobile phone to send a text message.

The blue-clothed woman was shocked and quickly caught Ye Tianlong's expression. When she found that his face was also full of surprise, she thought it was a frightened expression.

She completely believed that her speculation was correct, that Ye Tianlong was just a trick, after all, how could the Murder King be so scared?

She sneered, thinking about revealing Ye Tianlong's face after the storm, and embarrassing her pretentious aunt.

"You murdered?"

At this time, Xu Meili conditioned reflex and shouted: "Call the police..."

"Don't call the police."

When the earring youths laughed nonchalantly, Li Baiwan quickly reacted and stopped Xu Meili and others from calling the police, and then squeezed out:

"Let's go, we won't hold account for today's matter."

Li Wanwan bit his lip: "I will also take care of my son's mouth."

Xu Meili wanted to say something but Li Wanwan's eyes were suppressed.

Mr. Meihua is the overlord of the black triangle, and the Ma family is one of the two major families in Malaysia. No matter which one, Li Wanwan cannot afford to offend.

Moreover, the Li family, who is in a legitimate business, can't compete with these drug dealers at all, and the trouble is big. Not only will the son die, the Li family will also be destroyed.

Therefore, Li Wanwan is quiet.


Hearing what Li Wanwan said, more than 20 Li family nephews were in an uproar.

These people killed Chu Chu and dared to chase Li Changjin all the way. Li Baiwan not only refused to give his son a head start, but also let the other party leave, which was really useless.

Li Changjin also shouted in grief and angrily: "Dad, they killed Chu Chu, they killed Chu Chu..."

The young people were filled with righteous indignation, but Li's parents all reacted, knowing that Li Wanwan was doing well for the Li family, and they all berated their children to shut up.

Ye Tianlong didn't react much. He drank a glass of red wine leisurely. He also understood Li Wanwan's approach.

The righteous businessman can never fight against the vicious bandits.

However, Ye Tianlong could also see that Li Baiwan was willing to compromise, and the earring youth might not be willing to let it go, otherwise they would not guard the entire yard.

There will be no alert on the periphery.


Hearing Li Wanwan's words, the earring youth raised his hands and patted twice, and raised a sullen smile: "Sufficient and informative."

"If your son didn't talk too much just now, or I can consider your suggestion, but your son said something that shouldn't be said..."

"Too many people at the scene heard it, there were so many people..."

He hid the knife in his smile: "So, not only will he die, you will all be unlucky."

He indirectly admitted that what Li Changjin said was true, but he also further revealed his murderous attitude. Otherwise, how could he admit it like this?

At the same time, the two black-clothed youths stepped back and closed the wooden door with a click, blocking the outside contact with the courtyard.

The unspeakable danger began to spread.

Forced and arrogant, the members of the Li family wanted to rush up and trample the opponent to death, but they all reacted to realize the seriousness of the situation.

These people are related to drug dealers, and they live on a knife-edge life. Knowing their activities is tantamount to cutting their money, and they will kill them.

The best result today is to retreat all over. As for seeking justice and reporting to the police, it is meaningless to drug dealers.

Ye Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly: These people are really cruel.

This also shows a problem. Mr. Meihua and the Ma family attached great importance to today's negotiations, otherwise they would not have the idea of ​​killing people.

After all, there were nearly 30 members of the Li family at the scene, and Li Wanwan and his wife were not low in status.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the other party approaching unkindly, the Li family's female family retreated subconsciously and approached Li Fenghua.

The rest of Li's nephews and nephews all dissipated their anger, with solemnity and anxiety accumulated on their faces.

Li Changjin also struck a spirit, and found that he had made a mistake, causing great trouble to the family.

"Several people, what happened today is a misunderstanding. I apologize for my son and I promise everyone present will not talk nonsense."

Li Baiwan said in a deep voice to the earring youth: "If there is any wind leaks, Li Baiwan is willing to take responsibility."

"And in order to express my apologies and sincerity, I am willing to spend 30 million to make up for your loss."

Although he was very frustrated and useless, and would disappoint his son, Li Baiwan had nothing to do. The Li family couldn't compete with drug dealers.

As long as the other party sends a few people to hide in the dark and shoot cold guns, it can make the Li family panic and eventually drag everyone down.

Even if the Li family spends money to hire bodyguards, it can only be saved for a while, not for a lifetime, so he hopes to make peace, even if he pays to make peace.

"Thirty million? Yes, with money, this money can do a lot of things, but unfortunately it can't buy your lives."

The earring youth stepped forward noncommittal, and a joking evoked the corner of his mouth: "I would rather keep it confidential than the 30 million and your guarantee."

"So, you all must die..."

The cat-and-mouse jokes flashed in his eyes, and there was a hint of murderous intent.

At the same time, a few deep and murderous voices came from both sides of the yard and indifference:

"The back door is blocked."

"The peripheral alert is complete."

"Monitoring and destruction completed."

"The alarm has been pinched off."

"The signal interference is over."

Ye Tianlong found that in addition to the eight young men in Chinese clothes surrounding the Li family, five men in black appeared on the wall and the back door, with bulging waists.

Obviously before the earring youth entered, he had sent a companion to strangle any possibility of survival in the Li family, and he was determined to kill the more than 30 people in the courtyard.

"Fight with him!"

Repeatedly showing good and compromising, but still did not get a chance of survival, Li Changjin gave a **** charge and rushed over with a bottle of wine.

The other nephews of Li's nephew also yelled and attacked, all directed at the earring youth, wanting to catch the thief first and get the last chance.

The courage is commendable, but the reality is cruel.

Li's nephew, whose strength and arrogance are inversely proportional, head-to-head with a master of fighting, completely subverts the argument that two fists are hard to beat four hands.

"Boom boom!"

The earring young man clenched his fists into half fists, struck with lightning, and brought the wind to the wind, and instantly knocked down seven people, and then swept away Li Changjin.

The astonishing explosive force caused Li Changjin's calf to suffer severe pain, and he flew upside down for more than three meters like a broken kite. He fell to the ground and spit out bitter water.

The wine bottle also fell to the ground.


Subsequently, the earring youth attacked with an elbow, directly breaking the head of the last person.

Blood dripping, screamed sternly.

"It's over..."

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